YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
Question about Catcher and Drops
Apr 25th , 2010, 5:13pm
Hi everyone, I'm new to programming and have just began using processing. I'm trying to create something similar to the Rain Drop Catching Game found here: 10-10/ but I also want it to keep score(eventually). I've tried to integrate the code with the code I'm writing but I haven't had any luck. If someone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it because I have a project due in 2 days and have been really struggling with this. The code that i've written is pretty bare bones, and I deleted all of the code I had for the drops and catcher because it doesn't work. Here's the code: int startingTime; final String prefix = ""; void setup(){ size(1000,650); background(0); PFont font = loadFont ("AppleGothic-48.vlw"); textFont(font); startingTime = millis(); } void draw(){ background (0); stroke (200); //The following lines of code are for the back wall. fill(139,119,120); rect(0,0,1000,570); //The following line of code are for the Television. //Antenna: fill(220,220,220); line(400,100,500,250); line(600,100,500,250); ellipse(500,250,70,70); //End Antenna. //Television Box fill(160,82,45); rect(350,250,300,200); //Television Screen fill(135,206,250); rect(375,275,250,150); //Television done. //The following lines of code are for the television stand. fill(139,69,19); rect(350,450,300,120); fill(184,134,11); rect(375,475,120,75); rect(505,475,120,75); stroke(320); fill(0); ellipse(480,515,20,20); ellipse(520,515,20,20); int seconds = (millis() - startingTime)/1000; int minutes = seconds/60; seconds -= minutes*60; String message = prefix + GetPlural(minutes, "minute") + " " + GetPlural(seconds, "second"); println(message); fill(0,150,0); text(message, 520, 630); } String GetPlural(int value, String word){ if (value ==1) return value +""+ word; return value +""+ word + "s"; } {startingTime = millis(); } //Created by Aaron Allstott Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.