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Topic: Introductions (Read 33423 times) |

Re: Introductions
« Reply #75 on: May 27th, 2003, 8:48pm » |
My name is Daniel Whitaker. I am a visual artist working basically with narrative structures and processes. I have worked for long with photography, but recently I have moved to working as well with hypertext because of it's narrative possibilities. I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #76 on: May 27th, 2003, 10:21pm » |
Hi, My name is Fredrik Sandberg, from Sweden. Right now i´m doing alot of PHP and mySQL, for some very useable purposes, but am also trying to co-op with the java 2D & JAI for some reasons(?). Studies in Interaction Technology, Art and Philosophy at universitites in Lund & Malmo (Sweden). A personal (& mainly swedish) homepage would be found at: www.subotnik.com. I´m very much looking forward to explore what Processing is, or - could be).

Re: Introductions
« Reply #77 on: May 28th, 2003, 2:00am » |
Hello. My name is Robert Hodgin. I have little-to-no formal programming experience. My current love is actionscript in Flash MX, but am often frustrated by its limitations. My focus has always been with programmatic life simulations (mainly reproduction of movement rather than coding AI [havent got the brain for that]). Looking forward to making more robust versions of the experiments I have posted at www.flight404.com. Currently live in Boston Massachusetts and serve as a founding partner and creative director at The Barbarian Group (www.barbariangroup.com).
« Last Edit: May 28th, 2003, 2:00am by flight404 » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #78 on: May 28th, 2003, 7:03pm » |
Hello, my name is Afonso Klein. I'm an IT professional since the seventies, and in the last 8 years, I got involved with the fine arts. Nowadays, I'm working in the development of a language in the field of the so called "web art". Some of my work can be viewed at <http://www.webmidia.art.br > (sorry, the page is in portuguese, my native language). I've made some experiments with POVRay, a program that I love, but I was trying to figure out how to get some realtime rendering action, and then I found "processing", and it seems to be great.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #79 on: May 29th, 2003, 10:10am » |
Hello all, My name is Francis Li. Right now, I'm getting very close to finishing the graduate program at Interaction-Ivrea! Before going to Italy, I studied computer science at U.C. Berkeley. I don't have a formal art or design background, but Processing is a nice excuse to start playing around . Francis

Re: Introductions
« Reply #80 on: May 29th, 2003, 5:21pm » |
Hello, my name is Ben, i'm from the UK. I've been hanging around here for a while now, but haven't introduced myself as yet. I have a degree in Graphic Design and now work as a computer games artist. I got really interested in actionscripting and dabbled slightly with c++, but to no great result. Frustrated by the limits of flash, and mystified by the long winded nature of lingo, I found proce55ing and am having a great deal of fun with it. I'm hoping it'll break me into c and java a bit more easily too. Bye.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #81 on: Jun 26th, 2003, 3:21pm » |
Hello, my name is david. I am a 10 year old moving into 5th grade. me and my friend have made a few applets which are displayed on his website, coolthingsmaster.tk, and I am starting to move some of my applets onto coolwebdesigner.tk. We both are in the process of learning advanced html, css, and javascript. We are both working on a largely interactive applet in which every key on the keyboard will do something different. we are up to the letter p. The "Ultimate Applet" as we call it, will hopefully be up on coolthingsmaster.tk and coolwebdesigner.tk in sept. or oct.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #82 on: Jun 28th, 2003, 7:09pm » |
Hello, my name is Taylor. I am the friend proce55ing23 was talking about. I am also 10 and moving into 5th grade. Soon I will put sources on my applets on www.coolthingsmaster.tk. I am also thinking of putting on the uncompleted version of the "Ultimate Applet" on my site.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #83 on: Jun 30th, 2003, 4:34pm » |
Hi. My name is Geraldine Sarmiento. I'm a designer, currently working with both print and web design. I come from at art background. Went to art school at the Cooper Union. Discovered John Maeda then proce55ing. I've been completely fascinated and wanting to dive into this kind of work. Don't have anything up yet! Would love to meet New Yorkers from the group. Geraldine : )
« Reply #84 on: Jun 30th, 2003, 10:36pm » |
I am 14 and going into 9th grade this year. I have always been interested in art and computers and math, so I found the media lab, john maeda, and proce55ing. The stuff here is incredible, and I hope to contribute.
Alan Higgs Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #85 on: Jul 3rd, 2003, 1:59am » |
Hi ppl......my name is alan higgs from toddington, beds, uk. i am a mature student, self learning flash mx. i am writing my degree dissertation about interactive net.art. i think it has moved the goal posts, and will argue for this.......whilst others say there is no "new art"..........comments are welcome on this subject. http://www.alanhiggs.com
Aram Armstrong Guest

« Reply #86 on: Jul 9th, 2003, 3:21pm » |
My name is Aram. I am 24 vintage '79 post BFA / pre MA interactive design, living in seoul looking for casey who is in town this week. trying to rediscover programming with P5, max/msp,and just chill with all the Aussies, awesome 5th grade programmers, and people who study Mechatronics (aka the ultimate robot-synth-pop group) thank you B. for your prompt reply.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #87 on: Jul 9th, 2003, 4:33pm » |
hi, my name is Pieter, i'm belgian but living and working in Berlin, Germany as a webdesigner (although i've studied industrial design) i've did a proce55ing workshop some months ago here in Berlin and now i hope to find some more time to play around with it
« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2003, 4:34pm by mezelve » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #88 on: Jul 11th, 2003, 4:43pm » |
hi all. my name is Carman. i'm a design student from university of new south wales. i'm also interested in computational design. i hope "Processing" could be released as soon as possible. Did anyone know how to get the "Processing" alpha type download? coz i couldn't find it, i mean mac version. cheers

Re: Introductions
« Reply #89 on: Jul 17th, 2003, 2:03am » |
Hi! My name is Jørgen Skogmo. I have studied interaction design since 97, and got my Master in 2002 at DesignskolenKolding, Denmark. My coding history is Lingo, perl, actionScript, php and now processing. Much of my work can be seen at, or is linked from http://ASCII33.com Im here to learn, get inspired and hopefully help someone out. :j