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Forum trouble / Problems post here



  • edited October 2013

    @fjen, @Administrator, @REAS questions & answer option is fine with me. Thank you.

  • edited October 2013

    This is a insignificant thing to complain about, but I am a little disappointed that it doesn't show time offsets, like posted 2 hours ago. Is that an option?

  • I believe there is a plugin for that.

    It can be nice to have this. I don't like the AM/PM date formatting, and Vanilla doesn't allow users to have their own format. :-(

    Well, at least, unlike Zoho, it shows the time I have on my computer, not the time of the server!

  • There is a problem with tags that creep up in the Popular tags table but most probably are from spam messages (such as mortgage, insurance, refinance and similar). The spam messages were deleted, but the tags are still there.

  • Yup i see them. Thanks for reporting.

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    Hi, i could not connect from mobile Safari, I got to a page saying;

    Bonk Something funky happened. Please bear... bla...

    The url was hand entered as and also as

  • profile 674 seems be posting spam that isn't caught by the spam-catcher. not sure why (url parsing?)

  • ^ in discussions and activities

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    A detail, when using urls in code you get a weird misleading result, look:

    some = loadImage("");

    (i wrote: some = loadImage("");)

    same thing with back ticks works though

    some = loadImage("");

  • Yes. I know about the link in code problem ... Tx

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    Hi fjen, more of the same, emoticons inside code also exposes HTML.

    //a happy comment in my code unformatted :)

    same formatted...

    //a happy comment in my code formatted :)
  • K, noted. Tx

  • edited October 2013

    is the Activity page disabled? it's giving a 500.

  • Yes. Too much spam at the moment

  • Sure you know this better than me, but just in case... the only cure for spammers in my forum that worked (not a vanillla, a simple machine forum) was a mod (plugin) that automatically checks against stopforumspam each subscription... maybe there is something like this for vanilla forums...

  • edited October 2013

    This is already at work here ... plus Akismet. Don't want to discuss the details here .. for obvious reasons. :)

  • Ideally, since this is a coding forum, we should use something like the GitHub Flavored Markdown...

    It respects line-breaks as, ie. code pasted as is is ugly, but won't result in one line... It adds strike-through wanted by GoToLoop, fenced code-blocks, and other goodies.

    Of course, that's more a bug / feature request to raise against the author of the Vanilla plugin than something to complain about here. Will look if I can do that, someday...

  • edited October 2013

    It adds strike-through wanted by GoToLoop,...

    Actually I wanted underline! /:) But both is better! :)>-

  • Strike-through is more useful, IMHO, than underline.

    The former can be used to show deprecated info and such. The latter is too associated to links on the Net, so it is rarely used in Web pages for a long time, to avoid people clicking on simple text...

    Can still be useful in titles or such, of course.

    @fjen indeed, this project is quite close of this goal.

  • Will there be a way to upload pictures? All the picture icon does is adding this line:

    [![image alt text]()]

    Most people have dropbox to link to an image, but it will end up with lot's of topics having no images anymore by dead image links in future.

  • Yes, i know. There is a plugin we plan to use for this but it needs fixing. It's coming.

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    Could we just hit the regular forum page from a mobile iOS device?

  • Sorry, what?

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    Sorry, I posted before here When I use Safari in iOS (iPhone) to access the forum, I get to a "bonk" page, so I thought I was being redirected to a mobile version...

    Already cleaned (cookies... etc) in Safari before trying.

  • Yes. I see it ... will have to wait until the weekend though. Tx for reporting.

  • ^ same in firefox on my nexus4 fwiw.

  • Yup. Noted.

  • @koogs @_vk mobile version is back on track.

  • @fjen thanks! Works perfectly. Posted from the iPhone :)

  • check! good here too. thanks.

  • _vk_vk
    edited October 2013

    Hi, another subtle note, the code highlighting does not highlight the data types...

    int     x = 0;
    float   y = 0.0;
    String  s = "";
    boolean b = true;
    char   ch = ' ';
    PVector p = new PVector();
    PImage  i = loadImage("bla.jpg");
    byte   by = 1;
    color   c = color(0);
    double  d = 0.0;
    long    l = 1;
  • edited October 2013

    And # sugar syntax for webcolors is confused about which color to highlight itself with: 8-|

    final static color FG = #008000, BG = #FF0000;
  • .. for the list. Tx.

  • edited October 2013

    And I think both comments and literal numbers being both green is a little mess! :-&

    // Green comment :=(!
    final static short  NUM = 0150;
    final static String STR = "Blue!  ;-D";
  • edited October 2013

    I like my comments to be gray, anyway...

    Note: strange highlight with @ in such (Windows bat file) code:

    @echo off
    java -Djava.ext.dirs=lib -Djava.library.path=lib Bah

    Related to URLs, I suppose. It is probably the wrong location to post such problems (related to Vanilla or the plugins or the plugin interactions), as I don't expect fjen to fix them all by himself, but it is useful to list them together... :-)

    Mmm, the syntax highlighter should work before the part of Vanilla that detects URLs (or references to users like @fjen), and the latter should not look into <pre> sections...

  • That is a problem for PJS directives too: L-)

    /* @pjs pauseOnBlur = "true"; 
     preload = "/static/uploaded_resources/p.6273/searichter.jpg"; */
  • The problem is that the highlighter does not remove HTML ... because it might be wanted to have it there. But then markdown allows for HTML to be mixed into it. So i guess all is functioning as wanted but just not for our situation.

    I already hacked the highlighter JS so bad that we can't sanely update it anymore. .. so i guess i can look into removing any HTML inside highlighted code blocks.

  • General remark (should be aimed at the plugin's authors, later...), we should be able to unmark a message as accepted or rejected!
    Once we clicked on such link / button, it cannot be changed / undone. Even for admins!

  • edited October 2013

    can we get a link to the reference on every page, please?

    also, is there a way to get rid of announcements at the top of the page when you've read them? i have half a screenful at the moment and it pushes the new content down.

    (i see a checkbox beside each one which gives me Delete / Merge option popup in bottom corner, and also a 'Options' drop down box next to that checkbox with 6 more options but it's not clear what's user functionality and what's admin functionality and i don't want to nuke posts from the board, just hide them for me)


  • edited October 2013

    "can we get a link to the reference on every page"
    Not sure. Why not a link to the Tutorials, the Libraries pages too? A single link to the main site is more useful (I always have a tab with the Reference page anyway...).
    That's something often missing in lot of forums: a simple link from the forum to the main site...

    "announcements at the top of the page"
    Yesterday, I made all library announcements to be such (announcements), but it can be a bad idea, after all. Looks like "announcements" is a synonyms of "sticky" in this forum.
    I will remove this flag...

    OK, I even could do that without opening each topic, from the list. At least a good feature! ;-)
    Thanks for the head up!

  • yeah, i could just bookmark the reference in my browser, but i already have one - to my local 1.5.1 copy, which is no use for pasting into answers 8)

  • I feel the forum doesn't notify me when an answer from me is answered (in a thread I didn't start) - did somebody have this experience too?


  • edited October 2013

    How can the forum know whether a following reply was directed to your specific reply? ~:>
    AFAIK, all of them are just another post like any other! b-(
    Only the thread's creator is notified about any action that happened! 8-X
    Perhaps if you click on the thread's star to bookmark it you can also be notified for anything happening just like the creator's! :-?

  • edited October 2013

    @GoToLoop +1 It's hard to keep track of ongoing conversations.

    Also, could there be a more intuitive way to highlight blocks of code than the pre language="processing" and tabs? The fact that highlighting it does not appear in preview adds to the confusion.

  • is there a way to delete a posting/discussion i started?

  • @mschi Apparently no. Which is a good think, too often (in the previous forum) people deleted threads where they have answers, disregarding the work of the people that answered it, removing perhaps valuable answers from searches.

    You can edit your message, if needed. Or ask a moderator to delete the thread, if applicable.

  • people have been deleting the content of their posts even though they can't delete threads. annoying.

    anyway, have been looking into allowing people to unaccept answers. i think it's easy enough to do, it's just a case of where we put the link to do it.

    another clause in the switch in DiscussionController_QnA_Create in class.qna.plugin.php for "Unanswered" should allow it. and you can script a link for it using something like the two in the echo in Base_CommentOptions_Handler(). might need to go above those though - those Accept / Reject links aren't scripted if the message is marked as Accepted or Rejected so ideally the Unanswered link would be scripted then. can't quite find that code though.


  • can't quite find that code though.

    possibly as part of if($QnA) block

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