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Topic: Introductions (Read 33414 times) |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #60 on: Mar 17th, 2003, 7:09am » |
hi all! my name is widianto nugroho, i'm from indonesia. i studied visual art at ITB (http://www.art.itb.ac.id), in bandung, indonesia. after graduated, i work at a research group/software development team developing web-based digital library application (http://gdl.itb.ac.id) and its community (http://idln.itb.ac.id). during my time there i work with some programmer/software engineer that make me curiuos in programming and how to merge it with my background in visual art. i found that processing is suitable tool for doing this, and i have started to make some experiment with processing. starting this year (jan 2003), i was offered to join visual art department at ITB. i wish to use processing as educational tool at our art department in the future. i'm here because i wish to learn and share with this community. regards, widianto nugroho | wnugroho at itb.ac.id
« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2003, 8:44am by widi » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #61 on: Mar 20th, 2003, 5:10am » |
My name is Joshua Rowe and I'm based in Sydney, Australia. I've been working as a designer across a range of disciplines including built environment, advertising, branding and most notably interaction for the last ten years since completing my undergraduate design studies. My primary interest is the sensory dimension of interaction design. Simply put, how can the users relationship to the object(s) or elements of a screen based experience be intensified ? How are we able to understand the notion of an interactive system "feeling good" ? What attributes can be extracted from this exploration and articulated as general design principles or design patterns for interaction design ?
"There is a simple way to package information that under the right circumstances can make it irresistable. All you have to do is find it." Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point,2000
Re: Introductions
« Reply #62 on: Mar 20th, 2003, 2:38pm » |
My name is Boštjan Čadež (Bostjan Cadez with 'ˇ' on top ), Im a student of industrial design in Ljubljana, Slovenija. I'm here because Im really interested in coded visuals . Especialy ones reacting to sound in real time. Dunno how to do this in proce55ing yet but I hope it happens soon .
Re: Introductions
« Reply #63 on: Mar 23rd, 2003, 8:52am » |
I am Dave Towey. I am from Sydney, Australia and I am here because I like art and design and computers and new toys to play with like processing. I have studied Design across a range of disciplines with particular focus on exploring the possibilities of programmable interactive media in design process.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #65 on: Apr 14th, 2003, 4:25pm » |
My name is Noel Perlas. I am a graphic designer and web designer based in Manila, Philippines. After graduating from a Humanities course, I stumbled into the industry and found a passion for it. After 5 years, I continue to discover great work and ideas that reinforce this passion. I am hoping to find some more here. I am aspiring to be a student in Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Please visit my site at www.noelperlas.com

Re: Introductions
« Reply #66 on: Apr 17th, 2003, 8:25am » |
hey everyone! My name is Rick Mullarky. My training is in Graphic Design, and I was at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel from 90-94. After a long stint of interface and web design for various bubble companies (and, yes, Microsoft), I took a year off and spent the last year in Berlin. Since that time I have been focusing on making interactive art, both for the web and for installation. You can see my work on www.rickmu.com I'm running into some real performance issues with my current tools (even after I've cleaned up my horrible code), and processing looks like a great bridge to the power and freedom of lower level programming ! Also the interface is lovely (and who would expect less from an ACG related project?)
God is in the details, sure, but what kind of God?
Re: Introductions
« Reply #67 on: Apr 20th, 2003, 4:13am » |
I'm Allen, I have a website. I'm here because ... I don't know
Re: Introductions
« Reply #68 on: Apr 20th, 2003, 6:28am » |
My name is zevan rosser. I am a freelance game/web designer with a strong interest in art on the net. Some of my work can be seen at: http://www.shapevent.com/ I am here because I like Processing.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #69 on: Apr 29th, 2003, 2:42am » |
Hi, my name is Brian Benzinger. I am currently a high school student in a school with nothing to do with computers. I have experience in multiple Web Programming languages. My goal is to go to college and achieve a career in Web Design or Web Programming. I am here because I believe that proce55ing is a great opportunity to participate in. Java has always been an interest to me, and now it just got easier. I will try to make myself useful here.
Brian Benzinger

Re: Introductions
« Reply #70 on: Apr 29th, 2003, 5:01am » |
Hey, I'm Graham. I'm a quirky human being with the mind of a mathematician, but the heart of a poet. As such, dynamic visual experiments pique my interest like nothing else. I've been an active member of the Were-Here Flash community (untill they went down recently.. ) and have been craving three things: 1. Another helpful, active, and stimulating community to share in. 2. A fresh wave of generative art. 3. Pixel-based control over my experiments. Proce55ing and the Proce55ing community are looking like they will fill all three of these needs. I'm eagerly awaiting getting to know a bunch of you, and offering what I can to make this place great! As far as what I've done, I am far too busy playing around to actually get a website set up, but I do have a few flash goodies here: http://www.angelfire.com/geek/elrickfiledump/visuals/ Wahoo!
Re: Introductions
« Reply #71 on: Apr 29th, 2003, 12:31pm » |
i'm toxi, old school bit head for almost 15 years. no specialities, simple interested in (too?) many things. i like to cross borders. apart from P5, i'm feeling closest to Director, which i've used for most of my audio-visual projects on my website. see you around!

Re: Introductions
« Reply #72 on: May 9th, 2003, 6:41pm » |
Hello all. My name is George Murray. Im a 21 year old student at the university of cincinnati studying digital design at DAAP. My school work is mostly focused in graphic design so I am pretty weak when it comes to compsci but I really enjoy programming and have been programming high level stuff for a long while and I dig casey reas' stuff so here I am. I havent even ran processing yet so who knows how much I will have to contribute. I like the feel and idea of it so here goes nothing. cheers, -GM
Re: Introductions
« Reply #73 on: May 12th, 2003, 5:14pm » |
hi there, i'm ariel, i live in tel-aviv for a while but it is still possible to detect some french accent when i speak hebrew... i'm a designer and programmer, at some point i started to teach some courses on interactivity, and since then, i can't stop myself researching in this field, at my spare time (i wish i'd be a richer man)... i discovered proce55ing a few weeks ago, and, how could i say... it is like a mamma, giving you enough self-confidence until you can fly by yourself! so proce55ing gave me the push to start with java and later on maybe with opengl... thanks and chapeau to its creators!
Ariel Malka | www.chronotext.org
Afonso C. M. Klein Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #74 on: May 27th, 2003, 12:12pm » |
Hello, my name is Afonso Klein. I'm an IT professional since the seventies, and in the last 8 years, I got involved with the fine arts. Nowadays, I'm working in the development of a language in the field of the so called "web art". Some of my work can be viewed at <http://www.webmidia.art.br > (sorry, the page is in portuguese, my native language). I've made some experiments with POVRay, a program that I love, but I was trying to figure out how to get some realtime rendering action, and then I found "processing", and it seems to be great. I've sent an e-mail requesting the program, but I got no answer until now. I would appreciate if someone could help me.