No runnable jar file with video.

Hey I found this tip here:

-Dgstreamer.library.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64 -Dgstreamer.plugin.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64\plugins

and it works with Java 1.8

If i try to make a runnable Jar, i got this message.:

VM arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR

What can i do? I've moved from Netbeans to Eclipse.


  • edited March 2017

    I will concretly my problem. I have programmed a GUI for my Quadrocopter with Eclipse in Java(Processing 3). In this GUI is a camera included. She woks fine inside the IDE. Now i want to make an executable Jar File.

    This is my Main:

            static public void main(String[] passedArgs) {
                String[] appletArgs = new String[] {Main_CockPit.class.getName()};
                if (passedArgs != null) {
                    PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs));
                } else {

    I put this lines into the VM Arguments.

    -Dgstreamer.library.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64 -Dgstreamer.plugin.path=D:\Benutzer\Willi\MyProcessing\libraries\video\library\windows64\plugins

    VM arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR

    The Jar-file doesn't work. If I disable the camera part within the setup, it works, but without camera.

    I needyour help realy

  • edited March 2017

    Have nobody can answer. Perhaps it is an stupid questions. I dont get any further. I need your help please.

  • I have not found a solution yet.


    It works not.

  • Is it basically possible to include the Processing-video library in a runable Jar-file?

  • Wait a second, you're trying to add the Processing Video library to an "app" you created using Eclipse, right? I don't think it should require any additional VM arguments. But now I'm confused.

  • Thanks for the answer and interest. I need the VM arguments into the IDE. Without it, no Video Capture on the screen. Please wait a little bit. I will send your my command line.

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