Jason Black, Redmond, WA.
I use Processing basically just for fun.
Ever since I got my first TRS-80 microcomputer back in 1983, I've used computers to play around with graphics. Doing so has, in the process, taught me more math than I ever learned from classes in school.
When I was a kid, programming was in BASIC, and there weren't any graphics operations more sophisticated that point(), line(), circle(), and fill().
In college, there was PostScript, which was awesome. A totally different way to think about graphics. Vectors vs. rasters. Awesome stuff. Not many people can say that they have, for example, written an Adobe type-3 font by hand, but I'm one of them.

After college, there was XWindows (bleah), and more recently, .NET (considerably better, in terms of its primitives).
And now, when I really should be working on my real job but can't get some random graphics idea out of my head, there's Processing.
Which, although I have only been using it for a month or so, I love because it does a great job of _getting out of the way_ and letting me focus on the fun part. Great job, guys. I do have a couple of requests, though:
1: PLEASE, PLEASE, for the love of god PLEASE, improve the parser to support user-defined enumerations.
2: Allow multiple size() calls to actually do something (resize the output window at run-time).
3: Provide an object oriented random() implementation, so that our sketches can use multiple, independent streams of random numbers with their own seeds, et cetera.