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Topic: Introductions (Read 33426 times) |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #180 on: Jun 2nd, 2004, 10:58am » |
Hi everyone, I'm Phil, an astrophysics student from Cardiff, UK. I found Processing at random, thought it looked interesting but way beyond me, and then took a look at some of the sources and realised I actually got most of it I love Bubble Chamber and Buddhabrot, and realising that it was possible to create beautifully complex graphics with code, I decided I have to try and make something aesthetically pleasing with this.... My main love is music though, so I think I'll be looking to work with the Sonia API as well as Processing. The flaw to all this is I've never programmed in Java or C++, I'm coming to this from a background of a numerical methods course in Fortran (I hated it), and a personal interest in programming which I chose to indulge by slowly learning Python. I'm deeply impressed by Processing, I hope I can create something for you before too long

Re: Introductions
« Reply #181 on: Jun 5th, 2004, 7:08am » |
Hi, I'm Marc and currently studying new media arts in the Netherlands, I'm a designer and musician but.... how the hell did i found P5, 100% random or destiny.....no idea. Before I knew Processing I had seen some works from <sodaconstructor>, Golan Levin and Ken Perlin but had no clue how they were made, now Finally I see the connection, i'm hooked to Robert's work and Sonia!!! It's amazing to be so close with the sotware produccion Alpha v., not even a Beta v. The fun part is that one of my teachers already worked with P5, for a long time so hoppefuly he will help me out! (Why didn't he told me?) Cheers, scd
Re: Introductions
« Reply #182 on: Jun 12th, 2004, 11:37pm » |
hey all, my name's Greg Fraser and i'm studying interaction design at the university of art and design in zurich, switzerland. i used to be an electronics engineer before i discovered i'd rather do something more creative. right now it's all director/lingo we're learning, later on max/msp and python. finding p5 was purely coincidental while doing research on john maeda. it was love at first sight. up to now p5 is a hobby alongside my studies but i try to integrate it whenever possible. some of the lecturers have just discovered p5 and seem to be as impressed as i am, so maybe it'll be integrated in the course. keep it up.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #183 on: Jun 13th, 2004, 2:17am » |
hey, I'm a student at the Art Center College of Design studying Graphic Design, and have been doing Java stuff for a few years, working it into my classwork and my own projects whenever possible. I just loved how the possibilities opened up when you work a little bit under the hood instead of just with commercial programs. I knew about processing a while back, but didn't realize how easy the switch from Java to Processing would be, so I just stuck with the methods I knew. But then Casey Reas presented Processing to Peter Lunenfeld's class, and I crashed the party and saw just how much Processing rocked! The promise of making sound and serial set up easy was what really hooked me, since I had been struggling with making sounds in Java and was just learning to use a Basic stamp. Also the cummunity was a huge reason to start playing around. It's difficult to find sites where you can show work along these lines and ask questions without getting hazed as a newb. Matt Gilbert
Re: Introductions
« Reply #184 on: Jun 24th, 2004, 5:35pm » |
Hello everybody, studying design in Germany, I saw the first time the work from Mr. Maeda. Some jears later I visited an interaction Course in Swiss. Then I knowed, i want to do this, too. They call me Tobias.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #185 on: Jun 30th, 2004, 10:25am » |
My name is Ron. Studied graphic design and interaction design. Been working at <a href="www.shapers.nl" target="_blank">shapers</a> for four years. Stuff I make is at <a href="www.sjeiti.com" target="_blank">www.sjeiti.com</a>. I am here because I want to learn something.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #186 on: Jul 1st, 2004, 5:02pm » |
Hi all. My name is Kate. I'm an undergraduate studying computer science at MIT and I'm also interested in visual design. I am here because I have been using Processing to do some visualizations of conversation data from small group meetings as part of a research project ... and also to draw on my own.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #187 on: Jul 11th, 2004, 11:37am » |
Hi! My name is Federico Joselevich. I'm from area3 (http://www.area3.net/barcelona/). We work a lot playing with visuals, and generating different kind of interactives/toys/etc. I live in Barcelona but i'm from here and there . I got here some time ago while working with Josh Nimoy in the webcamXtra, i saw that he did some coding for proce55ing. Later, i received some info from J.L. de Vicente about this... Anyway, the universe enthropy is bringing me here.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #188 on: Jul 17th, 2004, 2:52am » |
Hi, i'm vic and I've been following ben's work for quite a bit and meaning to check proce55ing out for a long time now. This summer I finally managed to get some time to dabble into visual arts ... so here I am!
« Last Edit: Jul 17th, 2004, 2:55am by starCHaser » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #189 on: Jul 24th, 2004, 1:03pm » |
hi, i'm florian jenett, a student of visual communications at the http://www.hfg-offenbach.de. i'll be in bostton over the next few months (september 2004 on) and planning to jump in an help ben and casey. some of my works can be viewed at http://www.florianjenett.de.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #190 on: Jul 28th, 2004, 4:27am » |
My name is Ameet Mehta. I studied CS at UNC-Chapel Hill and came out to San Francisco to make a buck or two during the hey days of '99 onward. After several failed start-ups and massive debt, I am still happily chugging along as a freelance programmer/designer/illustrator and continuing the journey. I've always enjoyed wasting time at sites like levitated.net and bit-101.com and saw that a lot of their pieces were made in processing. After having fun with actionscript, I've finally decide to give this a go because it seems that power and possibilities of the language seems to far exceed flash. Also I like the idea of the project being open-source and look to contribute one day. In any case. I'm just getting my feet wet and starting to get excited about experimenting with it as well as learning from this community. my of my portfolio and playground can be seen at http://www.part-time-chiller.com take it easy
« Last Edit: Jul 28th, 2004, 4:31am by ptchiller » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #191 on: Jul 28th, 2004, 5:21pm » |
Jake Ingman here. Got my BS in Mechanical Engineering. Am working on MS in Human Computer Interaction. I'm fairly new to processing/Java but am loving it (does many of the things I longed for in flash). I work on engineering activities for kids, and plan to use processing and phidgets to have some very interactive demonstrations and experiments that are kid friendly. See you around the forum!

Re: Introductions
« Reply #192 on: Jul 28th, 2004, 7:04pm » |
Hiya, I'm Frederik. A few years ago I finished my PhD in physics (nanostuff) and toyed around with growth models. Now I'm working as a medical physicist in a radiotherapy department and fool around with computer generated abstract imagery - in my spare time. The one thing I keep returning too is inherent randomness. Processing is the only tool around that accommodates my stream-of-consciousness - i.e. bad - style of programming. Seeya, Frederik www.wmute.org

Re: Introductions
« Reply #193 on: Jul 29th, 2004, 10:16pm » |
Hi there... My name is Kirk Israel, I'm a Java programmer near Boston, MA. I'm hoping processing will let me make some artsy little toys and what not more easily than my own old java applet homerolled libraries. I made one very simple kinetic toy already, you can see it at http://kisrael.com/viewblog.cgi?date=2004.07.28

Re: Introductions
« Reply #194 on: Jul 31st, 2004, 4:56pm » |
Evening, I'm called Chris Le Sueur (French name, Actually live in England) I've been fascinated by programming since my dad showed my QBASIC when I was in year 5 or something, and it's been progressing since then. I recently started in C, and having gone off Java due to excessive complications, found this wonderful language entirely by accident. So far I've just used it to make the little nifty toys that I tried to make with other languages, but which weren't really suited to the task. Having started processing, I can create this much more easily and have a much more fun experience. Having seen the amazing things other people round here create, I have many things to aspire to!
The C@ S@ on the M@ =Fish-Face= ~#Chris#~