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Topic: Introductions (Read 33424 times) |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #30 on: Nov 7th, 2002, 3:05pm » |
Hi, my name is Dimitre Lima. I am from Brasil and studied Industrial Design since 1998. I always love illustration, photo, graphic programming language and music. I put some of my stuff online at http://dmtr.org/generative/
« Last Edit: Aug 9th, 2005, 3:38am by Dimitre » |

Re: Introductions
« Reply #31 on: Nov 12th, 2002, 4:38am » |
Hallo. My name is Soo Kwok Heng. I'm from Singapore and am currently studying for a BA in Political Science at the National University of Singapore. Hope to enter creative fields, preferably print or interface-related. Trying to learn Python as my first language. I'm here because I'm interested in new things and because Singapore's quite empty of research related to tech and art/design, which are things I'm really into, unfortunately. Just hope to combine tech and art interests. I'm frequently rejuvenated by enthusiastic people. It's really about learning new stuff at the end of the day. Nice meeting you people.. I'm off to prep for my exams.. kwok EDIT: I worry tho and apologise in advance, that I am not there yet with the rest on the knowledge of comp langs and tech. I'm very sorry that I don't think I can contribute much except to highlight the project to other interested peers.
« Last Edit: Nov 12th, 2002, 4:47am by daftpig » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #32 on: Nov 13th, 2002, 4:40pm » |
Bo selecta! My name is Antony and am currently in my second year of study at the University of Huddersfield (UK), reading for a BA(Hons) degree in Interactive Media. Interests include visual communication, women, drink, drugs and DBN.
Tom Fuerstner Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #33 on: Nov 25th, 2002, 1:01pm » |
hi, my name is tom fuerstner. right now i am a guestprofessor for visual media design at the university for applied arts in vienna, austria. beside this i am also a creative director at the center for art and media (ZKM) in karlsruhe , germany. i have a strong interest in algorithmic design. till today my language of choice for teaching algorithmic design has been LOGO. but i've to confess that the proce55ing IDE looks very promising.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #34 on: Nov 26th, 2002, 8:58am » |
my name is manuel tan but everybody calls me manny. i started college as an engineer but left SUNY at Buffalo with a degree in communication design. I've been a graphic designer, information architect, interface designer and am currently a front end developer. you can view most of my fun work at www.uncontrol.com

Re: Introductions
« Reply #35 on: Nov 27th, 2002, 9:22am » |
ugh! i'm Cem Uzunoglu. I studied biomedical technology and working as a database programmer now. I like playing with flash to see what i can do. Recently i started to complain about the speed and myriad ways flash does things, and was thinking of learning java. Proce55ing alpha has the functions of my dream language
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Re: Introductions
« Reply #36 on: Dec 10th, 2002, 4:23am » |
Hello. My name is Andrew Garton. I'm a composer and producer, currently working as Interactive Media Producer for the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. I recently graduated with an MA in animation and interactive media and am artistic director of the artists run production house, Toy Satellite. My main interest in both sound and image is in generative/improvised systems towards closer forms of collaboration and communication. I am interested in proce55ing as a means to create subtle, generative background layers to interfaces as well as other surface areas. I have an emerging collective of interface "players" called the Terminal Quartet and release much of my work through the independent label, Secession Records. Our various forays are available via http://www.toysatellite.org.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #37 on: Dec 11th, 2002, 9:59pm » |
Hi guys,Tony is my name, FIRST of ALL: I dont have any academic qualifications at all in this or any area of software development, but I have messed around a bit with some languages, HTML,VB,Actioscript etc:: ..and I'm rapped, I only stumbled on this site after looking at pitaru's site, and what I've seen so far has blown me away, its exactly what I have been wanting to do for ages,I love abstract and random imaging manipulation, at the moment I'm a heavy user of 3dmax, Flash, Photoshop... My site www.pageopen.com has only the front page up since I'm building a portfolio ( and myskills) and as you will see its entitled as an "Experimental Art" site... Ciao Tony
anurag sehgal Guest

Re: Introductions
« Reply #38 on: Dec 14th, 2002, 10:50am » |
hi i am a fashion design graduate pursuing my interest in interaction design(both physical interface objects and interface media) and am a beginner in proce55ing. i love the environment and quite like to join this community of proce55ing programmers. so hi to one and all.
Re: Introductions
« Reply #39 on: Dec 16th, 2002, 11:54pm » |
I'm Gaston ... I studied printmaking, and I'm interested in learning more about computer generated art.
« Last Edit: Jan 9th, 2003, 9:23pm by gaza » |
Re: Introductions
« Reply #40 on: Dec 17th, 2002, 12:12am » |
hey all my name is pam satterthwaite. in the 80's I started college as a math major, transferred to film school, and wound up with comp sci electives keeping me sane my senior year. I guess I have always been interested in the meeting place of art and technology and have become a fairly avid home student of the subject. which brings me to this place....

Re: Introductions
« Reply #41 on: Dec 20th, 2002, 12:06am » |
hi everybody. im marco kelso (kl3r), from costa rica. i just got my hands on processing and im addicted. cheers. Paz y amor

Re: Introductions
« Reply #42 on: Dec 21st, 2002, 12:52am » |
Heya! My name is Anthony Eden (aka Arse, Arsis). I have been coding for over a decade, are based in Sydney Australia and are self employed. I do a lot of experimentation in 3D, aLife, physics simulations and general digital creativity. Most of my work is done in Flash and I build Flash sites and applications and write for food. I also enjoy exploring the traditional arts and hope that tools such as Proce55ing will assist me in merging performance art with digital creativity. You can see my work at http://www.arseiam.com
Social Dichotomy: While I'm gone please be note to the care of my love, as she apts to be sticked by dusts and hand-fat.

Re: Introductions
« Reply #43 on: Jan 4th, 2003, 2:24pm » |
Hi all, my name is Koen Mostert, a.k.a. Koenie. I'm a 15 year old guy and I like all sort of multimedia stuff. I'm self-taught at HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Flash, XML, XSL, PHP, DHTML, soon SVG, and a little bit of Java. I'm really interested in learning Java and I hope this is a good step forward. I live in Leiden, the Netherlands and I like snowboarding and all sorts of webdesign. Check out my website at www.koeniedesign.com Koenie

Re: Introductions
« Reply #44 on: Jan 10th, 2003, 12:46am » |
Hello, my name is Dara and i am studying Visual Communication Design at Istanbul Bilgi University. I am interested in topics like information design, sound design, robotics, arts and underground parties. I also like to build interactive toys for fun.