Problems drawing a sphere

edited January 2014 in GLSL / Shaders

This demo takes the processing demo on drawing textures and attempts to create a sphere. I successfully get the right shape, but there are blue and white quads being drawn on top of the texture and I don't know why.

I have attached a screenshot. You can see the earth, but on top of it are lots of blue and white quads in various patterns.

I figured out that the reason it wasn't working was that I was using a QUAD_STRIP and the strips don't connect. So I tried to create multiple QUAD_STRIPS, one for each band around the earth. That doesn't work because PShape seems to support only a single one. I could use QUADS and write each intervening point twice, like this:


A D D F F H ....

But since that still doesn't solve the problem of writing the poles, I would like to know what I should do to add this code into PShape.

In addition, when I tried to use quads, I think the code no longer worked with the GLSL. Here are the GLSL files:

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;

uniform sampler2D texture;

varying vec4 vertColor;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;

void main() {
  gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, * vertColor;


uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 texMatrix;

attribute vec4 vertex;
attribute vec4 color;
attribute vec2 texCoord;

varying vec4 vertColor;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;

void main() {
  gl_Position = transform * vertex;

  vertColor = color;
  vertTexCoord = texMatrix * vec4(texCoord, 1.0, 1.0);

Here's the processing source code

void setup() {
  size(640, 360, P3D);  
  label = loadImage("earth.jpg");
  can = createSphere(200, 64, label);
  texShader = loadShader("texfrag.glsl", "texvert.glsl");

void draw() {    
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  angle += 0.01;

PShape createSphere(float r, int detail, PImage tex) {
  PShape sh = createShape();
  final float dA = TWO_PI / detail; // change in angle

  // process the sphere one band at a time
  // going from almost south pole to almost north
  // poles must be handled separately
  float theta2 = -PI/2+dA;
  float SHIFT = PI/2;
  float z2 = sin(theta2); // height off equator
  float rxyUpper = cos(theta2); // closer to equator
  for (int i = 1; i < detail; i++) {
    float theta1 = theta2; 
    theta2 = theta1 + dA;
    float z1 = z2;
    z2 = sin(theta2);
    float rxyLower = rxyUpper;
    rxyUpper = cos(theta2); // radius in xy plane
    for (int j = 0; j <= detail; j++) {
      float phi = j * dA; //longitude in radians
      float xLower = rxyLower * cos(phi);
      float yLower = rxyLower * sin(phi);
      float xUpper = rxyUpper * cos(phi);
      float yUpper = rxyUpper * sin(phi);
      float u = phi/TWO_PI;
      sh.normal(xLower, yLower, z1);
      sh.vertex(r*xLower, r*yLower, r*z1, u,(theta1+SHIFT)/PI);
      sh.normal(xUpper, yUpper, z2);
      sh.vertex(r*xUpper, r*yUpper, r*z2, u,(theta2+SHIFT)/PI);    
  return sh;




  • The main problem in your code was that you were increasing the theta angle (which goes from -pi to pi) by the step corresponding to the phi angle.

    Regarding using multiple quad strips: you can create a separate shape for each strip, and then group them together using a group shape.

    Also, you were assigning PI/2 to a variable named SHIFT, which is not recommended since Processing uses the name SHIFT to identify the shift key.

    With these corrections, a working version of the sketch could be:

    PImage label;
    PShader texShader;
    PShape earth;
    float angle;
    void setup() { 
      size(640, 360, P3D);
      label = loadImage("world32k.jpg"); 
      earth = createSphere(150, 64, label); 
      texShader = loadShader("texfrag.glsl", "texvert.glsl"); 
    void draw() {    
      translate(width/2, height/2);
      angle += 0.01;
    PShape createSphere(float r, int detail, PImage tex) {
      PShape gr = createShape(GROUP);
      float dphi = TWO_PI / detail; // change in phi angle
      float dtheta = PI / detail; // change in theta angle
      // process the sphere one band at a time
      // going from almost south pole to almost north
      // poles must be handled separately
      float theta2 = -PI/2+dtheta;
      float z2 = sin(theta2); // height off equator
      float rxyUpper = cos(theta2); // closer to equator
      for (int i = 1; i < detail; i++) {
        float theta1 = theta2; 
        theta2 = theta1 + dtheta;
        float z1 = z2;
        z2 = sin(theta2);
        float rxyLower = rxyUpper;
        rxyUpper = cos(theta2); // radius in xy plane
        PShape sh = createShape();
        for (int j = 0; j <= detail; j++) {      
          float phi = j * dphi; //longitude in radians
          float xLower = rxyLower * cos(phi);
          float yLower = rxyLower * sin(phi);
          float xUpper = rxyUpper * cos(phi);
          float yUpper = rxyUpper * sin(phi);
          float u = phi/TWO_PI;
          sh.normal(xLower, yLower, z1);
          sh.vertex(r*xLower, r*yLower, r*z1, u,(theta1+HALF_PI)/PI);
          sh.normal(xUpper, yUpper, z2);
          sh.vertex(r*xUpper, r*yUpper, r*z2, u,(theta2+HALF_PI)/PI); 
      return gr;
  • Thanks! This is great but there is no north pole, which would presumably have to be put on by an end cap of triangles, I forget what that's called?

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