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I need help with glsl shaders, I need someone to teach me and or make a shader for me for a project. I need shaders like a phong reflection material, a big shader for shadows that support multiple lights and textures, and the one I failed to make, a outline shader, to render like a outline around a 3D shape.I'm also looking for a realistic sun light effect and a shader that can display bump maps Also really important I am working in 3D. If you are interested to help me contact me at stephcraft@videotron.ca or on my skype at Stephcraft64 :D
Interesting reference
I think it is fair to start an official discussion. more users can benefit from our progress
Your requested shader are:
phong reflection material
What is your status quo in writing shaders?
When you read this wikipedia article, can you start straight away with implementing it ?
I figured out how to make the outline shader, here is a quick preview :
if you want to join you still can, contact me at stephcraft@videotron.ca
Have you checked out PostFX -- the shader based post processing library by @cansik?
yes, thank you for the notice. I should probably check the glsl of that library to help me. The glowing shader seams interesting.