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  • standalone application Processing with Eclipse

    Hello Kevin, thanks for the feedback.

    I already tried to generate .jar, I actually tried all the possibilities in exporting it in Eclipse, following the tips I found on the Internet.

    Unfortunately I am not finding solutions to a safe guide to solving the problem, I have already tried the paths in these quoted below, but it seems that they do not work anymore.

    I will try these tips that you passed.

    thank you so much!

  • standalone application Processing with Eclipse

    Hello guys,

    I'm using the Processing libraries with Eclipse.

    Everything works OK, but I can not export to executable file, I've tried several paths, so far unsuccessful.

    I tried following some tutorials using Proclipsing, but it is not working as expected, breaking links, etc ... I did adding the libraries manually myself, but I can not export.

    Can anyone give any tips on how do I export to standalone application?

    Thank you very much for your attention.

  • Twitter4J is updated but no library (.jar) for processing? How can I use it?

    Lol. ;/ Yeah I would love to wait for them but I have a feeling that it might take a year or forever. Since the library file I got at the first place is actually not from the official website anyway.

    And, just for the update of this question; I have moved into Eclipse and used the .jar file of this Twitter4j library. As expected, it works fine so I can grab full tweets to manipulate something creative. So for those who maybe looking for the same answer, the con of this is now the difficulty of exporting a project as .app. Of course, you can make .jar instead to run on a computer. The difficulty here is actually about calling file paths correctly if you make a project that calls many external sources like pictures and sounds. Because after export, your file is now .jar and not in processing .app.

    I have tried Proclipsing. It works great for prepare you the project container (.java) and file directory in finder but, no point when export. The Proclipsing dev team are not continue doing it. Therefore, there are many tasks to do after you have exported using Proclipsing just to make it run like .app

    I'm now thinking if this is worth it actually that I move into Eclipse and have the full tweets.

  • App exported from Proclipsing won't open!

    First of all, I'm not sure what is this question should fall into. So I'm sorry if this it wrong.

    I tested Proclipsing to export my stuff and it won't open. So I try a very basic thing and it still won't run. So I guess there is something wrong with the installation. However, everything works fine in Eclipse environment. So here is a super simple code that should work when export as an app

    package testproclipsing;
    import processing.core.PApplet;
    public class TestProclipsing extends PApplet {
        public void settings() {
        public void setup() {
        public void draw() {
            text("testing", width/2, height/2);
        public static void main(String _args[]) {
            PApplet.main(new String[] { testproclipsing.TestProclipsing.class.getName() });

    I did follow the step from here: 1, 2, 3

    Also, before trying this Proclipsing, I have tried to use Runnable jar but could n't figure it out how to call file path correctly to because I have to run this file in another computer. I can make it run in mine because the data is the same but when move to another. The folder won't be the same so I put it in the same folder of the project and try several things the internet say, until I got so tried and confused. For example: 1 2 3

    If Proclipsing is not what I should go for, anyone knows a good resource I could read and understand easy maybe step-by-step for runnable jar and how to locate the files?

  • More issues with proclipsing

    There is no further instruction on github regarding this subject, I started a new thread as this was a separate trouble then installation, I installed processing from

  • More issues with proclipsing

    after installed processing for eclipse, I went to create a new project, and chose processing in "select a wizard", however when I pressed next and entered the name for the project it said that "Processing path (C:\Program Files\Processing) does not exist." is it possible that anyone knows the reason for the problem and or a possible solution?

  • proclipsing installation issue

    First Google hit for proclipsing is a github repo of the Google code, so try that:

    It hasn't changed since 2014 and has numerous issues raised on it so I'm guessing it's unmaintained.

  • proclipsing installation issue

    since I wanted to use graphics in my programming, but still use eclipse as that is what I'm used to, I decided to try downloading proclipse, however, this came with its issues, on the tutorial to download proclipsing on, it mentioned I had to use a link, this link was, however this link did not work, and other websites with proclipsing installation had this same link, does anyone have a link that I can use to download proclipse?

  • No runnable jar file with video.

    Hey I found this tip here:

    -Dgstreamer.library.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64 -Dgstreamer.plugin.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64\plugins

    and it works with Java 1.8

    If i try to make a runnable Jar, i got this message.:

    VM arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR

    What can i do? I've moved from Netbeans to Eclipse.

  • Proclipsing, anyone?

    But if you don't know what Proclipsing is, then this forum thread is not for you. :)

  • Proclipsing, anyone?

    Hello, Do you actively use Proclipsing, the Eclipse plugin for Processing? I'm the new maintainer, and trying to gauge the current level of interest in the community. Because IntelliJ has now had a 'free' version, and it is much, much more sane to use than Eclipse, should we continue to maintain the Proclipsing plugin?

    I'm especially curious about usage in classrooms. If you are an instructor, do you currently have your students use it?

  • getting started with OframeWorks

    Yea, most of them are needed for the whole Processing framework to work.
    Processing's IDE (PDE) is already configured. When using another IDE we gotta do that ourselves.

    For Eclipse, you should look up Proclipsing:

  • Possible Memory Leak?

    @GoToLoop I can't use set(), because alpha blending is important in this project. However I made some util class to clear PImage cache, which is still not working as I expect;

        public static void disposePImage(PGraphics pg, PImage img)
            Object cache = pg.getCache(img);
            if (cache instanceof Texture)
                ((Texture) cache).disposeSourceBuffer();
        public static void disposePImages(PGraphics pg, PImage[] imgs)
            for(PImage img: imgs)
                Object cache = pg.getCache(img);
                if (cache instanceof Texture)
                    ((Texture) cache).disposeSourceBuffer();

    I will now try to download Processing3.0.2 and attact the library in it in my Eclipse project.

    Edit: I tried if my Proclipsing version had some memory leak problem when I tried that code chunk;

    PGraphics pg;
    public void draw()
            pg = createGraphics( width, height );
            image( pg, 0, 0 );
            pg = null;

    And the answer is yes, memory usage grew up to 1.8GB less than 1 min

  • Possible Memory Leak?

    Hello everybody, I'm using Proclipsing. First of all, do you guys recommend using Proclipsing, if not where can I find the Processing3 jars to attach in my Eclipse project?

    The other thing is that I made a little UI system which disposes and resets itself in every Stage Change action. Since every Stage has it's own PImage instances (such as logos, button state images etc), every setup of UI according to that Stage loads up new PImages. I read a lot about memory leak with image() method and PImage in the old versions of Processing. I am not sure if Proclipsing has that leak bug fixed or I'm doing some disposing wrong or even possibly Task Manager measuring it awkwardly wrong. Also I'm not sure which part of my project should I post here in order to clarify that case, since the problem has a weird concept behind it. I'm looking forward to your replies, thanks in advance

  • Resolved: Build path to export from Eclipse with multiple Java classes and the Serial library


    I found the best way to overcome the difficulty of exporting Processing code through eclipse was to do the exact opposite and instead export using Processing... hear me out.

    In the question below I was concerned with extending the functionality of the Processing language by writing some extra pieces of code in pure java. I was trying to do all of this within Eclipse and then export using Eclipse.

    A better way is to write your pure java in Eclipse and then when it comes to exporting, just copy your raw java into processing (drag and drop java classes into a new tab in the Processing IDE) and then export as normal. Much simpler!

    Processing Tabs

    **END Of EDIT


    Hi everyone,

    I would be very grateful if someone with a little more experience than myself could point out the trouble I'm having which I suspect is with my build path.

    The issue is with exporting a Processing project from Eclipse. I am using the Proclipsing setup and have another two classes which are purely Java and I am also using the G4P contributed Processing library and the native Serial library.

    The whole thing works great within Eclipse but when I export (using the Processing Export Wizard) and then run the batch file, I get the following error: 'Exception in "Animation Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jssc.SerialNativeInterface.getSerialPortNames() .... '

    This suggest to me that the buildpath is not correctly setup and the exported script can't access the serial library, jssc, and possibly many of the other libraries such as the processing core libraries.

    How should I go about altering my build path so that all of the libraries are in the correct place?

    Many thanks for taking your time to read through. For added info, I have attached screenshots of the Eclipse tree view for the project as well as the build path window. If there is any more information I can give then please do let me know.

    Kind regards, Robin

    Eclipse Build Path Libraries Order and Export Eclipse Build Path Libraries Eclipse Build Path Projects Eclipse Build Path Source Eclipse Tree View Photo jssc error from Batch File

  • Alternative IDE for Processing

    I've looked at SublimeText with Processing Package Plugin (thanks to soundsound) and Eclipse with Proclipsing. ( Both of them worked, but my initial assessment is that I had to tweak my code to compile on Eclipse, while Sublime worked seamlessly. Strictly speaking, Sublime might be called an 'Editor' and Eclipse an 'IDE'? I'll keep working with both of them to see which is more suitable for my purpose. I'm a bit distracted by choosing the customised colour schemes though.. Thank you for the suggestions.

  • How to load a java native .jnilib file into a Processing 3.0.1 sketch

    I recently posted a similar question on the Forum and received some very helpful input but was unable to resolve the issue and may have directed it to the wrong group - so I will try again. I am trying to modify a code written using Eclipse/Proclipsing 4 years ago for a science museum (I am a retired volunteer who has been given this task!). The code interfaces with a digital spectrometer and the spectrometer vendor provides software that support java codes. The desired processing sketch needs to load both .jar and .jnilib files to control the device. The following simple sketch ( a .pde tab and two class tabs) was developed to mimic the techniques need to load these files and the structure of the much more complex exhibit code.

    The programming is done using a Mac running OSx 10.9.3 and Processing3.0.1.

    The three sketch tabs follow - the first is the .pde file:

        Display display;
        Hardware hardware;
        int rad;
      public void setup() {
        display = new Display(this);
        hardware = new Hardware(this);
        rad = 1;
    //    hardware.startWrapper(); // delete this line and the sketch should work!
      public void draw() {
        rad = rad +1;
        if(rad > 300/2){rad = 0;}
      public void settings() {
      public void keyTyped(){
        System.out.println("typed - " + char(key) );
            if (key == 'r') {stroke(255,0,0);}
            if (key == 'b') {stroke(0,0,255);}
            if (key == 'g') {stroke(0,255,0);}

    then the two class tabs: class Display

    import processing.core.*;
    public class Display {
      private PApplet p;
      //public boolean keyState;
      public Display(PApplet p) {
      public void drawCircle(float _radius){

    class Hardware

    import com.oceanoptics.omnidriver.api.wrapper.Wrapper;
    import processing.core.PApplet;
    public class Hardware {
      PApplet p;
      Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper();
      public Hardware(PApplet p) {this.p=p;}
    public void startWrapper() {
       System.out.println("trying to find the spectrometer");
       System.out.println (wrapper);
      try {
      catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
        System.err.println("Native code library failed to load.\n" + e);
      int numberOfSpectrometers = -1;
      numberOfSpectrometers = wrapper.openAllSpectrometers();
      System.out.println (numberOfSpectrometers);

    The sketch runs if you comment out the following line in the .pde file :

         hardware.startWrapper(); // delete this line and the sketch should work!

    With that line included and a "code" directory in the sketch folder that contains the .jar file for Wrapper and libNatUSB.jnilib file, the sketch does not run and yields the following output.

    trying to find the spectrometer
    Native code library failed to load.
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing3testing/KeyTypedTest/code/libNatUSB.jnilib: dlopen(/Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing3testing/KeyTypedTest/code/libNatUSB.jnilib, 1): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing3testing/KeyTypedTest/code/libNatUSB.jnilib: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    Could not run the sketch (Target VM failed to initialize).

    Any suggestions as to how to deal with the "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:" error would be greatly appreciated.


  • How to load a .jnilib file into a Processing 3.0.1 sketch

    Great input, thanks again ... sorry for any inconvenience due to my inexperience with the forum protocol.

    Quick background - I'm trying to adapt a code that is part of a museum exhibit that was developed with Eclipse/Proclipsing, thus the reason for the weird .pde file - I am a museum "volunteer" with limited java experience but learning each day due to the assistance of people like you!

    Adapted the sketch, shown below, and tried to run it using 3.0a5:

    Wrapper wrapper;
    void setup() {
        try {
        }  catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e)  {
          System.err.println("Native code library failed to load.\n" + e);
        wrapper = new Wrapper();
        println (wrapper);
        int numberOfSpectrometers = -1;
        numberOfSpectrometers = wrapper.openAllSpectrometers();
        println (numberOfSpectrometers);
    void draw() { 
    public void settings() {
      size(300, 250);

    and once the same error in loading the .jnlib file from the code directory - shown below?? The wrapper class is in a .jar file that is also in the sketch's code directory.

    Native code library failed to load. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing30a5testing/OmniDriverTests/code/libNatUSB.jnilib: dlopen(/Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing30a5testing/OmniDriverTests/code/libNatUSB.jnilib, 1): no suitable image found. Did find: /Users/westgallery/Desktop/Processing30a5testing/OmniDriverTests/code/libNatUSB.jnilib: no matching architecture in universal wrapper Could not run the sketch (Target VM failed to initialize). For more information, read revisions.txt and Help → Troubleshooting.

  • #Include in Processing

    from my issue post:

    Henri: I really don't want to change to eclipse (specially because i've never used and i have one week to finish this work. And i still have some of more 40 totally different Classes to make). Also that would defeat the purpose of having a cozy awesome IDE with debugging, tweaking that you can simply extract and start coding.

    Plus, as explained in this tutorial about using Processing with eclipse, it adds extra work and headache when working with multiple classes due to nested classes. And proclipsing haven't been updated in a while and won't solve the classes complications.

    benfry: Use Eclipse or another IDE. If you have that many classes, Processing is not the right tool.

    Yep, you're right. They don't care. I can't even answer - the issue is closed.

    I know processing is for "sketching" but that indeed is very narrow-minded! Don't get me wrong, i really love the work they're doing. But why limit it? Processing is so powerfull in what it can do, why limit it to small projects?? It's the main language aimed at visual arts. Having to learn C# with tons of libraries fpr graphics just because there is a tab limit is just discouraging :s

    Yeah, but you're right anyway. If i want to stick with Processing i will probably have to learn how to make libraries. But that's a really workflow-killer, specially because i have less than one week left. Until then i will try having three text editors working on different files. But i already predict this will cause some problems. I can already pinpoint one:

    But the problem is that when you modify some file externally processing forces you to relead immediately (if you click no in the "reload??" popup it simple appears again). If somehow i forget to save my modifications on processing IDE and change anything externaly i will loose that modifications.

    Well, i'm just writing about this problem. I think it is very likely that other people go through it. Maybe we can share our solutions.