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Processing version 3.3.6
Android mode 4.0
android version on phone: 6.0
everything I changed on the manifest:
android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" package="Introscopia.testotesto123minus4haha">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="17" android:targetSdkVersion="23"/>
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="testotesto123minus4haha">
<activity android:name=".balls"
I have the icon files in the folder, I try to export a signed package, it gives me BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
click the .apk on the phone, it gives me "Parse Error: there was a problem parsing the package"
you have not to add your package name because P5 adds it automatically as it adds the app name; then you cannot change the name for the activity (launcher) created by P5 as you are in a fragment.
@akenaton thanks for the response. It seems I do have to add a package name, it doesn't let me export it with the default (empty) name. As for the activity title, I removed it and still get the same error.
can you put here your complete manifest, as it is now???
your manifest seems to be ok and if t compiles as you told your code is probably good. is your "old" version always on the phone???? - if yes, destroy it. what is the os version on the phone (it has to be >= 17). what is the final name of your .apk?
I always delete the old files after copying over a new export.
OS is >= 17.
file names:
all of them throw the same parse error.
and thanks for still bearing with me here!
excuse me, i am very busy these days; looking to your last post (and thinking that your manifest is ok) i see only one kind of error: naming; so, first question, when you saved your code (without exporting anything) what was the name???- At this moment have you sucessfully installed (debug mode) your app on the phone??? Any problem??? _ Other thing: are you absolutely sure that it does not remain nothing (on the phone of course!) of your "old files" (in this case it could be a problem of "version")??? - As soon as possible i will try by myself but now i cannot get time for that. Last question : have you before installed (sucessfully) some simple code in release mode??
I am having the exact same problem, and nothing I try works :((
@Introscopia @akenaton @minimi22
Just been having the same problem.
The error message says package name must contain a "." separator so try package="the.hotnewtest"
Works for me ... :)
package name in android (an java) must be written in lower case and have a pattern like : com.mydevelopername.myappname. This is mandatory: so if in your Manifest you change the package name for something like: "myapp", when uploaded it fires the error described; that's why i have said in my post: there is probably a naming problem...
yes I agree ... I was just pointing out the need for at least one "." in the package name