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IndexProcessing DevelopmentCore,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) › "Java mode" differences 1.0.9 vs 1.1
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"Java mode" differences 1.0.9 vs 1.1 (Read 1635 times)
"Java mode" differences 1.0.9 vs 1.1
Apr 29th, 2010, 7:13am
The behavior of "Java mode" sketches run from the PDE seems to have changed in 1.1 vs 1.0.9.

Probably most easily described with code:

/** TestJavaMode.pde */
public class TestJavaMode extends PApplet {
  static boolean isApp = false;
  static public void main(String args[]) {
    isApp = true;
    PApplet.main(new String[] {"TestJavaMode"});
  void setup() {
  void draw() {
    background(isApp ? #FF0000 : #00FF00);

Results with 1.0.9:
pde run:  green
pde present: green
export applet:  green
export application:  red

Results with 1.1:
pde run:  red
pde present: red
export applet:  green
export application:  red

That is, sketches run from PDE 1.0.9 "behave" as applets, but when run from PDE 1.1 "behave" as applications.

I can't find a mention of this in the change log, and am not sure if this is by design or by accident, so am asking here rather than posting as a bug.  Does anyone know the cause/reason/intent of this difference?  Thx

(btw, it's not a huge deal, but i used to use this difference to flag "dev mode" in applet-style from the pde, then flag "production mode" when run application-style outside pde, just seeking insight into how i might continue doing something similar now that pde runs are as application)
Re: "Java mode" differences 1.0.9 vs 1.1
Reply #1 - Apr 29th, 2010, 8:04am
ahh, nevermind (i think), looks like it's this that did it:
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