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OpenCV Blob example error (Read 1098 times)
OpenCV Blob example error
Apr 26th, 2010, 7:01am
I started playing with OpenCv and I constantly get the same error in the blob example (code below ).

Here is a screen shot of the error :


and here is the code
import hypermedia.video.*;

OpenCV opencv;

int w = 320;
int h = 240;
int threshold = 80;

boolean find=true;

PFont font;

void setup() {

   size( w*2+30, h*2+30 );

   opencv = new OpenCV( this );
   font = loadFont( "AndaleMono.vlw" );
   textFont( font );

   println( "Drag mouse inside sketch window to change threshold" );
   println( "Press space bar to record background image" );


void draw() {

   //opencv.flip( OpenCV.FLIP_HORIZONTAL );

   image( opencv.image(), 10, 10 );                  // RGB image
   image( opencv.image(OpenCV.GRAY), 20+w, 10 );   // GRAY image
   image( opencv.image(OpenCV.MEMORY), 10, 20+h ); // image in memory

   image( opencv.image(OpenCV.GRAY), 20+w, 20+h ); // absolute difference image

   // working with blobs
   Blob[] blobs = opencv.blobs( 100, w*h/3, 20, true );


   for( int i=0; i<blobs.length; i++ ) {

       Rectangle bounding_rect      = blobs[i].rectangle;
       float area = blobs[i].area;
       float circumference = blobs[i].length;
       Point centroid = blobs[i].centroid;
       Point[] points = blobs[i].points;

       // rectangle
       stroke( blobs[i].isHole 128 : 64 );
       rect( bounding_rect.x, bounding_rect.y, bounding_rect.width, bounding_rect.height );

       // centroid
       line( centroid.x-5, centroid.y, centroid.x+5, centroid.y );
       line( centroid.x, centroid.y-5, centroid.x, centroid.y+5 );
       text( area,centroid.x+5, centroid.y+5 );

       if ( points.length>0 ) {
           for( int j=0; j<points.length; j++ ) {
               vertex( points[j].x, points[j].y );

       text( circumference, centroid.x+5, centroid.y+15 );



void keyPressed() {
   if ( key==' ' ) opencv.remember();

void mouseDragged() {
   threshold = int( map(mouseX,0,width,0,255) );

public void stop() {

I can run other openCv parts but I get an error in the rect . Any idea why

I already reinstalled OpenCv and restarted my Mac
Re: OpenCV Blob example error
Reply #1 - Apr 26th, 2010, 7:07am
I can't see your image, but you are hitting something becoming a FAQ for Processing 1.1...
Short answer: add import java.awt.*; at the start of the sketch.
It was done by default in previous versions, now it must be explicit.
Re: OpenCV Blob example error
Reply #2 - Apr 26th, 2010, 7:12am
Thank you PhiLho you saved me it works perfectly now Smiley
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