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Who uses Processing? And Why? (Read 18424 times)
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #30 - May 26th, 2008, 7:52pm
I use Processing as my own personal entropy generator -- by meticulously crafting astoundingly inefficient algorithms capable of pegging CPUs for days on end, raising core temperatures, turning on cooling fans, burning out CRT phosphors, and generally converting any available ordered streams of electrons into disorganized thermodynamic chaos -- in this manner I hope to contribute in some small personal way to the eventual heat death of the universe, a state in which there is finally no further information available to be processed, and thus all conceivable processing will have been ultimately accomplished.  A lofty goal perhaps, but one must at least start if one hopes to complete.

ProtonDecay.pde is currently running...
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #31 - May 28th, 2008, 4:01pm
davbol wrote on May 26th, 2008, 7:52pm:
I use Processing as my own personal entropy generator -- by meticulously crafting astoundingly inefficient algorithms capable of pegging CPUs for days on end, raising core temperatures, turning on cooling fans, burning out CRT phosphors, and generally converting any available ordered streams of electrons into disorganized thermodynamic chaos -- in this manner I hope to contribute in some small personal way to the eventual heat death of the universe, a state in which there is finally no further information available to be processed, and thus all conceivable processing will have been ultimately accomplished.  A lofty goal perhaps, but one must at least start if one hopes to complete.

By far, the most ingenious use of Processing I have yet encountered!

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #32 - May 28th, 2008, 5:20pm
I first used Processing because I wanted to learn Java and get nice visual results quickly. I didn't want to spend hours just understanding how AWT or Swing works to display a simple 2D scene.

Thanks to this wonderful minimalist IDE, I could learn progressively, from small sketches at the very beginning to more object-oriented programming now.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #33 - Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:29am

Rick Giles at the School of Computer Science, Acadia University. I've use Processing as the language in a programming course for non-CS majors during the past two years. It's a good language and environment for beginners since they can do interesting and useful things very quickly. The authors have done an excellent job in distilling the essence of graphics and interaction, and making these concepts easily accessible to programmers.

The Processing community is great. Textbook authors Ira Greenberg and Daniel Shiffman were very generous in providing drafts of their texts for us to use (Daniel's book is coming out soon, I hope).

I'm excited about the prospect of teaching a course on visualizing data next year, using Processing and Ben Fry's book.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #34 - Jun 17th, 2008, 2:14am
Hi. My name is Rui Madeira and im currently studying Digital Arts and New Media at Restart school in Lisbon, Portugal.

I use processing mainly to make interactive graphical applications for my own enjoyment. I love how simple and straightforward the language is, so i can focus on the creative part. Its amazing that with not that much code and in little time you can make really amazing things.

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #35 - Jul 21st, 2008, 4:03pm
My name is Fergus Ray Murray, and I use Processing in my spare time to produce interactive graphical toys, based on maths and/or physics. I'm also extremely interested in its possibilities as an educational tool, having taught myself a great deal about maths and programming using ZX Spectrum BASIC when I was young, and later using an animation-based language called POCO, which is the closest predecessor to Processing that I know of. I'm currently working on a tutorial on trigonometry and programming based around Processing.

I've occasionally used Processing in my academic work as well, but the sloth of Java means that it's not really ideally suited to the purpose. Java's various deep-seated problems mean that Processing is less than ideal for a range of things it should be wonderful for, in fact, so I'm very excited about projects like processing.js.

As a language though, it's beautifully conceived and to the best of my knowledge, unmatched for the purpose of mathematical-graphical experimentation.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #36 - Jul 31st, 2008, 2:07pm
Allo allo

My name's Dan: I was looking for a way to visualise work for my PhD and a friend suggested Processing. I'm now doing two or three things with Processing: it may take over my life:

1. In netbeans, a visualisation tool for an agent-based model I'm building for my PhD. Currently, using downloaded shuttle topography data and the java landserf classes, I have a 3D visualisation of a section of the Andean mountains, with farm plots on. (I'm modelling networks of potato farmers!) This is pretty, but analytically fairly pointless. However, I'll be adding other visualisations to it. I've not come across anyone else using processing as a visualisation tool for agent-based modelling: if anyone out there is doing it, it'd be good to hear from you.

2. I'm just dipping my toe into visualising music, using Ableton to send clips to Processing. I've just been extremely humbled watching the flight404 videos, mind...! They are utterly sublime. (Though they're pre-rendered, presumably - I'm keen to do stuff that can work live.)

3. I'm also just starting to use Processing to illustrate economic ideas (and their problems.)

Yay for Processing!
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #37 - Aug 16th, 2008, 8:03pm
I'm Louis and I'm just starting to use processing.  I'm excited that there is a platform for me to use my limited programing experience to get the complex data relationships I see in my work out of my head.  I'm hoping to use this to visually correlate some trends I am starting to see as I strike out into the business side of biotechnology.  The complex business deals and product development processes could do with some prettying up.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #38 - Sep 2nd, 2008, 10:00pm
my name is Joshue Ott

I am a computer programmer/artist/animator and creator of superDraw. (videos, pictures). I picked up processing as a means to access openGL stuff for my little line drawing application (originally written in flash). Processing became a springboard for learning to be a better programmer.  I'm now programming in java,  but still extending PApplet for a bunch of stuff.  Processing has made programming and trying things fun and easy.  The community is incredible and continues to surprise me with how amazing they are.

by day I'm still a flash developer,  but my secret artist identity continues to become more and more important- for which I owe a lot to processing.  Thanks Ben and Casey and everyone else!

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #39 - Sep 11th, 2008, 2:21pm
My name is Marcel,
I have been using Processing for about 2 weeks now for personal projects. Currently porting Processing core to C#, so far 90% complete and running some basic Processing examples.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #40 - Oct 27th, 2008, 5:29pm
I wish this had been available in my classes. I have used other programming languages and even taken a course on Java, but it just didn't sink in.

I have learned more about how Java works by using this even if it is supposed to be simplified. Trying to import other libraries forced me to learn, whether they worked or not (curse you JMF!).

I now use processing for application prototyping instead of Visual Basic.
Thanks to all that work(ed) on this.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #41 - Nov 20th, 2008, 12:36pm
I'm Maia.

I am in my final year of Multimedia degree and I just used processing to build and interactive installation art piece for my exam. It consisted of 5 Ultrasound sensors, polled on an I2C bus from a I2C->USB->Serial converter. One Linux box did the polling and drawing in Processing. Since the pc was a welfare case it's sound didn't work so I hooked up another pc on tcp/ip and sent it messages from the processing app to control the sound. On the sound pc I ran the Boodler python controlled soundscape generator, which listened on the network for commands and responded appropriately.

Why use processing? It lets me control visuals from code and it is open source&free. Also I am comfortable in an IDE environment rather than a drawing program interface to make algorithms work. I was short on time and decided to use skills I already had to achieve my goals rather than learning a new (expensive) program.

As soon as I stop reeling from intense stress I'll put some info on the 'Net and build my sensor class into a Library.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #42 - Nov 25th, 2008, 1:25pm
Hi, Etienne there, Switzerland. I'm IT architect in the pharma industry, and we used Processing for building very customized and interactive charts for business intelligence applications. Reasons for using Processing :
- usual BI tools have limited capabilities for data visualization, so we had to go for a home made solution
- Flash not supported in our corporate environment
- we could leverage our other Java stuff
- we are a little bit geeks and Processing is cool

(and I incidentally used it to do bad video games for my gf)

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #43 - Dec 4th, 2008, 11:01am
I am David Lu and I use Processing.

Processing is useful. It is clay. It is designed to be sculpted. If it does not bend a certain way, through the power of emergence, it's often the case that someone in the community has made a library to make it so. It is open. It is appropriate for many phases of design process. I have used it to iterate on concepts at the beginning of a project. Because it is easy to quickly sketch ideas in Processing, it is well suited for design exploration.

I spent two years at a large software company doing future/concept work; I often sketched ideas for interactions and visualizations in Processing. Software that I wrote in one week in Processing took more than one month to implement in the company's alternative medium. Processing embraces ambiguity. Other programming environments embrace the rigid constraints of what has been done before.

Processing is appropriate for end implementation too. I use processing inside of eclipse, which offers code completion and options for managing complexity as one's source tree grows. Most recently, with Fabien Girardin of the Senseable City Lab, I developed a visualization of tourist dynamics in coastal Spain using geotagged flickr photos for an exhibition at the Design Museum in Barcelona.

I am a nomadic visual/interaction designer and software developer. At the moment I am in NYC.

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #44 - Dec 11th, 2008, 5:54am
  Hi! My name is Alex, I'm 25, I live in Ukraine and graduated the university. I'm very new in programming ( 1 year) but Processing helps me to study Java myself. Netbeans, Eclipse & Plethora in 3D were really hard for me. This discourse helps very much!
  I use Processing for visualization of abstract thinking for tricks on the cut of humanitarian and exact siences. It is also useful for me to make visual creation of simple prototype models. Wish to add, that Processing is very perpective in simplicity of epansion of any kind of OOP - this is very attractive.
  Thank you for the Source!
  Keep going guys! New generation will cath up soon! Smiley
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