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Who uses Processing? And Why? (Read 18420 times)
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #45 - Dec 16th, 2008, 6:20pm
Hi, I'm Kenny, a web producer, designer and programming enthusiast from Singapore. I heard of Processing from a friend, and prior to this have been working in audio and i/o boards in MAX/MSP, along with writing in Python from my Nux boxes... it was very mind blowing to see what Processing can and has done, so I hoped on and hope to do some interesting things in my spare time (just got my hands on the Arduino for this as a natural decision). Great stuff everyone is doing, I'm still very much in processing daze! Smiley
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #46 - Dec 17th, 2008, 11:09am
Hello, I'm Julien Bayle from France and I'm using processing.

I'm a musician and designer in the real life even if in the matrix I'm a network security architect intermediate (since 8 years)

I love visualizing complex data set
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #47 - Dec 20th, 2008, 6:45pm
Hi, I'm Xiaohan Zhang from Utah and I'm using processing.

I'm a 16 year old trudging through the faulty system that is American high school. I'm taking AP/honors classes and am planning on getting an IB diploma. I do a bunch of extracurricular activities. I play two instruments and am trying to start a band with my friends. But through all that, programming is still one of the most important things on my list. Programming in processing, mostly.

 I use processing in my spare time because I love all the things that you can do with it. I'm a very visually inclined person; I can stay intrigued for hours on a project I'm working on because of the visual feedback. Processing provides me with tools that allow me to code whatever idea I have, run with it, and see where it ends up. The environment is great; everything is perfectly suited for the creative process. Beyond that, processing has taught me a lot about a lot of things. Data, information, structures, abstractions, not to mention programming in general. I've learned to recognize general forms, good coding practice, and a LOT of math. In short, processing has helped me tremendously. I have now used it for a good year or so, and I finally feel like I can do some truly great things with it. I'm also using it in combination with audio for some very interesting results (I want to major in either computers or music. Both together would be awesome, and processing is doing that Cheesy). My parents ask me why I keep staying up late every night, even on the weekends when I don't have homework. If I told them I was programming... I think they'd put me in a mental institution. So I just say I'm doing "self study" Smiley
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #48 - Jan 7th, 2009, 3:45pm
Hi all - I'm a processaholic. I'm doing a systems dev. degree in Sweden, where java is the language - processing is used to grasp the concepts. For me this was serendipitous because I'm artistic and like to combine separate elements. Thanks to all involved in this, Ia'm finally learning to program and enjoy other pursuits simultaneously.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #49 - Jan 14th, 2009, 1:11am
I am a student at Phoenix Country Day School and my teacher has integrate Processing into our one year algebra class. I'm still learning but so far I love processing and will continue learning out of class at the end of the year.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #50 - Jan 14th, 2009, 5:49pm
I'm a Software App and Programming student at Itt-Tech in Indiana US. I have some electronics background and I started programming and building things with Arduino this summer and that eventually led me to discover Processing. I've only been programming for about a year I started teaching myself C++ and found it very easy to learn Processing because of the similarities in the syntax. My main desire is to learn Java2ME to write apps for mobile devices and I have got a great start with mobile processing.

I still have a lot to learn but I feel that in writing code with Processing and Wiring has put me a few steps ahead of most of the other students in my major. I can't wait to blast through my JAVA I class next semester with little effort.

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #51 - Jan 18th, 2009, 6:46pm
I am Sajid from India (currently living in Singapore). I am an architect by qualification but have moved into the field of Interaction design and visual design.

During my daytime job I do Art Direction on interaction design projects and at night i explore processing. Slowly I am trying to educate people in the organisation about processing and soon we might use it for an upcoming project involving multi-touch user interface for public display application.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #52 - Jan 20th, 2009, 11:07am
Let's see if I can win the prize of being from an awkward background.

I work in a non-profit political bookshop, but degree-wise I'm either a social worker or a philosopher.

As for the "Why do I use processing", if fantasy would be true I would've been found as an orphan in a dumpster filled with scraps of circuit boards, hard drives and chips. While sucking on a 5¼ inch floppy. So I am naturally inclined to be curious about something as refreshing as Processing.

But in reality I was raised with an interest in science and computer technology. And in the course of my life I became more and more of a transhumanist. Resulting in a manic passion for anything that enables me to synthesize myself with modern technology. Call me a cyber-fetishist. Smiley

On a creative level I am especially interested in processing for it's ability to develop new and original modes of representation and human interaction. And it's easiness of use makes it really feel like "sketching" in a technical environment, even for someone from a non-technical background.

I would really love to be able to visualize the complex logical structure of certain philosophical/anthropological concepts; e.g. transcendental reasoning, modern identity vs. post-modern identity, "a kingdom of ends", et cetera.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I will learn the language fast enough to really show some examples.  

Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #53 - Jan 21st, 2009, 9:14am
My name is Brad Griffin.  I'm a newb to processing/java but a long term newb.  like dabbling for the last year-ish, but i'm gearing to get really serious (yeah i know everyone says that!).  And, I'm a confused interaction designer/tech lead/motion lead who is looking for an oasis that keeps me far away enough from the boring world of web development without becoming stigmatized as a web designer (or vice-versa, take your pick: geek or hipster).  I spend my days in flash and eclipse with occasional bliss and true showing in after effects but my passion lies in the seemingly untaught or unspoken disciplines (but certainly not here) of procedural motion for lack of a better term that more concretely defines what some of us do here.  processing has drawn me in for that reason as well as my being fueled by music and seeing the opportunity to manipulate sound much more controllably than actionscript... not to mention framerate and gpu control.  i found out about it by stumbling upon flight404 one day... wish i remember how.  thanks mr. hodgin.  and thanks to fry, reas and all of the contributors since the beginning for making something badass!
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #54 - Feb 11th, 2009, 8:38pm
My name is Shawn Richardson, and I process.

I am an architect/landscape architect in Los Angeles.  I just recently started using Processing in order to create generative patterns and eventually move into the realm of algorithmic architecture.  I love the ease of entry, but then again I did drop out of the Computer Science department at USC in a former life, before I went to Otis/Parsons College of Art and Design in LA.

Keep up the good work guys.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #55 - Feb 21st, 2009, 1:30pm
Kamel Makhloufi, Grenoble/Lyon, France.

I'm a freelance graphics designer, but I always loved coding. Started with Flash, did that for a living for a while.

Actually, I'm using processing to develop autonomous VJing / Live Visual tools (and other stuff). I plan on going to the pure Java side of things, but Processing is so easy to implement, like sketching a drawing (hence the name of the pde files, I guess ^^).

I also do some stuff with the sister project, Arduino, and love the way both environnement works together.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #56 - Feb 23rd, 2009, 7:15pm
Jason Black, Redmond, WA.

I use Processing basically just for fun.

Ever since I got my first TRS-80 microcomputer back in 1983, I've used computers to play around with graphics.  Doing so has, in the process, taught me more math than I ever learned from classes in school.

When I was a kid, programming was in BASIC, and there weren't any graphics operations more sophisticated that point(), line(), circle(), and fill().

In college, there was PostScript, which was awesome.  A totally different way to think about graphics.  Vectors vs. rasters.  Awesome stuff.  Not many people can say that they have, for example, written an Adobe type-3 font by hand, but I'm one of them.  Smiley

After college, there was XWindows (bleah), and more recently, .NET (considerably better, in terms of its primitives).

And now, when I really should be working on my real job but can't get some random graphics idea out of my head, there's Processing.

Which, although I have only been using it for a month or so, I love because it does a great job of _getting out of the way_ and letting me focus on the fun part.  Great job, guys.  I do have a couple of requests, though:

1: PLEASE, PLEASE, for the love of god PLEASE, improve the parser to support user-defined enumerations.

2: Allow multiple size() calls to actually do something (resize the output window at run-time).

3: Provide an object oriented random() implementation, so that our sketches can use multiple, independent streams of random numbers with their own seeds, et cetera.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #57 - Mar 12th, 2009, 3:32pm
I'm Eric Prevost, France, 38.
I made some Cad/Cam engineer studies 18 years ago and have a Graphist/GameDesign/GameProgrammer job since 1997.

I've been programming some graphics and procedural/parametric systems for some 25 years now, started on ZX81 and been through almost all systems until now on Wii.
I use Processing for personnal experiments as I like maths translated to graphics, 3D, Fractals, Game programming... and I used alot of different programs (some of my Fractal graphics are on my deviantArt account [here : http://kaeltyk.deviantart.com] but I experimented lots of 2D/3D programs).

I lately used Processing for professionnal reasons, fast prototyping of a '2D' game interface and parametric setup of graphics and items (Sorry I can't talk more about it - even about the multiples graphic tests that were trashed ).
For me the main thing about using Processing is you can tweek almost anything and see the result in 4-5 seconds, rather than code on some console engine that need a 5 minutes rebuild/binarize/launch/... even for a small parameter tweak.

And I try to motivate myself about making some of my personnal works/games publishable, maybe soon... even if nothing's outstanding Wink
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #58 - Mar 13th, 2009, 10:03pm
Hi, I'm Jack Perkins.
I'm a recording arts student at Expression College, San Francisco bay area.

My interest in using processing is to teach my self to program and simply to make visual art.

My experiences in visual programming are all rooted in using Microworlds (LOGO) as a kid, and I guess I kind of still think using the turtle metaphor:


Anyone interested in teaching programming to very young people should consider using Microworlds as an intro to more serious languages like processing.
Re: Who uses Processing? And Why?
Reply #59 - Mar 15th, 2009, 8:01pm
I am Sinan Ascioglu, from NYC, and I support people who use Processing via OpenProcessing website, http://www.openprocessing.org.

I was introduced to Processing on my senior year, and did my Electronics Engineering thesis (live image manipulation libraries + physical installations) using Processing. Studying Processing + Tom Igoe's amazing book "physical computing" led me to ITP, NYU. In the last 4 years (I remember Processing version 0027 ?), I did some processing work now and then. Since studying at ITP, and being lucky to take two classes from Clay Shirky,  I had been more into Social Behavior and Communities in the web-oriented world. My thesis at ITP was Open Source Visualization Framework, OpenVisuals, which was using Processing as a base. This project lead to OpenProcessing website, a sharing platform for Processing Community.

While keeping its value for the Processing Community, I am currently working on supporting and encouraging the education of Processing via OpenProcessing website. I believe, besides the individual and commercial works produced out of Processing, its biggest value comes in the education. Having taken many weird programming language classes throughout my education, I can say that Processing is the most powerful tool to teach programming, OOP, and also allows people to be open-minded about the produced work; it can be an art, proof of algorithm, an engineering work, a data visualization, a wallpaper, etc...

Thank you, Processing!
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