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Introductions (Read 15048 times)
Re: Introductions
Reply #30 - Apr 25th, 2005, 9:39pm
Im Dylan, living in gainesville FL right now. I'm working on getting my MFA at UF in Digital Arts and Sciences. I've been messing with processing for the last year. Now that the new BETA is out, I'm really excited to see what I can pull out of it.

Re: Introductions
Reply #31 - Apr 27th, 2005, 3:22pm

My name is Dan Shiffman.  I studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate.  Afterwards, I wandered the earth doing all sorts of unrelated things for many years until I discovered computer programming at ITP (http://itp.nyu.edu) four years ago.  Now I'm a researcher and teacher at ITP, using processing in several intro-level programming/graphics courses.

I have a cat, a dog, and some very loud neighbors. . .


Re: Introductions
Reply #32 - Apr 28th, 2005, 3:19am

I'm Chad Udell, a multimedia desinger and developer located in Peoria, IL. In addition to a full time job at The Iona Group (http://ionagroup.com), I also teach a class at Bradley University in the multimedia department (http://slane.bradley.edu/mm/).

I have been playing with processing on and off since Alpha Build 65 (I think that was the first one I dl'ed)  and really like the approach to drawing, the power of getting and setting pixels and many other things that you can do with it. Very cool and lots of fun. I think I first heard of this through some Flash blogs or perhaps at Jared Tarbell's site...

Looking forward to the future of this tool and I think with the academic crowd this has a very bright future indeed... will it ever become a commerical success? Who knows, the next couple of years could be very intersting in that regard with the recent Adobe/Macromedia merger and the XAML component of Longhorn.

For those in the Peoria area, on Firday, April 29th a colleague of mine and I will have a booth at the Discovery Forum (http://www.bradley.edu/continue/forum/) I am planning on showing off Processing as an up and coming multimedia/art/CS tool. Come look me up.

Many thanks to Fry and Reas for the time and effort they put into this.
Re: Introductions
Reply #33 - Apr 28th, 2005, 8:50pm
Hi all,

This is John Henry Thompson, the "father" of Lingo scripting language for Macromedia Director.

I've been out of touch with the tech industry for a bunch of years dealing with some personal and family issues. The issues are still there but I'm getting re-connected to the art/tech/teaching world and it looks like Processing will be a big help.

Thanks for creating Processing, and the open/free collaboration environment. I was able to download and create a simple video effect in minutes on both Mac and Windows. I've been wrestling with what approach to take to make my DICE video processing application cross-platform. Processing is a breath of fresh air and relief from this stress - I get to play with pixels without writing more C++ code.

More about me at

For some bits of history about my work at Macromedia visit (To keep out the spammers its protected, to enter user: macr, password: omedia):

Re: Introductions
Reply #34 - May 6th, 2005, 3:05pm
my name is Levin Beicht and I live in Bonn, Germany. I am working as a Java Programmer for a Social Sience Centre and found Processing to be an easy way to quickly build a prototype or just to play a bit with graphics programming in my spare time. I pop in here once every week and watch processing grow for about 4-5 month now.
Oh and I currently study the sourcecode of processing because of some project I'm working on which has some similarities with p5 (but focused more on the educational than the art)
Re: Introductions
Reply #35 - May 7th, 2005, 5:31pm
hey, my name is mike cooper, i live in northeastern oregon. right now im  a freshman in highschool, and am using processing because it a simple programming lanaguage that i can sketch in. ill be on the board about once  day, to read messages and help people where i can.
Re: Introductions
Reply #36 - May 8th, 2005, 7:07am
Hi Everybody. I've been using P5 (Processing) for about 2 years I guess. Wow that is a long time. Before Processing, I did programming mainly in Director, Flash, and a little in Java. Mostly I've just been making things for fun, but P5 has been really useful in my job as a freelance artist.

Some of my older Processing sketches are up at my old website (http://elfman.vendetta.com/ryan) and pretty soon I'll put the new stuff up at my new easy to remember site (http://onecm.com)

Anyways it's really cool to see Processing grow and constantly get better thanks to everybody working so hard on it. I think the P5 mentality is going to totally take over!

My name is Ryan Alexander and I live in Echo Park, Los Angeles.
Re: Introductions
Reply #37 - May 11th, 2005, 5:03am
I'm Mackenzie Cowell.  I'm currently a junior biology major at Davidson College in North Carolina.  I've been interested in cognitive science and human computer interaction since I started school, and that, coupled with a more practical interest in biology, has led me to genomics, which I am currently "concentrating" on (like a cross-disciplinary minor).

This summer I'll be working with one of my professors to develop and extend a java program called MAGICtool, which was created here at Davidson to facilitate microarray analysis and ease its entrance into the curriculum.  I am extremely excited about the prospects of incorporating elements of Processing into MAGICtool.    Because of the simply massive amounts of information involved in genomics (and proteomics, *ics, etc.), biology is quickly becoming an information science, and the name of the game is "can you spot the pattern?'  Computers are good at organizing astronomical amounts of data, and people are very good at identifying novel patterns.  I'm hoping the graphics of Processing will help bring those two fortes together.

Also, the more I learn about places like ITP at Tisch and DMA at UCLA, the more enthusiastic I get about possibly doing graduate studies, and so I'm hoping to get more information about them and similar places from the community!  Davidson is small and liberal arts, and the curriculum of those places just blow my mind! It's awesome!  thanks  -  Smiley
Re: Introductions
Reply #38 - May 14th, 2005, 4:15pm
John Beech posted on 12th May 2004: Quote:
Hi, I'm John Beech. I go under the internet alias of Markavian most the time.

I work in Marketing - Sales Enablement for a Telecomms company working mainly in Flash, but I practice photography, programming in many areas (PHP +MySQL, Actionscript and now Processing), 3D modelling... vector based drawing. I've had a shot at pretty much everything you can do and find on the web.

I have a 'stuff site' at http://mkv25.net/ - you'll find all sorts there.

That was posted on just a year, I guess thats when I started with processing. (I still like calling it p5).

Whats changed? Well I quit my comfy technical/marketting job in the telecomms sector and went to university. I'm now nearing the end of my 1st Year Software Engineering course at Manchester... and I think its wonderful (and easy).

I've been doing bits and pieces of programming, and have also had the chance to create 3D models+textures for a big computer game, which is still in its early stages. As always, check ouit my website.. its got loads of neat stuff on it =).
Re: Introductions
Reply #39 - May 17th, 2005, 8:35am
Hi All - I've been lurking for a while.  My name is Lloyd Barrett and I'm currently doing a Masters of Music at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

As part of my Masters i'm currently working on producing a compositional tool for live 4 channel sound-morphing utilising an Artificial Life engine coded in Processing sending OSC to Max or PD.

Will be present at the Australian Computer Music Conference and Electrofringe this year and curate a weekly experimental music digest on community radio 4ZZZ 102.1FM.

(server just moved and not everything works yet - soon to be fixed)
Re: Introductions
Reply #40 - May 19th, 2005, 9:52pm
hey there.  i'm eric socolofsky, been messing with processing for.  oh my.  almost two years now?  started summer of '03 in amit pitaru's 'Code And Me' class at NYU/ITP, and been hooked ever since.

i used to be a practicing architect, but found that the field of architecture leaves precious little room for experimentation on a reaonsable scale of time.  so i migrated into new media stuffs, in particular working with spatial installations that focus on initiating conversation between spaces and the people who inhabit them.

and that's where processing comes in - great for making all sorts of visual textures, for communicating to audio software, for manipulating physical environments and for taking stock of them (via sensors), etc.  and generally just great for playing around with!

you can see evidence of how i waste time at http://transmote.com

glad to be here, and thanks to all who contribute to the growth and maturity of processing.

Re: Introductions
Reply #41 - May 25th, 2005, 1:01am
Hey everyone

I'm shane, I'm an Aussie from Brisbane originally but working in Auckland right now.

I work in software & multimedia development. I mostly use Flash at the moment, but also do some work in C++ and DirectX.

Processsing is really cool. I've only been playing with it since yesterday but I'm enjoying it a lot.

I'll see you all around the forums!
Re: Introductions
Reply #42 - May 25th, 2005, 1:10am
Hi, my name is Chris Basmajian, I am an interactive artist and photographer.

I started using Processing in the fall of 2004, while enrolled in the MA Digital Arts program at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, Maryland. I used Processing for my thesis project, which was an interactive piece with photographs and web-cam video. In the 05-06 academic year I will be enrolled in the MFA Photography and Digital Imaging program at MICA. I plan to continue using Processing to make work that explores perception, identity, perspective, time, and memory. I am interested in the impact that technology has on art, culture, and our pscyhes.

Before attending MICA, I worked for 5 years at Macromedia in San Francisco, designing and building help systems and instructional assets for various Macromedia products.

You can view some of my work at http://www.leadpipegraphics.com/portfolio/.
Re: Introductions
Reply #43 - May 25th, 2005, 7:50pm
my name is pete jeffs. I am an artist and freelance graphic designer based in Paris, France. I was originally trained in plant science at Durham University (UK), and took my PhD. at Cambridge University (UK), working in evolutionary genetics and molecular biology. I did five years of post-doctoral research in vertebrate development and neurobiology, before leaving science to concentrate on art, and on the relationship between art and science.

I built a small web site called invisible, which is about the relationships between art and science over essentially the past 400 years. The project is developing very slowly, and a huge amount of material is waiting to get put on line.

I got interested in Processing through John Maeda's work on DBN. I have always been interested in flash, but in the action-script side rather than timeline driven animation. Things by dextro (http://www.dextro.org), and the turux site (http://www.turux.org) have always deeply fascinated me. Looking at some of the code that Joshua Davis wrote in his praystation "hard-drive" project, I realised that one really could write code to "make brushes" rather than make strange grey scale attachments for photoshop. So that's it. I hope to learn how write (simple) code to develop imagery that grows somewhere in between art and science. This is the practical side of my 'invisible' project, and a long standing ambition for someone who is not particularly gifted at coding.

You can get an idea about invisible from http://www.invisible-cities.com.

And about my design work at http://www.invisible-cities.com/R5.htm

Apart from that, my mom once had two cats and I don't wear glasses. I do however make my own bread.

Big thanks to Ben + Casey for all their effort. It's a beautiful project. I'm happy to be able to log on.
Re: Introductions
Reply #44 - Jun 10th, 2005, 10:39am
Hi everyone,

I'm Julien Bouvet; I could describe myself as an home-artist and pro graphic designer based in Paris (too), in France.
My course is a quite strange: began with a communication/network degree, followed by a Gobelins' license in numeric creation, I'm working in web graphics...   But I'm also writing short stories (one upcoming for the end of this summer in the french translation in "Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine" called... Hu... "Fiction" -second issue-) and a post-cyberpunk (almost) experimental novel, scheduled for the end of 2006: "Alpha World: the Dreamcity". (http://www.plusinfinity.net/)

I've known this project for a while, but just registered today. I'm stepping beyond the line hu hu.
Like several people (as I saw), I'm a Flash renegade (I've "worked" for a french Flash portal called "Flash-France" http://www.flash-france.com/) but certainly wanted something new... I was searching for a language dedicated for demos and quick conceptions... Until I read John Maeda's blog.
Honestly, I was *hating* Java. Thought this was a gas factory, something like this.
Glad to see Processing changing my mind :]
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