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The file Tutorials/overview/index.html states "Advanced programmers need not use the PDE, and may instead choose to use its libraries with the Python environment of choice." I'd like to write and run my code in PyCharm CE, and in Jupyter notebooks. What do I need to do in order to use the Python-mode libraries in those environments?
Hi! I´m very interested to run Processing/Python mode Sketches (only sketches) in my BeagleBone Black. Any info?
I have the same question. How to use processing.py without PDE? It would be great to use processing.py as a package in a python script. I would like to use it for data visualization in spyder. Regards!
There is useful general information in Allison Parish et al's "Getting Started with Processing.py" (2016) in "Appendix E: Processing, Python, and Java".
While I have not tried running processing.py without PDE, here are a few useful past forum posts on processing.py / Python Mode outside PDE:
It appears that running processing.py would require both Jython and the Processing Java API library. I not aware of an example of this being done.
If you are trying to run Processing in iPython / Jupyter notebooks, as @Floritude was, check out (although I haven't tried it):
You'll be writing sketches in JavaScript, not Python, but they'll be in your notebooks.