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In this Discussion

Forum trouble / Problems post here



  • There is a vertical-align: baseline; line over all HTML elements of this forum, making tags like <sub> to fail. I suggest to remove it. Thanks.

  • It would be nice if the combo box of choosing a category have no default setting, and if choosing one option remains mandatory. This way, we (hopefully) would have less messages in Using Processing.

  • A minor point, but it would be nice if the smiley dropdown in the writing box didn't obscure the last few letters of the line when typing (could it be moved on to the toolbar with the other formatting buttons?).

  • i didnt not see this thread before creating a new one here , i cannot delete it so an admin could do it....

    the problem, i get no email notifications. Do all of you here get email from this forum? any way to fix this? (i only get email if my answer is ticked as accepted answer)

  • I don't receive notification in my email box, but I check all the boxes in the parameter pages to receive notifications of comments, or answers... I read in this post this problem is "recurent". Maybe I miss something in the instruction ?

  • I didn't receive email notifying me new comments to my post. I've already specified email notification in my forum preference. Can the webmaster help to check? Thanks!

  • yes can someone us help a bit here?

  • I will check after xmas ... can#t do earlier.

  • The spam problem is still pretty bad...

    Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 13.04.26

  • Greetings! My search results are not well matched to my search terms. Are there tips for fomulating search terms effectively? I've tried calibrating using simple terms ('search', 'motion', 'curve') but have failed to learn from this.

    My primary interest is to search for 'moving a point along bezier curve', as I am trying to animate a point (or object) moving along a Bezier created from data input from a csv file.

    and, yes, I'm a new user....

  • edited June 2014

    I mainly use google for a search together with the term "site:";q=JSON+site:

    (for your question look at or post a new thread)


  • Note that searching from the main site automatically does this "site"-scoped search.

  • You might consider augmenting the search to also search the former forum as there are many answers in

  • The above mentioned searches includes the old forums, the wiki, the reference, etc. That's the interest (as opposed to search using the search field in this forum, limited to the current forum, and quite limited).

  • @PhiLho: the google search is much better than the search of the forum (for short words?)

  • how to delete a thread or post created?

  • @Chrisir. When I write "the main site", I mean not the forum. The forum is just a part of the site... Have you noticed that each page of the site has a search box?

  • @evachan: you cannot. Which is generally a good thing. In the old forum, people often deleted a thread to hide their appearance after getting help, removing useful advices from public view. It was bad practice: people spend time to help, all this information makes a precious corpus of techniques, tricks, advices, etc.

    Now, perhaps you can have a legitimate reason to delete something, like a thread where nobody gave a useful answer. In this case, just ask to a moderator. They already delete duplicate posts and threads...

  • He doesn't have such a reason

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