We closed this forum 18 June 2010. It has served us well since 2005 as the ALPHA forum did before it from 2002 to 2005. New discussions are ongoing at the new URL http://forum.processing.org. You'll need to sign up and get a new user account. We're sorry about that inconvenience, but we think it's better in the long run. The content on this forum will remain online.
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Introductions (Read 15044 times)
Re: Introductions
Reply #45 - Jun 10th, 2005, 5:02pm
I'm a senior Math and Art dual-major at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.  I work in the Computer Integrated Engineering lab here coding OpenGL, and I teach an intro class on C.  I hope to pursue a career scripting for computer animation.

I like processing because it's a simple yet rich sandbox to test ideas.
Re: Introductions
Reply #46 - Jun 28th, 2005, 1:32pm

I am a student, 19 years old.
I learned basic, pascal, c, perl programming
by myself. I am interested in computer graphics,
photography. Just finished the highschool, heading for
a university (maybe). I love processing, this is an
easy-to-use tool for generated graphics, just discovered
yesterday. My plan is to make my living from webdesing.
Okay, okay, I know, my english is crap. Anyway, sorry for
my bad grammar/spelling.

Re: Introductions
Reply #47 - Jul 28th, 2005, 2:32pm
My name is Cyril Moumen, I am a freelance graphic designer working in London for the past 6 years.
While surfing I discovered Processing a couple of days ago and have been really chocked as the possibility of this app, web, print and interactivity.
I am not that use to programing even if I am doing some html, and a bit of Java.
Thank you for putting out this app and hopefully I will get my teeth into it and maybe contribute to it all one day...


Re: Introductions
Reply #48 - Jul 30th, 2005, 8:37pm
Hello there!
Andrea Interguglielmi (long surname, I know), from italy , working in the UK for Lionhead studios (www.lionhead.com) as character TD, that means, artist\programmer in the 3d computer animation field.
just downloaded processing, I'm happy like a kid with a new toy ; ) I'm sure it will helps me in prototyping my ideas and show them easily via web.

Thanks for this great idea.

Andrea Interguglielmi
Character TD
Lionhead Studios
Central Technology Group\Art
Re: Introductions
Reply #49 - Sep 4th, 2005, 12:42am
I'm Joao Mesquita, i'm 27 and i'm a multimedia programmer - mainly lingo  (thank you, jt!) - and i have a degree on communication sciences - audiovisuals and interactive media - by the new university of Lisbon, Portugal.

I discovered processing a couple of months as a open-source alternative to director and as potential platform for developing applications for web - for some unknown reason i can´t stand flash - and for mobile platforms. So far, i´m studing it and i´m willing to do the switch.

besides this, i do game design as a hobby - hope to get a master on the subject some day.
Re: Introductions
Reply #50 - Sep 5th, 2005, 1:51am
I am Dubdub

I just a hobbyist! I have an interest in digital art and I have finished a degree in media production. Any artwork I produce I distribute without any financial aim and I enjoy learning new stuff.
Re: Introductions
Reply #51 - Oct 4th, 2005, 11:32pm
Hi there,

I'm Norm and my educational background is Biology (@UCSB) and Bioinformatics (@NEU), with working experience in programming, machine learning, and UI design. I'm a recent grad currently working at Biogen Idec in San Diego.  My previous positions include working on ambulances, programming consultant, to various research projects in cheminformatics, bioinformatics/computational biology departments.

I stumbled upon Processing via the US zip-code visualization a couple month back.  Then I was inspired by the awesome visualizations of genome data produced by Ben Fry.

Thank you for creating this great tool!  I hope I will be able to utilize it to make new discoveries in the heaps of chemical/structural/genomic/proteomic data, and to use that knowledge to make better therapeutics for Cancer and age related illnesses.
Re: Introductions
Reply #52 - Oct 5th, 2005, 5:02am
Ah. I forgot this thread got restarted...

My name is Michael. I've been using processing for a little over two years now. I graduated from UCLA Design | Media Arts and was introduced to procedural art, algorithms, and procedural animation at UCLA. I was introduced to Processing in Casey Reas' class in the fall of 03 and had been a drug user of his and Fry's product ever since.

Processing itself has lead me to plenty of growth, intellectually, socially, and professionally. It has been a great time thus far working with this community and I encourage everybody with the slightest interest to interact more with this group and with processing.

My interests range from illustration, 3D animation, programming, writing music, and design in general. I currently live in Irvine, California.
Re: Introductions
Reply #53 - Nov 1st, 2005, 2:59pm

I'm Fergus (mostly 'Oolong' online, where pseudonymy rules), and I'm pretty new to Processing, although I've been programming animated graphics for around a decade, and waiting for something like Processing for a stupidly long time.

I started programming on a ZX Spectrum, which for all its technical limitations was beautifully designed to help and encourage kids to learn about programming - and maths, and logic. I later got a PC, installed Autodesk Animator Pro and started making animations in its built-in C dialect, Poco - which is really a lot like Processing in a lot of ways, a wonderful but neglected thing. Still later, I started playing around with Java, excited by its possibilities but sometimes frustrated or irritated by the often-unnecessary complexity of getting anything done.

I'm still working with standard Java, but I'm delighted to have started experimenting with Processing; the educational and artistic potential of this thing is tremendous, and I'm looking forward to beginning to tap into it.

My web site is at www.oolong.co.uk - very likely my existing Java toys and other mathematical graphics will be of interest to lots of people who are into Processing (and perhaps you'll also get something out of my writing, photography and sculpture)

Anyway... pleased to meet you-all!

- f.
Re: Introductions
Reply #54 - Nov 8th, 2005, 5:07am
My updated hello:
Hello I am dimitre lima (http://dmtr.org)
I started to use processing since 0046 and can't live without it anymore.
I am currently working as a freelance designer with a foot (or two) on experimental.
Re: Introductions
Reply #55 - Nov 22nd, 2005, 8:04am
I am Mary Ann from NYC.  I'm a grad student (doing an MS in Digital Media) and new media artist (which is a recent development - previously I was working in traditional media and analog photography). My current technical interests are mathematical visualizations, 3D game environments, and digital video. Otherwise, I'm interested in interactive/nonlinear storytelling, critical theory, identity and performativity, art history, and whatever else I happen to be reading. Smiley

I recently finished a BS in computer science, and was introduced to Processing by a friend of mine about a month ago. It's been a great tool for me to connect my programming background and art. (I'm most comfortable with C++, although I've dabbled in Java, BASIC (the 80's version, not VB), Intel Assembler, Scheme and a few other languages. I'm running OS X 10.4 on a shiny new G5 iMac and a 12" powerbook from a couple years ago.  

My first finished Processing piece can be found online here: http://pir2.org/corral/
Re: Introductions
Reply #56 - Dec 2nd, 2005, 5:22am
Hi! Processing is great! Like flash on steroids. I am really enjoying Wiring too and can't wait to come up with a great project combining the two.

I wanted to share my first processing applet. It cycles the color of the photo with Ken Perlin's noise function. Move your mouse over the photo to change the scale of the noise.


Re: Introductions
Reply #57 - Mar 5th, 2006, 7:30pm
Hi I'm Kelvin from Malaysia currently in my final year of studies. I'm majoring in digital media under the streaming of interactive installation art the other streams available under my major is game design and interactive infographics. I am currently developing a webcam based kinetic art and I need some guidance. I have no knowledge in processing at all. I have intermediate knowledge in actiosncript 1.0 and 2.0 though. so how do i get started?
You can add me in msn / yahoo anytime.
Re: Introductions
Reply #58 - Mar 6th, 2006, 10:28pm
My name is Carl Najafi. 23 years old, and I'm from Sweden, been studying fine-art for the last 4 years. Got tired of it last year, dropped out. Now I'm studying musical composition and mathematics... by myself. Tried to do some work with Processing a year ago, didn't have the patience to get into it - now i have. My prior programming experiences are limited to text-based RPG's in QBasic (10 years ago). I'm also doing some stuff with Pure Data... and I'm a GNU/Linux-user (since november)... well, thats pretty much it.
Re: Introductions
Reply #59 - Mar 8th, 2006, 7:23pm
My name is Jaime Cervantes. I am a second year student of aerospace engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. I use Processing mainly to learn programming of visualizations and Java at the same time. I am also interested in graphic design.
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