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Topic: Introductions (Read 33427 times) |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #165 on: Apr 23rd, 2004, 11:37pm » |
Hello, I'm Manuel, and I am taking Simon Greenwold's class at the Yale School of Architecture, which has been great. I am currently working on an MFA in Graphic Design at the Yale School of Art. I found out about processing on a visit to the Media Lab last year, but didn't start using it until taking Simon's class this past semester. I have some background in web developing and using Flash, and have been interested in code-generated or -tampered imagery for a while, but haven't really found the right tools or had the right skills to do it myself til now. Mostly I like it for the pleasure of just messing around with parameters and values and getting some interesting results out of it. Right now I'm interested in using RAW image files and messing with images that way, making mosaics, pixelated images, 3d images, etc. I hope to use it in the future for other things like video, music, and more creation of different sorts of graphics.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #166 on: Apr 29th, 2004, 6:25pm » |
Hello. My name is Eric Fixler. ITP grad, former film person, now programmer living in Berkeley, working mostly in Java, also some Perl, Flash, C and always with various audio thingies. Interested in proce55ing as an artmaking palette, more computationally oriented and open Flash replacement, and teaching tool for programming.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #167 on: Apr 30th, 2004, 9:16am » |
Hello p5ers - Thanks for answering all of my NB questions. I'm Andrew, an undergrad, studying at Cooper Union in manhattan... majoring in arts but am looking more and more into the tech and programming fields. Lots of interesting new stuff in them fields. Art and tech seem to go hand in hand. I have written many sketches, some of which work. If I come up with a useful one you'll be the first to know about it. I think what you guys are doing is great - I was looking to get into programming and having little luck just plunging in - I told a friend of mine, "I need to start programing using something like my old TI-82 calculator." and here I am... with my nose in java books all day long.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #168 on: May 4th, 2004, 10:55am » |
Hello, My name is Michiel van der Haagen, I'm a web develloper based in Amsterdam and in my spare time I like to make iteractive thingies. The first things I programmed back in the 80's were fractals and the first thing I tried with processing was visualising my favourite formula. It took me one day to make this interface. (And a few days to tweak it.) At the time when calculating one immage would cost me 10 seconds I dreamed of this interface. I know fractals is not art but it is fun. I love processing, I'm sure I will make a lot of nice things with it (when I find the time). thanks.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #169 on: May 4th, 2004, 7:10pm » |
hello, my name is karen martin. i studied virtual environments, interactive arts and ballet. somehow these things all came together as an interest in responsive environments.. i'm interested in linking processing up to sensors. i've done some work like this in flash but i think processing might be more powerful, and i like the aesthetics better..
Chris Henden Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #170 on: May 8th, 2004, 1:03pm » |
My name's Chris Henden, I seem to fit the regular Processing blue print - I graduated in Interactive Art in 1996, and am now studying with the OU for a Bsc Mathematical Science and Computing, while working as a web developer. The Processing site seems a great springboard for people exploring that area where art and science enable insight upon each other. It's kept me busy for quite a while browsing around so many sites with interesting things on. In exchange, I have a site with some bits and bobs here: http://www.recurrence.co.uk. None is made with Processing so far, but maybe I'll start playing around a bit more with such an immediately useful environment to hand. There's no excuse now ...
John Beech Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #171 on: May 12th, 2004, 4:59pm » |
Hi, I'm John Beech. I go under the internet alias of Markavian most the time. I work in Marketing - Sales Enablement for a Telecomms company working mainly in Flash, but I practice photography, programming in many areas (PHP +MySQL, Actionscript and now Processing), 3D modelling... vector based drawing. I've had a shot at pretty much everything you can do and find on the web. I'm here because I saw some work done by Jared Tarbel, and wondered how it was done. A litle link said "Made with Processing"... and I followed it here. I'm still here because processing has great potential for creating interesting things. I have a 'stuff site' at http://mkv25.net/ - you'll find all sorts there.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #172 on: May 17th, 2004, 10:37pm » |
Hello- just beginning to learn Processing at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU. Excited to learn. benjamin brown (shalomaloha)
Re: Introductions
« Reply #173 on: May 18th, 2004, 4:44pm » |
My name is Johan Selbing, and I'm an architect living and working in Amsterdam. I used to be a hardcore C++/Pascal/Assembler programmer before I changed career, but thought that Processing was a nice and unique combination of both fast number-crunching and an easy-to-use graphics language. I've mainly been experimenting with Sonia in order to construct different kinds of intuitive digital instruments and simulations. Further plans could be: making genetic algorithms, topological models, shape grammars, petri nets etc. etc.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #174 on: May 18th, 2004, 10:19pm » |
hi everyone, i'm marta lwin from brooklyn ny, an installation artist, delving into the data stream fun with processing at the itp program/nyu. look to www.metabreed.com for posts of my explorations in processing.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #175 on: May 19th, 2004, 5:24pm » |
Hello all - I'm here as part of the ITP class at NYU. Totally new to Processing, but I like what I see so far. - Katherine Climo
Re: Introductions
« Reply #176 on: May 20th, 2004, 5:00pm » |
I'm from Chicago and went to small school and studied computer science. Processing seems like a fast development environment with extentions to work with video and audio, which is what i want to get in to. So it seems like a great learning tool for me. Thanks everyone, and keep up the hard work.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #177 on: May 21st, 2004, 7:40pm » |
Hi, my name is TC. Teach in a polytechnic in Singapore. Introduced to processing by my wife. She attended a workshop conducted by Casey in Huddersfield University, UK. She got hooked to it, and she has done well to influence me to join in. I will in turn introduce it to my students, and let's see how the community of processing users will progress in Singapore.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #178 on: May 25th, 2004, 5:54pm » |
Hi...My name is Gabriel Harp. I am currently a research assistant in the Department of Biology at Indiana University, Bloomington. I was introduced to processing by Katya Moorman during the College Art Association conference in Seattle 2004. This Fall I am slated to attend the University of Michigan to begin an MFA in Art and Design. I can't say how optimistic I am about the processing environment. I have absolutely NO skill or experience writing code, but I think this is exactly the catylst I need to get going with programming AND java. I am interested in the intersections of science (especially evolutionary biology) and contemporary art. Despite the numerous examinations of information visualization (e.g. http://iv.slis.indiana.edu/), these tools can often seem intractable. I am particularly excited by the potential for the integration of real biologigal data into artwork such that the emotional and intuitive is grounded, while the art itself can also begin to influence the hypothesis generating process. cheers!
Re: Introductions
« Reply #179 on: Jun 2nd, 2004, 4:45am » |
hi I'm Mitchell Whitelaw, I write about new media art and digital sound / music... I also make all that stuff when I get a chance - mostly Max/MSP but looking to do more image / video work and hence Processing. I teach new media production at the University of Canberra, Australia. I've been interested in a-life / complex systems and art for a long time, and I <plug> just had a book on a-life and art come out with MIT Press </plug>. cheers! Mitchell