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Good thoughts from toxi, please read (Read 16708 times)
Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Jan 19th, 2006, 8:19am

Here's an initial comment:
Processing was never intended as the future of programming or an ideal computational art/design environment. It was built as a foundation from which to build the future. It slightly extends known paradigms. Maybe the future is now. The source is there, it's a great base representing four years of intense work. We put alot of work into getting the code open (over a year of paperwork with MIT) and in building the dev site for easy access. I'd love to see people do something more with it.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #1 - Jan 19th, 2006, 2:18pm
hmm, somewhat harsh. but also completely correct in some ways!

the effort that used to go into visually controlled audio (or audio controlled visuals) was immense and required proper low-level skills, processing helps people get results without having to know the complexity beneath, non-coders get the 'holy crap it's working' feeling when they hack something together. whether or not it's actually doing anything 'creative' is something different - but you can be creative just using lines in 2d with zero math, it's how you use the skills you have.

i remember casey or reas answering some question about a feature processing didn't have, they said that if a user ever got to wanting that feature they just assumed they'd move on to java proper. which is what i did, having programmed on and off for years when i discovered processing a while back it got me back into the whole thing and i started to learn more. picking apart code form people like karsten led me to research more and improve my math and methods.

if a load of artists are rejoycing in the fact at how cutting edge they are cos' they use any particular tool... well that's just ego. but processing does make it easy to tweak others code, flash was like that in the early days too. i agree with toxis sentiment a little, but for people who rest on their laurels like that they'll soon get dissatisfied and start pushing themselves (i know i did).

personally, i learned a great deal, moved onto java proper and now have a very nice job programming j2me and blackberries, 3 years ago my life wasn't really going anywhere, now i'm earning a fair amount of money with very good prospects and processing played a huge part in that.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #2 - Jan 19th, 2006, 4:46pm
some comments:

re: "I also think it encouraged a slightly superficial view of computational design by quickly gaining cult status amongst people never been exposed to programming before. I think it's dangerous and a sign of crisis if every recycled L-System, Neural Network, Wolfram automata or webcam tracking experiment automatically is considered art (by their authors), simply because it's been "(Re)Built with Processing"

if this is true, it's awfully disappointing. the *opposite* of this situation was in fact the intent. the idea being that if we make the "easy" things easy like they should be, then some of the low hanging fruit gets cleared out, and people can be more critical about what it takes to actually make things.

re: "the importance of clean code designs and intelligent data structures or even community interest in further researching and experimenting with those artistically."

i'm not particularly sure whether i agree with this. at this moment, i don't think i agree with it much at all, as i don't think that code being proper *really* has a direct effect on the outcome. if your studio is a mess does that mean what comes out of it isn't proper? or if your brushwork sucks does your painting inherently suck too? the software engineering in some of my best work is really bad, whereas in some of my more boring stuff i got it "right". that's not exclusive, i just don't think there's a correlation.

good, clean code is a virtue and good fundamentals help give you a better foundation for growth. it's something that should be taught so that people know what they're doing, but i think there's a mix here of what p5 users are doing in practice, versus what's in the environment. is it a criticism of processing, or the people using it?

though the part i do agree with is the idea of trying to dig deeper. if the simplicity means that people don't dig deeper, then that's also sad. but i think that's more to do with laziness than an inherent problem in the language. it's like blaming the television for making you lazy. blame anything but the person.

re: "In terms of pure expressiveness of ideas, concepts and thought processes as code, Processing is inferior to straight Java or dynamically typed languages like JavaScript or Ruby. Its ease of use has been gained by sacrifying scalability."

this is a weird straw man.. this is a bit like saying that pseudocode is more expressive than c++. i think expressiveness is also tied to the other factors we're taking into account:
if i can't develop my own work in javascript or ruby (and i cannot), then that's not really expressive, is it? i guess my point is that i don't think it's particularly relevant to look at syntax in a vacuum. we'd love to use something like python or ruby as the syntax, but since that doesn't balance with the other factors, we're not doing it. i mean really, is javascript gonna address the other issue with regards to proper oo programming? js is *far* worse about encouraging bad coding style.

i also don't understand where we're inferior to straight java. it *is* java, and you can just write java code in the environment "public class blah extends PApplet" and you can go object crazy all you want. or you can use core.jar within eclipse (a PApplet is just a Component, the same as you'd make any other component in java..) but toxi knows these things so i'm not sure what he's getting at.

bottom line, i think i agree with where toxi is going, but i don't think the individual arguments are right, and i don't like how the issues and responsibilities are mushed together.

more fundamentally, i think we can critique processing till we're all blue (doubt not that i can write a much longer rant about it than toxi), but i'd rather that the energy be put into improving things and actually helping out. i think i could write another more complete argument out of what toxi seems to be getting at, but i think you'd rather have me get opengl support working better and bring back P2D. if you have complaints, help us build the thing (and thankfully, toxi has, so this isn't directed to him).

but i think there's something that's missed with the project, where this is a *community* thing.. casey and i put it out there, made all the code available, and our time is completely volunteer. let's get more people off their behinds and helping us improve things rather than stroking our chins about how things aren't being done right or thinking up pet features. sometimes i think people miss the difference between the fact that they downloaded this thing for free rather than paid hundreds of dollars for the privilege to use it. i don't know if that's because of the prevalence of free software (firefox, ie, gmail, etc) on the net, or if the age group for processing doesn't pay for their macrodobe stuff anyway (school-purchased or downloaded via bt), but i think we're really missing out.

i think there are positive developments on the library front (as toxi notes), and that's why we've placed such an emphasis on libraries, but there's still a ways to go.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #3 - Jan 19th, 2006, 5:56pm
'I think it's dangerous and a sign of crisis if every recycled L-System, Neural Network, Wolfram automata or webcam tracking experiment automatically is considered art (by their authors), simply because it's been "(Re)Built with Processing"'

Gee, I'm glad I didn't turn up to Dorkbot last night. It would have been writing to Harold Cohen all over again.

Incidentally I recently have taken the output of a neural net (re-built with Processing) and reproduced the settled form by hammering 1600 nails into plywood and wrapping embroidery thread across the whole thing. Sort of looks 3D but not 3D. It has lost its meaning of being a neural net.

The nice thing about whacking nails into wood and winding thread or even painting is that it is a very meditative act. Very unlike trying to write a program which uses all 105 points of my IQ. And strangely people are more impressed when I am "the bear of little brain" than when I've learnt some math.

I would like to defend my right to be stupid (and even sloppy). Without it I would be bereft artistic curiosity and more importantly, humility.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #4 - Jan 19th, 2006, 6:43pm
I pretty much agree with fry's points, and I would have pulled the same quotes out to discuss, especially the stuff about the expressiveness of Java vs Processing.  I'd be interested in some clarification of that issue, because I don't get the difference - I can write Processing in a totally Java way if I want to, but I don't because the Processing way is Java enough with out being too much Java.  IYSWIM

That said, I've talked before about how 'Processing is an approach' (toxi's words, but I've here which is also relevant to toxi's post.  I'd be interested in talking more about that, and why/if it's happened, and what will happen next.

(Oh, and st33d - come to dorkbot!  It's totally an appropriate format for your work.  Sure, you need to be ready to defend things if you truly believe they are art, but then what artist isn't)
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #5 - Jan 19th, 2006, 7:36pm
From toxi: Quote:
I also think it encouraged a slightly superficial view of computational design by quickly gaining cult status amongst people never been exposed to programming before. I think it's dangerous and a sign of crisis if every recycled L-System, Neural Network, Wolfram automata or webcam tracking experiment automatically is considered art (by their authors), simply because it's been "(Re)Built with Processing

And then from Ben Quote:
if this is true, it's awfully disappointing. the *opposite* of this situation was in fact the intent. the idea being that if we make the "easy" things easy like they should be, then some of the low hanging fruit gets cleared out, and people can be more critical about what it takes to actually make things.

I want to reinforce this statement and response. The intent of Processing is to raise the standard by making it easy to do the simple things, making it possible for people to grow to the point where they can innovate and have insight. There are thousands of web pages posted with naive software written in Processing. I think this is fantastic, totally wonderful. These programs are written by people who have just started to learn -- students in high school and the first years of university and professionals who are just starting to explore this realm. They are writing code and are proactive enough to make an online sketchbook/portfolio and this is nothing short of wonderful and encouraging. What we need are good forums for critique and evaluation, to raise the bar to higher standards. It's the responsibility of those who know better to set the highest standard, not to belittle the work of those who are just beginning. This is the job of universities, curators, critics, competitions, and online forums. I feel it's more an issue of education than the tool. I think the recent rash of blogs, GeneratorX specifically, are a wonderful resource for critique and discussion.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #6 - Jan 19th, 2006, 7:54pm
Also, we can't have this discussion without talking about the visual programming environments: max, pd, vvvv. They are used as much or more by artists for writing software and creating visual works. It's my belief they are closer in spirit to Processing and its goals than cs derived scripting languages: python, ruby.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #7 - Jan 19th, 2006, 7:56pm

I think a follow up and better explanation is needed from my side, since it seems some of my points raised have been not-just-slightly misunderstood, so I probably wasn't very clear... Let's try once more!

For one I clearly wrote that in no way I meant to have a go at the tool and the work done by you so far. You know that and you know me that far. I myself still think Processing is amongst the best things since sliced bread, but having used it for quite a long time now I've come to the point of not wanting to miss it in my daily life, yet simultaneously have hit its boundaries (or possibly my own)  more than once...

Due to my job I have become increasingly interested in software architecture in general. By now I do believe a slightly more object oriented approach in the core parts of Processing would have helped not just your own recent development work with supporting multiple renderers and libraries, but also benefited users in the long term. I'm not a fan of and am not talking about over constructed, monolithic Enterprise level Java architectures, but something which embraces Java's features slightly more than at current, e.g. in order to make it easier to embed into bigger projects etc. I am also not saying my perceived "lack" of such an approach is an actual fault of the current Processing implementation (I know what your intentions were/are). I merely wanted to point out there could be another way which would help transition of experienced users and avoid yet another toolbox change for them later on. I also thought it'd be clear that I think the solution to this is more cultural (depending on the community).

Does this make some more sense? Now on to your other comments:

ben said >>>>>>
quote toxi: "the importance of clean code designs and intelligent data structures or even community interest in further researching and experimenting with those artistically."

i'm not particularly sure whether i agree with this. at this moment, i don't think i agree with it much at all, as i don't think that code being proper *really* has a direct effect on the outcome. if your studio is a mess does that mean what comes out of it isn't proper? or if your brushwork sucks does your painting inherently suck too? the software engineering in some of my best work is really bad, whereas in some of my more boring stuff i got it "right". that's not exclusive, i just don't think there's a correlation.

Well, I can definitely see a correlation here. Take XML as example of a superior structure to describe and work with data, then combine that with XPath and XSLT as (some of the many) layers sitting on top of it. Never it's been easier to handle, exchange and transform complex types of data since the arrival of XML+friends and those relatively small developments have had huge impact on the way we globally deal with data now. It is so very easy to deal with XML technologies because they essentially have been designed from the start to be a part of a bigger picture. Why shouldn't that be true for our field of work too? Having access to such flexible, abstract tools lets me work much more focused on the core ideas of an application/visualization/art piece/design. Compared to that the current Processing is ultimately just another box (with the lid open). It's not black and it's thankfully far from being closed, yet makes it *harder than necessary* to reuse & utilize within a bigger context (see further below).

If XML is a slightly unsuitable example for Processing users, I'm 100% convinced there're equally fundamental discoveries to be made in other, more design/interaction related domains to tackle repeating problems which we all will eventually benefit from. Again this could be down to libraries, but also is about the educational aspect of the platform too. I really don't know how to explain this else.

ben said>>>>>>>>>>>
good, clean code is a virtue and good fundamentals help give you a better foundation for growth. it's something that should be taught so that people know what they're doing, but i think there's a mix here of what p5 users are doing in practice, versus what's in the environment. is it a criticism of processing, or the people using it?

It only is a criticism of Processing in so far as it doesn't actively (or silently) encourage discipline, but of course is much more down to the users. This discipline has nothing to do with me being german and anal... Wink What I am on about also has nothing to with you or casey nor is it much related to the very beginner level group. This community is a fairly disparate bunch of users and maybe now that there's quite a large percentage of experienced users, we as community should try to embrace what has evolved and crystallized in other parts of software development, especially since this is an open source project: clean & lean code matters (bigger picture). i don't see why "creative coding" should be an exception.

continued below...
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #8 - Jan 19th, 2006, 7:56pm
ben said>>>>>>>>>>>
quote toxi: "In terms of pure expressiveness of ideas, concepts and thought processes as code, Processing is inferior to straight Java or dynamically typed languages like JavaScript or Ruby. Its ease of use has been gained by sacrifying scalability."

this is a weird straw man.. this is a bit like saying that pseudocode is more expressive than c++. i think expressiveness is also tied to the other factors we're taking into account:
if i can't develop my own work in javascript or ruby (and i cannot), then that's not really expressive, is it? i guess my point is that i don't think it's particularly relevant to look at syntax in a vacuum.

Okay, point taken and I shall downgrade my critique Wink I guess my point was that since Processing doesn't make big use of OOP (which I'm fully aware of can't be seen that black & white), a dynamically typed language like JS could have been beneficial in other aspects of the syntax and would especially have helped those users coming to Processing from Flash. It also would have helped with other things like the ongoing discussion about live coding etc. Obviously I wasn't seeing those aspects in the full perspective last night and then there's also the performance factor to be considered... so apologies!

But again, please don't grow any grey hair over it. The main intent of my rant was to kick off some discussion about those parts of Processing I think need addressing soon for the greater good and I believe a lot of those semi-issues can be remedied with a solid library collection.

ben said>>>>>>>>>>>
i also don't understand where we're inferior to straight java. it *is* java, and you can just write java code in the environment "public class blah extends PApplet" and you can go object crazy all you want. or you can use core.jar within eclipse (a PApplet is just a Component, the same as you'd make any other component in java..) but toxi knows these things so i'm not sure what he's getting at.

I was getting at that precise fact that much of Processing's handy functionality is strictly limited to being an applet. For example, I'd love that:

* libraries don't require a PApplet, but just implement an interface (and in turn only require an interface as parent) so they can be reused anywhere

* all the clever IO, colour and matrix stuff would be more modular *internally*

Much of those things are already there and could appear to stay exactly the same to the normal Processing user. Yet this functionality would it be incredibly useful to have on their own for advanced users trying to use the library in other (non-processing) projects. You see what i mean?

ben said>>>>>>>>>>>
bottom line, i think i agree with where toxi is going, but i don't think the individual arguments are right, and i don't like how the issues and responsibilities are mushed together.

I agree that parts of my original post were slightly muddled together, apologies. I also hope that this follow up clarifies things!
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #9 - Jan 19th, 2006, 8:30pm
First of all, thanks to Toxi for a great post and the gumption to get some somehwat controversial thoughts out in the air.

I'll throw a short reply into the mix - I don't feel that I'm entirely qualified to discuss this at a technical or academic level, but I'll add some thoughts anyways.

I understand what you are saying with respect to good coding practices. I see myself as being in the middle of the road in this respect - I started coding 7 years ago with the release of Flash 4 and have moved only in the last couple of years in a direction of understanding with respect to software architecture. I still have a long way to go.

I think that we have to keep in mind that our particular community is at an intersection, between tech-minded folk and creative-minded folk. While I agree that it would be ideal for everyone to be able to write expressive & well-structured code, I don't think it's a pre-requisite to be able to produce worthwhile work.

I'm an instructor - I take students with little or no coding experience and try to teach them what I can in 14 weeks so that they will be able to create some interesting projects. I a constantly torn between spending 10 of those weeks explaining OOP, Classing, Interfaces, Scoping, etc, or spending 10 of those weeks on using pre-built libraries and functions to create projects that actually seem *real*. So far I have fallen somewhere in between.

Now, back to Processing.

My experience has been a bit of a mixed bag. I am happy with some of the results I've been able to achieve, but for me it has felt a lot like taking a step backwards. I normally code in AS, and my attempts at creating OOP projects in Processing have felt pretty hack-ish. Part of this is because I simply don't yet have a great understanding of the Java object model. Part of it is also because, as Toxi has suggested, Processing doesn't make as extensive use of OOP as AS does.

I *do* think there is room for improvement in Processing, in some of the specific areas that Toxi has alluded to in his post. But I think it remains a VERY useful tool both for people looking for a new medium for their work, and for beiginners who are looking to explore.

Which brings me to the sticky part of Toxi's comments:

"I think it's dangerous and a sign of crisis if every recycled L-System, Neural Network, Wolfram automata or webcam tracking experiment automatically is considered art (by their authors), simply because it's been "(Re)Built with Processing""

I agree that the result of simply porting over a program from another language into Processing shouldn't be considered art. But applying 'old' concepts and methods in new ways should be encouraged. The ideas that you mentioned might are certainly not dead ends for creative or non-creative purposes.

I think I'm babbling here, so I'm going to cut things short. Thanks again for your post, Toxi, and I look forward to reading more responses and discussion.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #10 - Jan 19th, 2006, 8:47pm
st33d wrote on Jan 19th, 2006, 5:56pm:
'I would like to defend my right to be stupid (and even sloppy). Without it I would be bereft artistic curiosity and more importantly, humility.'

St33d, honest guv, your post made me laugh out loud since I didn't realize someone actually had experimented with *all* of those things I mentioned (L-shaped neural wolfram network tracking automata systems)... rest assured my choice of phrases was compiled within a flash whilst being offline, baby rocking on one arm and without anyone particular in mind or to check up on.

I have no problem with artistic experimentation in any shape of form. I've been spending most of my spare time since being 13 doing exactly that... Sometimes I do take issues with wannabes, claiming expertise or authority without available backup...

Queue Processing Anonymous meeting:

"Hello, my name is toxi, sometimes I take things too seriously..." Smiley
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #11 - Jan 19th, 2006, 8:51pm
st33d wrote on Jan 19th, 2006, 5:56pm:
I would like to defend my right to be stupid (and even sloppy). Without it I would be bereft artistic curiosity and more importantly, humility.

Heh. I missed that part. Well said, st33d. Smiley

Do you have any photos of your plywood neural nets I'd love to see them. I actually had a similar idea - using a sort of string and tin-can system that would send tones from plucked strings along a physical neural net. But then I moved on to another crazy idea Wink
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #12 - Jan 19th, 2006, 9:08pm
Interesting topic. Congratulations to toxi for being brave enough to state his opinions, and the same to Ben and Casey for staying calm and addressing it seriously. I think this debate is a sign of health.

I remember sitting in a cafe in Barcelona two years ago, discussing a very similiar issue with Toxi (sometimes known as Karsten). Karsten was lamenting the fact that Processing syntax does not use OOP. I countered that teaching OOP was hardly the point of Processing. The idea as I saw it was to get people involved with code quickly, before they realize that it's "too difficult" and freeze up. (It's a situation that should be familiar to anyone who has taught a workshop that involved code.)

I like to think of Processing as being a bit like BASIC, or maybe better, Turbo Pascal. On the one hand it's plain, easy procedural programming with plenty of nice features and safeguards to keep you from hitting your head. On the other hand, it has some powerful infrastructure that would take beginners years to figure out on their own.

To be direct: I disagree with Karsten. I don't think it should be the responsibility of the tool to teach good coding practices. Good code does not equal creativity or quality of content. Like Ben said, some of my best work looks awful on the inside. But more importantly, forcing a rigid code structure into the language would scare off most of the people who need Processing the most.

I also disagree with the notion that Processing users should become software designers by necessity. It all depends on what they intend to do with it. If they want to be designers or work in teams producing a maintainable code base, they would definitely need some software design skills. The same is not true if they just want to use Processing as an intuitive tool for sketching in code.

"computational strategies" (can we please quit the marketing speak)...

While working on Generator.x I wrote lots of marketing speak. I blogged, I wrote press releases and introductory texts full of terms like "computational strategies". I was trying to explain to designers, artists and regular people why generative art and design might be relevant to their experience of the world, and why they should go look at it in a gallery. I might wince at reading some of those texts after the fact, but the inadequacy of the terminology does not mean that the message isn't valid.

The current Processing fad is a nod to the success of the project, combined with some good timing in terms of social trends. The script kids have picked up Processing, that's not such a bad thing. With much more work being created, it stands to reason that much more bad work will be created too. But there will be the occasional gem that makes it all worthwhile.

To create a good work of art or a piece of clever design in Processing is difficult. Not because the tool is in the way, but because creation is always difficult to some extent (even when you get lucky). The Processing exhibition page is proof positive that it's possible to create excellent work in Processing. And some of it was created by people who didn't know code before.

On a practical level

I predict two paths for Processing (actually, I'm probably just describing what is already the case):

1. The continued use of the Processing tool as an environment for beginners. That means continued use of a procedural API, convenience methods and a simplified execution structure. OOP is in the syntax, but not enforced.

2. The growing use of Processing as an infrastructure, a set of libraries to base work around and plug libraries into. Most advanced coders will want to work outside the Processing GUI. That's already possible, but it has some quirks that will hopefully be smoothed out in the future. Essentially, this would require a smooth transition from how the class hierarchies function when used within the GUI and when used as pure Java. If Processing can make that transition, it will prove its usefulness both as a tool for beginners and as a production environment for professional work.

I am very excited by the libraries people have started writing. I think it can become a great source of pre-written code that will allow users to focus on creating applications rather than infrastructure. I only hope that library writers will keep their work Open Source. Maybe it could be a requirement that the source be provided under a GPL license before new libraries are linked from the Processing site.

A suggestion:

I recently emailed Casey to ask if a Processing coder workcamp had been considered, i.e. not a workshop but a DIY camp where people would meet to tinker with the Processing core, write new libraries etc. He replied that such an idea would be excellent once 1.0 is out. I look forward to that. For now, I've downloaded the source, retro-hacked some quirks and keep producing work with Processing.

I hope you will too.
Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #13 - Jan 19th, 2006, 10:05pm
watz wrote on Jan 19th, 2006, 9:08pm:
I recently emailed Casey to ask if a Processing coder workcamp had been considered, i.e. not a workshop but a DIY camp where people would meet to tinker with the Processing core, write new libraries etc.

Sounds like a cool idea. I really like the community aspect of Processing. People who are truly interested in expanding the scope of what can be done with the tool just edit or expand the tool itself. Obviously there will be a time when the tool becomes restrictive and gets replaced, but still it's far better than Adobemedia controlling what is possible.

Actually, reading all this has given me an idea. I'd like to see a library with some type of editor built in. In processing, it can be really hard to build a very definite form. It's always easier to generate something procedurally. But say you made a springs Library. You could have an editor where you make particles and connect them with springs, and that outputs an XML file or something which gets imported to P5 through the library. That library would also have Objects for the springs, particles, and all the physics involved. Seems like that might be a good way of getting some better design to happen. I know that's not really on topic but it's just a thought.

Re: Good thoughts from toxi, please read
Reply #14 - Jan 19th, 2006, 11:38pm
where to start? let's start with the funniest, who is an artist? The definition on wikipedia, if I remember well, says something about an outstanding ability on doing stuff, so related to the tecnique, and I think it is a good definition that avoids to enter in very subjective fields. I really would like to give my personal opinion about it but then a never-ending flame could start.

Although some very subjective thoghts from all, I see clearly some objective issues that should be considered for the good of p5. It's clear that p5 has born to help easy sketching and learning, and I've difficult to think how it could have done better than how it did. P5 has become very popular and recognized all over the world. So many compliments and a lot of respect to Casey & Ben's efforts. But reading Casey and Ben's comments I see that something is missing. Both seem to talk about a lack in the community, in terms of number and effort. Well, if I compare p5 with Flash (that I know much better than MaxMSP and Co., but probably is not the best example) is clear where the difference is. First of all is that there is a huge business behind Flash development, that means people use it for living, a part some artist and teacher, how many can say the same about p5?

Then Ben would like to see more effort from developers on building Libraries, highlighting his effort and the free availability of p5. He is damn right, but I see then some conflicts considering the first aim of p5. Here Toxi is right. I discussed already with him the issue, and he showed me as example the Flash community compared to other more complex technologies, like Java and so on. The typical Flash user is (or maybe was) the one that looks for scripts to re-use and so he doesn't care at all about the community etc, is a kind of leecher. He never had to do some effort, he finds everything ready to use, so he gets unavoidably lazy. Now about Flash the things are changing and there is a respectable opensource community that builds very useful tools that are making Adobe Managers' asses laughing since the platform is becoming a standard for important web applications. This is happening because these very experienced developers are still using the platform in a hardcore way to get by. Toxi worries are right, because if to extending the platform are needed very experienced developers, you should provide them the best tool to continue working on their stuff, and so they will have all the interest on extending it. But if they have to move away for the difficulty on using it in their projects you can't count so much on them, and so it's a big issue.

Although helping beginners was the best move to promote it, probably is better to think how to keep the focus on the seniors. I can't say much about how, but if Toxi's suggestions are right, I think someone should really think about it.
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