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CodeTree (Read 5704 times)
Dec 12th, 2005, 8:39am

"CodeTree is a social networking community created to bring new media artists, programmers, and students using Macromedia Flash and Processing together. Learn more about this site, start browsing the code, or join the community and start sharing your code today!"

I think this project is very exciting. Very much like Flickr, but for software.


Re: CodeTree
Reply #1 - Dec 12th, 2005, 10:04pm
Wow, that's great. Could be a nice community if people like the concept. A watering hole for both Processing bots and Flash heads to drink from...

Blogged it over on Generator.x.
Re: CodeTree
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2005, 3:44am
Thanks for blogging it Marius. I'm very curious to see if it catches on. I'm very hopeful.
Re: CodeTree
Reply #3 - Dec 14th, 2005, 11:09pm
This is a great idea. I signed up, and will throw some code up there tomorrow....
Re: CodeTree
Reply #4 - Dec 15th, 2005, 4:33am
It'd be cool if there were an easier way to submit stuff.  Maybe a processing plugin that does the uploading stuff automatically and provides some automated means of taking a screenshot?

Because it's pretty nice to do export applet and just upload that whole directory to your website without much effort.

Re: CodeTree
Reply #5 - Dec 15th, 2005, 9:48am
Thanks to everyone that has supported this project so far! I'm nearly done with my ITP thesis work regarding it, but I plan to continue working on CodeTree (I just fixed the Safari upload bug today).

You're absolutely right about uploading--it's too complicated, and I'd love to hear any suggestions on simplifying it. It was the best solution I could come up with for keeping the media type open (CodeTree accepts Flash as well) and for anticipating multiple class or media files. I'm want to create a "View Source" feature to display a PDE's contents, but that might be a little while down the road.

In my thesis presentation, I realized that I got away from the “tree” aspect of the site; I wanted to allow users to see how other people reused their code, and that’s not really being done yet. I was thinking of adding a monthly “exercise” or contest where someone offers a single class file and whomever wishes to participate must somehow use the class in their application. Adopters would then be instructed to tag their pieces as a word exclusive to the exercise (something like codetree_nov05) so that the database can show the results of everyone who participated. This is probably going to be the next feature I add in...
Re: CodeTree
Reply #6 - Dec 15th, 2005, 10:49am
That sounds really interesting. Like Photoshop-tennis or Maeda's Snowflake-a-thon.
Re: CodeTree
Reply #7 - Jan 30th, 2006, 11:56am
I've added a number of updates to the CodeTree site since I last replied to this topic, but I thought I'd mention a major one: I just added a new section called grow a tree, where a coder submits code and documentation for others to freely modify or integrate into their projects. If other coders decide to apply the code, they can upload their work and associate that work (or “branch”) to the tree by tagging it with a particular keyword.

This section addresses the the original purpose of the CodeTree site–to get people to use and modify one another’s code, and to see just how different interpretations of the same work can be.

With the help of Dan Shiffman, I am launching this section as a monthly exercise. The tag keyword for the project will be “codetree” + 2-digit month + 2 digit year. If grow a tree becomes a success, I’ve thought about the possibility of dropping time restrictions and opening it up for anyone to contribute.

Definitely check it out if you get the chance, and as always, I am open to feedback.
Re: CodeTree
Reply #8 - Jan 30th, 2006, 1:44pm
Sound like what some of the fine artists used to do at my university. They called it Fun Friday. They would pick a theme for Friday and all make a piece of work on Friday. On the banana theme one person stuck a banana in a lift and sent it to the top floor. He titled it Top Banana.

Looking forward to contributing.
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