We closed this forum 18 June 2010. It has served us well since 2005 as the ALPHA forum did before it from 2002 to 2005. New discussions are ongoing at the new URL http://forum.processing.org. You'll need to sign up and get a new user account. We're sorry about that inconvenience, but we think it's better in the long run. The content on this forum will remain online.
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Introductions (Read 15046 times)
Apr 20th, 2005, 3:48am
This was a popular thread in the (ALPHA) board and very interesting. I thought I'd give it another go. Please introduce yourself. Who are you and why are you here?
Re: Introductions
Reply #1 - Apr 20th, 2005, 3:55am
Here's my original post from 2 August 2002:

My name is Casey Reas. I studied communication design and later began merging this background with new studies in computer science, art, and related disciplines. My work from the last two years is visible at www.groupc.net. I'm currently teaching in Italy at the Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea (a small town near Turin). Ben Fry and myself are currently sharing the the admin responsibilities for this board.

An update is in order...

My name is Casey REAS (c.e.b. reas). I studied communication design and later began merging this background with studies in computer science, art, and related disciplines. My recent work is documented at http://reas.com. I'm currently teaching at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Department of Design | Media Arts (http://dma.ucla.edu). With Ben Fry, I've been developing Processing for the past four years. I'm interested in using Processing for my endeavors as an educator and artist.
Re: Introductions
Reply #2 - Apr 20th, 2005, 4:05am
Been using processing... jeez... maybe for a couple years.  Is that possible?  Okay probably more like 1 year and change.  I do remember it was called Proce55ing at the time, but those days are long gone. The last 2 versions of my personal site (http://www.flight404.com) were dedicated to processing experiments.

My focus of late is to use Processing as a way to handle realtime audio analysis (through Pitaru's Sonia libraries) in conjunction with webcam input to do projected visuals.  

I am a founding partner at The Barbarian Group (http://www.barbariangroup.com) and serve as a creative director there.

My name is Robert Hodgin.  I am located in Boston.  I have a cat.
Re: Introductions
Reply #3 - Apr 20th, 2005, 4:30am
my name is florian jenett, i'm currently in boston and had a cat.

i'm about to finish my studies at the hfg-offenbach, where i was a student of visual communications. i'm focused on fine-arts and are using processing as a tool to grow hair on nude people.

i have dedicated some of my spare-time to the processing-team. from tomorrow (day one after beta) on i will finish the bugs-part of this webpage, which we hope to have ready for you on ... oh, right, no dates.

Re: Introductions
Reply #4 - Apr 20th, 2005, 5:49am
just a quick note. fjen is responsible for the new processing icons. i think they're great -- goodbye red p5.
Re: Introductions
Reply #5 - Apr 20th, 2005, 9:56am
I don't think I ever posted on the last one.

My name is Tom Carden.  I studied Artificial Intelligence with Mathematics, and developed a simple simulation environment for experimenting with behavioural robotics control systems.  I'm currently studying for a doctorate in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation at Univeristy College London, and working for an architectural practice in London.  I write simulations of people walking through airports, and I do a small amount of teaching at the Bartlett (UCL's architecture school), which involves some Processing.

I keep weblogs at Computing for Emergent Architecture and Random etc., and I keep links at del.icio.us/TomC.
Re: Introductions
Reply #6 - Apr 20th, 2005, 9:56am
My name is Mark Hill. I'm an artist/ lecturer currently using processing as a central component to my practice-led PhD in fine art.

I used to be a games programmer in the late 80's on C64, Amiga, ST and early consoles, before going on to study fine art.

I use processing to develop and explore ideas and concepts about drawing. I find processing to be very useful for more traditionally based practitioners looking for an in-road into technology. This is precisely the kind of initiative that empowers artists, allowing them to contribute to our understanding of technology's cultural significance.

In a very real sense it makes research possible.

Hats off!
Re: Introductions
Reply #7 - Apr 20th, 2005, 11:14am
I'm John Gilbertson, and I got into Processing about a year and a half ago, after following a link on a processing sketch someone published.

I'm primarily interested in 3D graphics, and just making thing which I think look funky.

I've made a couple of games with processing, and even made a little bit of money from advertising on my site which hosts the sketches, so it's been a complete win-win situation for me, and I like being able to repay this good fortune by helping out with queries I see on here that I understand Smiley
Re: Introductions
Reply #8 - Apr 20th, 2005, 11:31am
Hi my name is Jon Danao. I studied BS Architecture at the University of the Philippines. I am the Creative Director at Slingshot Interactive. I also teach Flash courses at the Philippine Center for Creative Imaging.

I play lead guitars for a local band here. Check out our website and music (www.bridge-band.com).

Years ago I was able to get hold of Maeda's DBN. Flirted with it a bit and totally forgot about it. Then I saw Jared Tarbell's website and got hooked into Processing.

I love it so much. Hope you guys can publish a book on Processing. Smiley Cheers!
Re: Introductions
Reply #9 - Apr 20th, 2005, 11:56am

My name is Ricard.  I've studied Telecommunications Eng. in Lyon, France.  But I'm now studying and working in Barcelona.  I'm studying a Master in Digital Arts and working at the Music Technology Group, UPF.

Check out my web to see the works I've been doing for the master:

I'm currently searching for a PhD in the field of art-science.
Re: Introductions
Reply #10 - Apr 20th, 2005, 2:24pm
My name is Philipp Seifried. I'm studying Information Design at FH Joanneum in Graz, Austria and am currently living in Vienna, working on my thesis project. While my education has been biased more towards traditional media design (if such a thing exists), I find myself more on the programming side of the spectrum as time goes by (sometimes more than I'd like).

At the moment I take a strong interest in animation and motion design on the one hand; on the other hand, I like to tinker with code and would like to spend more time exploring physical structures. I'm seeking for a way of unifying these interests, while pondering where to go for a post-grad education.

I would really like to have a cat.
Re: Introductions
Reply #11 - Apr 20th, 2005, 7:36pm
Bonjour à tous,
Guillaume LaBelle. M.Sc.A in Architecture in Montreal.Québec.Canada. I'm working to introduce programming as a design process for Architecture and fabrication. I'm interrested by the Design By Ratios and the proportions of a form. I'm working as designer in different contexts as for Institutional Buildings and smaller scale projects as sculpture and installation. (http://labelle.spaceckit.ca)

I'm now working on Physical Computing for Architecture and Domotic. The project is called spaceKIT; (http://spacekit.ca).

My background in computing is LOGO, PovRAY and APPLE IIe.
I speak french.
Re: Introductions
Reply #12 - Apr 20th, 2005, 7:53pm
My name is Koen Mostert and this year I'm doing my senior  year of high school in the Netherlands. Been using Processing since version 0046 I think (that was 2 or 3 years ago), and have loved it ever since. I've been doing a bit of design (websites, logos, typograpy, illustrations) using the computer and recently started doing client work. You can visit my portfolio site at http://koeniedesign.com (soon to be redesigned!).

Koenie (that's what people usually call me)
Re: Introductions
Reply #13 - Apr 20th, 2005, 9:23pm
My name is Mikkel Koser, my background is an MA in Interaction Design (Royal College of Art, London UK) and a BA in Interactive Media (Designskolen Kolding, Denmark).

I have been playing, testing, learning, helping with processing since ver 0043 (August 2002 i think). Currently I work for IDEO as an interaction designer and do independent projects on the side.

Over time I've had a chance to make two cover's for processing.org (see the Exhibition page). I've tought two workshops with processing. Done a couple of commercial pieces and build custom hardware (PIC based) which interfaced with processing.

So far, thanks for the ride.

+ Mikkel


Basic > DBN > Lingo > HTML, Javascript, CSS > Actionscript > PHP > Processing > Java > ??? Smiley
Re: Introductions
Reply #14 - Apr 20th, 2005, 9:31pm
HA!... just realized that today, it's EXACTLY 32 months since i posted my first Introduction Smiley
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