Simple Shadow Mapping

edited June 2016 in Share Your Work

Implemented the shadow mapping technique from this old tutorial (without using any "low level GL") in Processing 3.0.X.

shadow_mapping_1 shadow_mapping_0 shadow_mapping_2 shadow-mapping-dir shadow-mapping-spot

Press 1, 2 or 3 to switch between the different demo "landscapes", s for spotlight and d for directional light.

import peasy.*;

PVector lightDir = new PVector();
PShader defaultShader;
PGraphics shadowMap;
int landscape = 1;

void setup() {
    size(800, 800, P3D);
    new PeasyCam(this, 300).rotateX(4.0);

void draw() {

    // Calculate the light direction (actually scaled by negative distance)
    float lightAngle = frameCount * 0.002;
    lightDir.set(sin(lightAngle) * 160, 160, cos(lightAngle) * 160);

    // Render shadow pass
    shadowMap.beginDraw();, lightDir.y, lightDir.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
    shadowMap.background(0xffffffff); // Will set the depth to 1.0 (maximum depth)

    // Update the shadow transformation matrix and send it, the light
    // direction normal and the shadow map to the default shader.

    // Render default pass

    // Render light source
    translate(lightDir.x, lightDir.y, lightDir.z);


public void initShadowPass() {
    shadowMap = createGraphics(2048, 2048, P3D);
    String[] vertSource = {
        "uniform mat4 transform;",

        "attribute vec4 vertex;",

        "void main() {",
            "gl_Position = transform * vertex;",
    String[] fragSource = {

        // In the default shader we won't be able to access the shadowMap's depth anymore,
        // just the color, so this function will pack the 16bit depth float into the first
        // two 8bit channels of the rgba vector.
        "vec4 packDepth(float depth) {",
            "float depthFrac = fract(depth * 255.0);",
            "return vec4(depth - depthFrac / 255.0, depthFrac, 1.0, 1.0);",

        "void main(void) {",
            "gl_FragColor = packDepth(gl_FragCoord.z);",
    shadowMap.noSmooth(); // Antialiasing on the shadowMap leads to weird artifacts
    //shadowMap.loadPixels(); // Will interfere with noSmooth() (probably a bug in Processing)
    shadowMap.shader(new PShader(this, vertSource, fragSource));
    shadowMap.ortho(-200, 200, -200, 200, 10, 400); // Setup orthogonal view matrix for the directional light

public void initDefaultPass() {
    String[] vertSource = {
        "uniform mat4 transform;",
        "uniform mat4 modelview;",
        "uniform mat3 normalMatrix;",
        "uniform mat4 shadowTransform;",
        "uniform vec3 lightDirection;",

        "attribute vec4 vertex;",
        "attribute vec4 color;",
        "attribute vec3 normal;",

        "varying vec4 vertColor;",
        "varying vec4 shadowCoord;",
        "varying float lightIntensity;",

        "void main() {",
            "vertColor = color;",
            "vec4 vertPosition = modelview * vertex;", // Get vertex position in model view space
            "vec3 vertNormal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);", // Get normal direction in model view space
            "shadowCoord = shadowTransform * (vertPosition + vec4(vertNormal, 0.0));", // Normal bias removes the shadow acne
            "lightIntensity = 0.5 + dot(-lightDirection, vertNormal) * 0.5;",
            "gl_Position = transform * vertex;",
    String[] fragSource = {
        "#version 120",

        // Used a bigger poisson disk kernel than in the tutorial to get smoother results
        "const vec2 poissonDisk[9] = vec2[] (",
            "vec2(0.95581, -0.18159), vec2(0.50147, -0.35807), vec2(0.69607, 0.35559),",
            "vec2(-0.0036825, -0.59150), vec2(0.15930, 0.089750), vec2(-0.65031, 0.058189),",
            "vec2(0.11915, 0.78449), vec2(-0.34296, 0.51575), vec2(-0.60380, -0.41527)",

        // Unpack the 16bit depth float from the first two 8bit channels of the rgba vector
        "float unpackDepth(vec4 color) {",
            "return color.r + color.g / 255.0;",

        "uniform sampler2D shadowMap;",

        "varying vec4 vertColor;",
        "varying vec4 shadowCoord;",
        "varying float lightIntensity;",

        "void main(void) {",

            // Project shadow coords, needed for a perspective light matrix (spotlight)
            "vec3 shadowCoordProj = / shadowCoord.w;",

            // Only render shadow if fragment is facing the light
            "if(lightIntensity > 0.5) {",
                "float visibility = 9.0;",

                // I used step() instead of branching, should be much faster this way
                "for(int n = 0; n < 9; ++n)",
                    "visibility += step(shadowCoordProj.z, unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap, shadowCoordProj.xy + poissonDisk[n] / 512.0)));",

                "gl_FragColor = vec4(vertColor.rgb * min(visibility * 0.05556, lightIntensity), vertColor.a);",
            "} else",
                "gl_FragColor = vec4(vertColor.rgb * lightIntensity, vertColor.a);",

    shader(defaultShader = new PShader(this, vertSource, fragSource));
    perspective(60 * DEG_TO_RAD, (float)width / height, 10, 1000);

void updateDefaultShader() {

    // Bias matrix to move homogeneous shadowCoords into the UV texture space
    PMatrix3D shadowTransform = new PMatrix3D(
        0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 
        0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 
        0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

    // Apply project modelview matrix from the shadow pass (light direction)

    // Apply the inverted modelview matrix from the default pass to get the original vertex
    // positions inside the shader. This is needed because Processing is pre-multiplying
    // the vertices by the modelview matrix (for better performance).
    PMatrix3D modelviewInv = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).modelviewInv;

    // Convert column-minor PMatrix to column-major GLMatrix and send it to the shader.
    // PShader.set(String, PMatrix3D) doesn't convert the matrix for some reason.
    defaultShader.set("shadowTransform", new PMatrix3D(
        shadowTransform.m00, shadowTransform.m10, shadowTransform.m20, shadowTransform.m30, 
        shadowTransform.m01, shadowTransform.m11, shadowTransform.m21, shadowTransform.m31, 
        shadowTransform.m02, shadowTransform.m12, shadowTransform.m22, shadowTransform.m32, 
        shadowTransform.m03, shadowTransform.m13, shadowTransform.m23, shadowTransform.m33

    // Calculate light direction normal, which is the transpose of the inverse of the
    // modelview matrix and send it to the default shader.
    float lightNormalX = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m00 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m10 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m20;
    float lightNormalY = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m01 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m11 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m21;
    float lightNormalZ = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m02 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m12 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m22;
    float normalLength = sqrt(lightNormalX * lightNormalX + lightNormalY * lightNormalY + lightNormalZ * lightNormalZ);
    defaultShader.set("lightDirection", lightNormalX / -normalLength, lightNormalY / -normalLength, lightNormalZ / -normalLength);

    // Send the shadowmap to the default shader
    defaultShader.set("shadowMap", shadowMap);


public void keyPressed() {
    if(key != CODED) {
        if(key >= '1' && key <= '3')
            landscape = key - '0';
        else if(key == 'd') {
            shadowMap.beginDraw(); shadowMap.ortho(-200, 200, -200, 200, 10, 400); shadowMap.endDraw();
        } else if(key == 's') {
            shadowMap.beginDraw(); shadowMap.perspective(60 * DEG_TO_RAD, 1, 10, 1000); shadowMap.endDraw();

public void renderLandscape(PGraphics canvas) {
    switch(landscape) {
        case 1: {
            float offset = -frameCount * 0.01;
            for(int z = -5; z < 6; ++z)
                for(int x = -5; x < 6; ++x) {
                    canvas.translate(x * 12, sin(offset + x) * 20 + cos(offset + z) * 20, z * 12);
          , 100, 10);
        } break;
        case 2: {
            float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
            for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
                canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle * 4) * 10, cos(angle) * 70);
      , 100, 10);
        } break;
        case 3: {
            float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
            for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
                canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle) * 70, 0);
      , 10, 100);
    canvas.fill(0xff222222);, 5, 360);

I mostly commented the Processing part of the sketch, the GLSL stuff is explained in the linked tutorial. Anyways, I hope you have fun with it. :)


  • edited October 2015

    Updated the code:

    • Deactivated smoothing on the shadowMap to get rid of some artifacts.
    • Increased the poisson disk kernel size to achieve smoother results.
    • The 16bit depth value will now be packed into the R and G channel in order to keep its precision.
    • Removed some unnecessary code and added a few comments to the shader part.
  • edited October 2015

    Updated the code (again):

    • Rewrote the depthToRGBA and rgbaToDepth functions, to handle special cases (removing some weird artifacts).
    • Removed the tutorials depth bias and added normal based bias.
    • Added light falloff calculation to the mix creating smooth gradients and hiding the shadow acne.
    • Increased shadowMap size to 2048x2048.
    • Added a few demo "landscapes".

    Let me know if you need more comments on the GLSL stuff.

  • Updated the code (once more):

    • Optimized the default shader.
    • Refactored the code.
    • Added a few comments.
  • This is really cool! What framerate do you get?

  • Thanks! :) Solid 60 fps, would have to measure the frame time to calculate the possible fps.

  • edited October 2015

    Updated the code (the last time?):

    • The default shader can now handle perspective light matrices (spotlights).
    • You can now choose between directional light and spot light.
    • Removed the "just an example"-disclaimer, as the code actually runs pretty fast and could probably be used in simple projects with minor or no modifications.
  • Would be great if you could combine it with a Depth of Field shader :)

  • Sure, that's possible. You'd just have to somehow read the current camera's depth - maybe a third pass, maybe via "low level GL" - and apply the DOF shader via filter.

    I'm currently working on a simple Screen Space Ambient Occlusion shader that practically works the same.

  • Updated the code (maybe not the last time?):

    • Replaced the slow ternary operator (basically if/else branching) in the sample loop with the fast step() function. This should give a nice performance boost especially on older graphics card models.
  • This is great @Poersch, thanks!

    I found something strange while playing with it. If I try to use a rectangle for the floor instead of a box, there are no shadows on it. Something like this:

    public void renderLandscape(PGraphics canvas) {
        float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
        for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
            canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle) * 70, 0);
  , 10, 100);
        //, 5, 360);
        canvas.vertex(-1,  0,  1);
        canvas.vertex( 1,  0,  1);
        canvas.vertex( 1,  0, -1);
        canvas.vertex(-1,  0, -1);

    I have tried adding tex coords, normals, using a PShape... but only works with box()

  • edited October 2015

    @kosowski: Thanks, glad you like it!

    Your normal was pointing in the "wrong" direction, try this:

    public void renderLandscape(PGraphics canvas) {
        float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
        for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
            canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle) * 70, 0);
  , 10, 100);
        // Use 1 for the Y-axis scale, otherwise we would have
        // to normalize the normals in the defaultShader pass
        canvas.scale(360, 1, 360);
        // The normal pointed in the wrong direction
        canvas.normal(0, 1, 0);
        // Use 0.5 instead of 1 if you want the same dimensions
        // the box had
        canvas.vertex(-0.5,  0,  0.5);
        canvas.vertex( 0.5,  0,  0.5);
        canvas.vertex( 0.5,  0, -0.5);
        canvas.vertex(-0.5,  0, -0.5);
  • Thanks @Poersch . The normal was commented as I expected this way Processing would calculate it. I wasn't aware that normals were affected by scaling.

    Is it working for you? For me, the plane is completely black.

  • edited October 2015

    @kosowski: Yep, that's a Processing "thing". You could easily revert this by multiplying the normal by the normalMatrix and normalizing it (in the defaultShader's vertex shader) though. It just costs performance.

    Yes, it's working:


    Edit: Argh! The forums scaled the image down! :(

  • @Poersch That's it, I was messing with the normals. I also tried to use hint(DISABLE_OPTIMIZED_STROKE) and do not apply the model-view inverse matrix, as I don't like this Processing quirks.

    Back to your code, now it works, what brings me to what I was trying. I want to create a PShape for the floor, a grid. Trying to move the rectangle to a PShape gets me back to no shadows on the floor.

    PShape plane;
    void setup() {
        size(1000, 1000, P2D);
        plane = createShape();
        // The normal pointed in the wrong direction
        plane.normal(0, 1, 0);
        // Use 0.5 instead of 1 if you want the same dimensions
        // the box had
        plane.vertex(-0.5,  0,  0.5);
        plane.vertex( 0.5,  0,  0.5);
        plane.vertex( 0.5,  0, -0.5);
        plane.vertex(-0.5,  0, -0.5);
         new PeasyCam(this, 300).rotateX(4.0);
    public void renderLandscape(PGraphics canvas) {
        float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
        for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
            canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle) * 70, 0);
  , 10, 100);
  • Unless I'm messing anywhere else in the code, it looks like geometry in retained and inmediate mode behave differently.


    This happens when outputting the shadowCoordProj.z component in the defaultShader's fragment shader

    gl_FragColor = vec4( vec3(shadowCoordProj.z), 1.);

  • edited October 2015

    @kosowski: That's happening because Processing is actually using different transformation matrices for shapes (another Processing "thing").

    Replace the defaultShader's vertex code with the following snipped to take that into account:

    String[] vertSource = {
        "uniform mat4 shadowTransform;",
        "uniform vec3 lightDirection;",
        "uniform mat4 transform;",
        "uniform mat4 modelview;",
        "uniform mat3 normalMatrix;",
        "attribute vec4 vertex;",
        "attribute vec4 color;",
        "attribute vec3 normal;",
        "varying vec4 vertColor;",
        "varying vec4 shadowCoord;",
        "varying float lightIntensity;",
        "void main() {",
            "vertColor = color;",
            "vec3 vertNormal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);",
            "vec4 vertPosition = modelview * vertex;",
            "shadowCoord = shadowTransform * (vertPosition + vec4(vertNormal, 0.0));", // Normal bias removes the shadow acne
            "lightIntensity = 0.5 + dot(-lightDirection, vertNormal) * 0.5;",
            "gl_Position = transform * vertex;",

    I'll be away for an hour or so, I'll update my shadow mapping example when I'm back.

  • edited October 2015

    Updated the code:

    • Added support for transformed normals (scale for example will scale both the vertex and the normal data).
    • Added PShape support.

    PShapeOBJ example:


  • Hi, I found this code while searching for sketches in Processing that deal with shadowmapping. I found it very useful and therefore implemented it in my own program which is part of my exam (of course with mentioning the source). For my exam I need to be able to explain the implementation of this code too. Since it seems to be dealing with transformations, matrices and so on I do not really understand the consistency between al those. Could you maybe give a brief explanation about the basic idea behind shadowmapping? Thanks!

  • edited June 2016

    Hey, glad you could use my code snippet and sorry for the late reply - work is killing me! :D

    Atm. I basically don't have the time to do anything not work related, but this article and this youtube video are doing a pretty good job at explaning how the basic algorithm works.

    Hope I could help.

  • Hi, no problem! Thank you for the link, very useful! Lots of succes with your work further and once again thanks a lot for saving my exam! ;)

  • edited June 2016

    cool work!

  • hello Poersch, I was giving a look to your good and simple implementation of projected shadows.

    I'm planning to use it along with a custom displacement and coloring shader. What would be the best way to put together the two?

    Do I need to blend together the "defaultShader" and my "displacementShader", or there it is a way to keep the two separated?

    Thanks a lot.

  • this was very helpful I at first got some errors with shaders versions and attributes .. I made it with version 410, changing varying and attributes to in and out. I will show you what I am doing .. also I want to use another shader that I currently have, what I am currently doing is rendering some PShape rectangles in 3d space and 2 lights at different positions. I am using Chromatic abbreation and vignette .. I render whole scene in PGraphics and then using it as texture to shader and then rendering it with image(pg,0,0,width,height). I will read your code and try to figure out how I use your code for shadows.

  • Hi, this looks awesome and is just the thing I'm looking for.

    Unfortunately, the code doesn't work for me. I get "implicit version number 110 not supported by gl3 forward compatible context", which seems weird because I see that another version number is set fragSource. I found via google that "330 core" should be set, but using this tip I still get the same error message. I'm a newbie to ogl programming in processing so I'm lost here. What can I do to fix the problem? Thanks in advance for your time and effort.

  • Hello all,

    I redid some work to make it work on recent mac machine, here is the code :

    first processing (not much change here)

        import peasy.*;
        PVector lightDir = new PVector();
        PShader defaultShader;
        PGraphics shadowMap;
        int landscape = 1;
        void setup() {
            size(800, 800, P3D);
            new PeasyCam(this, 300).rotateX(4.0);
        void draw() {
            // Calculate the light direction (actually scaled by negative distance)
            float lightAngle = frameCount * 0.002;
            lightDir.set(sin(lightAngle) * 160, 160, cos(lightAngle) * 160);
            // Render shadow pass
  , lightDir.y, lightDir.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
            shadowMap.background(0xffffffff); // Will set the depth to 1.0 (maximum depth)
            // Update the shadow transformation matrix and send it, the light
            // direction normal and the shadow map to the default shader.
            // Render default pass
            // Render light source
            translate(lightDir.x, lightDir.y, lightDir.z);
        public void initShadowPass() {
            shadowMap = createGraphics(2048, 2048, P3D);
            shadowMap.noSmooth(); // Antialiasing on the shadowMap leads to weird artifacts
            //shadowMap.loadPixels(); // Will interfere with noSmooth() (probably a bug in Processing)
            shadowMap.shader(new PShader(this, "shadowmap.vert", "shadowmap.frag"));
            shadowMap.ortho(-200, 200, -200, 200, 10, 400); // Setup orthogonal view matrix for the directional light
        public void initDefaultPass() {
            shader(defaultShader = new PShader(this, "vertsource.vert", "fragsource.frag"));
            perspective(60 * DEG_TO_RAD, (float)width / height, 10, 1000);
        void updateDefaultShader() {
            // Bias matrix to move homogeneous shadowCoords into the UV texture space
            PMatrix3D shadowTransform = new PMatrix3D(
                0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 
                0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 
                0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
            // Apply project modelview matrix from the shadow pass (light direction)
            // Apply the inverted modelview matrix from the default pass to get the original vertex
            // positions inside the shader. This is needed because Processing is pre-multiplying
            // the vertices by the modelview matrix (for better performance).
            PMatrix3D modelviewInv = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).modelviewInv;
            // Convert column-minor PMatrix to column-major GLMatrix and send it to the shader.
            // PShader.set(String, PMatrix3D) doesn't convert the matrix for some reason.
            defaultShader.set("shadowTransform", new PMatrix3D(
                shadowTransform.m00, shadowTransform.m10, shadowTransform.m20, shadowTransform.m30, 
                shadowTransform.m01, shadowTransform.m11, shadowTransform.m21, shadowTransform.m31, 
                shadowTransform.m02, shadowTransform.m12, shadowTransform.m22, shadowTransform.m32, 
                shadowTransform.m03, shadowTransform.m13, shadowTransform.m23, shadowTransform.m33
            // Calculate light direction normal, which is the transpose of the inverse of the
            // modelview matrix and send it to the default shader.
            float lightNormalX = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m00 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m10 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m20;
            float lightNormalY = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m01 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m11 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m21;
            float lightNormalZ = lightDir.x * modelviewInv.m02 + lightDir.y * modelviewInv.m12 + lightDir.z * modelviewInv.m22;
            float normalLength = sqrt(lightNormalX * lightNormalX + lightNormalY * lightNormalY + lightNormalZ * lightNormalZ);
            defaultShader.set("lightDirection", lightNormalX / -normalLength, lightNormalY / -normalLength, lightNormalZ / -normalLength);
            // Send the shadowmap to the default shader
            defaultShader.set("shadowMap", shadowMap);
        public void keyPressed() {
            if(key != CODED) {
                if(key >= '1' && key <= '3')
                    landscape = key - '0';
                else if(key == 'd') {
                    shadowMap.beginDraw(); shadowMap.ortho(-200, 200, -200, 200, 10, 400); shadowMap.endDraw();
                } else if(key == 's') {
                    shadowMap.beginDraw(); shadowMap.perspective(60 * DEG_TO_RAD, 1, 10, 1000); shadowMap.endDraw();
        public void renderLandscape(PGraphics canvas) {
            switch(landscape) {
                case 1: {
                    float offset = -frameCount * 0.01;
                    for(int z = -5; z < 6; ++z)
                        for(int x = -5; x < 6; ++x) {
                            canvas.translate(x * 12, sin(offset + x) * 20 + cos(offset + z) * 20, z * 12);
                  , 100, 10);
                } break;
                case 2: {
                    float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
                    for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
                        canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle * 4) * 10, cos(angle) * 70);
              , 100, 10);
                } break;
                case 3: {
                    float angle = -frameCount * 0.0015, rotation = TWO_PI / 20;
                    for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n, angle += rotation) {
                        canvas.translate(sin(angle) * 70, cos(angle) * 70, 0);
              , 10, 100);
  , 5, 360);

    Here's the shadowmap.vert

    uniform mat4 transform;
    attribute vec4 vertex;
    void main() {
      gl_Position = transform * vertex;


    // In the default shader we won't be able to access the shadowMap's depth anymore,
    // just the color, so this function will pack the 16bit depth float into the first
    // two 8bit channels of the rgba vector.
    vec4 packDepth(float depth) {
        float depthFrac = fract(depth * 255.0);
        return vec4(depth - depthFrac / 255.0, depthFrac, 1.0, 1.0);
    void main(void) {
        gl_FragColor = packDepth(gl_FragCoord.z);


    uniform mat4 transform;
    uniform mat4 modelview;
    uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
    uniform mat4 shadowTransform;
    uniform vec3 lightDirection;
    attribute vec4 vertex;
    attribute vec4 color;
    attribute vec3 normal;
    varying vec4 vertColor;
    varying vec4 shadowCoord;
    varying float lightIntensity;
    void main() {
        vertColor = color;
        vec4 vertPosition = modelview * vertex;// Get vertex position in model view space
        vec3 vertNormal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);// Get normal direction in model view space
        shadowCoord = shadowTransform * (vertPosition + vec4(vertNormal, 0.0));// Normal bias removes the shadow acne
        lightIntensity = 0.5 + dot(-lightDirection, vertNormal) * 0.5;
        gl_Position = transform * vertex;

    and finally fragsource.frag

    #version 150
    // Used a bigger poisson disk kernel than in the tutorial to get smoother results
    const vec2 poissonDisk[9] = vec2[] (
        vec2(0.95581, -0.18159), vec2(0.50147, -0.35807), vec2(0.69607, 0.35559),
        vec2(-0.0036825, -0.59150), vec2(0.15930, 0.089750), vec2(-0.65031, 0.058189),
        vec2(0.11915, 0.78449), vec2(-0.34296, 0.51575), vec2(-0.60380, -0.41527)
    // Unpack the 16bit depth float from the first two 8bit channels of the rgba vector
    float unpackDepth(vec4 color) {
        return color.r + color.g / 255.0;
    uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
    in vec4 vertColor;
    in vec4 shadowCoord;
    in float lightIntensity;
    out vec4 FragColor;
    void main(void) {
        // Project shadow coords, needed for a perspective light matrix (spotlight)
        vec3 shadowCoordProj = / shadowCoord.w;
        vec4 col;
        // Only render shadow if fragment is facing the light
        if(lightIntensity > 0.5) {
            float visibility = 9.0;
            // I used step() instead of branching, should be much faster this way
            for(int n = 0; n < 9; ++n){
                visibility += step(shadowCoordProj.z, unpackDepth(texture(shadowMap, shadowCoordProj.xy + poissonDisk[n] / 512.0)));
            col = vec4(vertColor.rgb * min(visibility * 0.05556, lightIntensity), vertColor.a);
        } else {
            col = vec4(vertColor.rgb * lightIntensity, vertColor.a);
        FragColor = col;

    Cheers !

  • Thxs for sharing!



  • edited February 2018

    @berenger yeah, nice, lot of guys requested it. and finally someone found time.

    kind of inconsequent you converted only 2 shaders in #version 150, what with the other two ? : ) gl_FragColor

    since you are using modern version of shaders you can also use build in functions to pack unpack depth. yes, it was kind of painful 10years ago.

  • Honestly yes it could be reworked :)

    I only followed the path of errors processing for mac has thrown at me and correcting them one by one by iteration until it worked. So what I changed is only what was needed for it to work based on the original code.

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