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Hi, I am a freshman at VCUarts and new to Processing. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to make a person be able to interact with a projection and make the images on the screen move? I was planning on using a projected gradient that would move with the motion of people in front of the gradient. I am not sure where to start and was hoping someone could help guide me in the right direction.
Do you want to use the silhouette of a person or use interactions with eg. hands to manipulate objects?
A kinect is probably the easiest way (no experience with that).
For small scale projects (50 cm), a Leap Motion would do the trick.
In theory a webcam could also be used but that can be challenging.
(Edit: only a day later I realise he posted in the Kinect subforum)
I was going to use the silhouette of a person. Thanks for your reply.
If you are going to use a Kinect camera, see online tutorials such as:
And recent forum discussions: