This whole discussion feels like a board of directors meeting for Processing Inc. Really, aside a couple of missing names, I feel here's the people who work hardest to keep this community running, by answering LOTS of questions, giving advice to newbies, building libraries, creating opinions, spreading the news and last but not least making this whole wonderful project happen in the first place. (Round of applause).
To be honest, I can't follow every point you've been discussing so far, mainly because I lack the programming skills. Nonetheless, I would like to add my two cents and present an "intermediate" users opinion.
OOP Tricky. All I know about it, is self-taught. I've passed the stage of "Imagine a car, it has a size, a color, a direction, a velocity and a location". I got that with the classes and will manage to construct one if I need it. But don't ask me about Inheritance and Polywhatwasthename
The only time I had someone try to teach me OOP, he failed miserably. We were struggling with L-systems, and the very-first OOP-example utilized inheritance. No wonder a lot of puzzled faces left the room that afternoon.
(Sidenote: That wasn't using Processing, but basically, it ends up as the same thing. Unfortunately, my teachers seem to have an aversion against p5, insisting on an in-house developed solution, using python. Now that's not all bad, but coding, debugging and executing in three different applications just feels wrong. But hey, that's another story.)
With OOP, it must be made completely clear what it's good for and how much easier it can make your programming-life. The first step might even be to stop using the OOP-abbreviation! (I had a long time to figure out what it means

Newbies vs. Code-NinjasIra's got a point here. In the beginning, the Processing board was a place where everybody was making baby-steps, trying to draw lines and moving squares around the screen. Then over time, the more advanced coders came along posting their problems and questions. Suddendly, I couldn't any longer learn from others discussions, because they were far beyond my programming knowledge. It's not like newbies aren't welcome anymore, (I still believe that the p5 community is one of the most open and helpful ones out there), but the whole package has lost a bit of it's initial impression of "ease of use". n00bs might feel intimidated by the wealth of possibilities, thinking that's what they've all got to learn and know, to really belong to the gang.
I'm devenitely in favour of a "Help, I'm a newbie" section.
Processing 1.0For a long time I liked to see Processing in perpetual beta. But at a certain level that would only keep it in an artificial state of "we're oh so hip/geek/anti to need a fully working application".
But letting it grow up will be a difficult thing to do. Especially keeping Bens and Caseys "open to all" charme to it.
Recently I found a Processing course advertised at an art school here in Switzerland. There are few such events in the german speaking parts of Europe, therefore I was considering taking the workshop. Then I learned that the course would cost me 1200 swiss francs (= 940$ = 530£)! That amout is insane (even for swiss measures) for a five day course giving an intro to Processing! It just felt wrong compared to Caseys and Bens huge (unpaid) efforts to deliver a free product to all. Even more if there's people like
Dan Shiffman, who open their course material to everyone.
There I felt that Processing has left the safe area of "software in development". Since the recet betas, and especially after 1.0, I fear there will be more such situations, where people try to make money out of others efforts. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. I'm aware that p5 ain't Flash or Max/Msp, with all their addons. But I'd hate seeing a library where you'd have to pay for.
Using the forceDid I mention that the Processing community rocks I was thinking that instead of keeping this discussion to a small round of insiders, why not bring it out to the people Why not address these issues directly in single topics, so that everyone can comment on the parts that are of interest to them Or why not send out a survey on the mailing-list Just a couple of questions like "Where do you think p5 should be going" or "What's still missing".
Wouldn't that be a great way to get direct feedback from the (interested) users
Ben & Casey, what are the numbers anyway How many downloads How many users That'd be an interesting point to know. Or have you saved that one for the 1.0 release party
That's all for now, from a normal worker, here at Processing Inc.