Forum name |
Topics |
Posts |
Last post |
Discussion |
Community, Collaboration, Status
Introduce yourself, join the group of Processing developers, and read about the current status
Moderator: REAS |
77 |
531 |
Apr 19th, 2005, 1:10am by fry |
Events, Publications, Propaganda
Processing related conferences, courses, workshops, concerts, articles, etc.
Moderator: REAS |
77 |
225 |
Apr 18th, 2005, 6:32am by mflux |
General Processing Discussion
Other topics related to Processing
Moderators: fry, REAS |
297 |
1263 |
Apr 18th, 2005, 10:28am by mflux |
Programming Questions & Help |
Questions about the Processing Language
Moderators: fry, REAS |
695 |
2780 |
Apr 18th, 2005, 11:35pm by st33d |
Questions about a specific Processing program
Moderators: fry, REAS |
327 |
1400 |
Apr 18th, 2005, 5:02pm by Fish-face |
Processing and other systems (Java, PHP, MAX, MySQL, etc)
Moderators: fry, REAS |
83 |
405 |
Apr 17th, 2005, 2:20am by gll |
Topics & Contributions |
Developing software (or parts of software) for building software
Moderator: REAS |
136 |
776 |
Apr 19th, 2005, 1:33am by deltasounds |
Responsive Form, Games
Interactions between people and programs
Moderator: REAS |
164 |
778 |
Apr 16th, 2005, 12:50pm by st33d |
Information Visualization
Quantitative and qualitative data images
Moderators: forkinsocket, REAS |
78 |
332 |
Apr 16th, 2005, 4:46pm by JohnG |
Simulation, Artificial Life
Science, pseudoscience, cells, and more
Moderator: REAS |
112 |
579 |
Mar 30th, 2005, 7:33pm by timjaeger |
Tangible Computing
Communication and interaction with hardware devices
Moderator: REAS |
58 |
249 |
Apr 15th, 2005, 11:18pm by cera |
Automated Systems
Microworlds impervious to signals from the outside
Moderator: REAS |
55 |
198 |
Mar 15th, 2005, 4:03pm by JohnG |
Audio playback, synthesis, and analysis, Sonia Library
Moderators: pitaru, REAS |
112 |
496 |
Apr 19th, 2005, 9:55am by eskimoblood |
Video, Camera
Using live video, writing and reading movies
Moderator: REAS |
100 |
387 |
Apr 18th, 2005, 9:07pm by adesso |
Beyond Categories
Defying the strict boundaries of classification
Moderator: REAS |
45 |
184 |
Apr 6th, 2005, 6:12pm by lunetta |
Suggestions |
Software Suggestions
Do you have suggestions for the Processing software?
Moderator: fry |
221 |
794 |
Mar 31st, 2005, 10:05am by lunetta |
Website, Reference, Example Suggestions
How can the Processing website be improved?
Moderator: REAS |
40 |
137 |
Apr 4th, 2005, 8:49pm by alankilian |
Bugs |
Software Bugs
Have you found an error in the Processing software?
Moderator: fry |
230 |
718 |
Apr 16th, 2005, 8:54pm by fry |
Website, Reference, Example Bugs
Have you found an error in the Processing website, examples, or reference?
Moderator: REAS |
98 |
259 |
Apr 16th, 2005, 10:16am by REAS |
Bug Fixes, Implemented Suggestions
We move suggestions here when they're implemented and bug reports here when they're fixed
Moderator: fry |
272 |
1174 |
Dec 12th, 2004, 9:58pm by artkast |
Teaching |
Course Blueprints
Discussing and sharing the preparation and conclusions of courses and workshops
Moderators: pitaru, REAS |
9 |
85 |
Nov 23rd, 2003, 2:37am by arielm |
Theory and Practice
Tutorials targeted to people who are new to programming and the Processing environment
Moderators: REAS, arielm |
12 |
72 |
Mar 31st, 2005, 5:13am by lunetta |