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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › Preserving nested groups for SVG export
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Preserving nested groups for SVG export (Read 884 times)
Preserving nested groups for SVG export
Feb 13th, 2010, 7:12am
Hello folks,

I'm in the process of converting some old graphics scripts I wrote in python into Processing and find myself a bit stumped.  

I'm using Geomerative in hopes of preserving the ordering of my drawing into groups for export into SVG.  

However, when I export my drawing into SVG using proSVG,  all the elements have the same color (though I changed stroke() several times) and none of the groups are preserved when I open up the file in Inkscape.

The file is as follows.  Any help on how to preserve element properties and groupings for export in SVG would be greatly appreciated.

// This program draws a flower of life grid of specified depth
// written by The Playful Geometer

import processing.xml.*;
import geomerative.*;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.Math;

import prosvg.*;

RPoint polarPoint(float r, float a){
 RPoint avec = new RPoint(Math.sin(a*2*Math.PI)*r  , Math.cos(a*2*Math.PI)*r);
 return avec;

Vector pointsAlongLine(RPoint p1, RPoint p2, int points) {
 Vector pointList = new Vector();
 int axOperator;
 int ayOperator;
 float xdiff, ydiff;

 xdiff = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x);
 ydiff = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y);
 if (p1.x < p2.x){axOperator = 1;}
 else {axOperator = -1;}
 if (p1.y < p2.y){ayOperator = 1;}
 else {ayOperator = -1;}
 for (int i = 0 ; i< points-1; i++){
     float fract = float(i)/(points-1);
     float xval = p1.x +  axOperator*fract*xdiff;
     float yval = p1.y + ayOperator*fract* ydiff;
     pointList.add(new RPoint(xval, yval));

 return pointList;
void setup(){

void draw(){  
 RGroup docGroup;
 // Initilaize the sketch
 int[] colors = {#00006F,#FF00FF,#0000FF,#00FF00,#FFFF00,#FF8A00,#FF0000};
 float strWeight = 7.0;
 // VERY IMPORTANT: Allways initialize the library in the setup
 translate(width/2, height/2);
 // Choice of colors
 //fill(255, 102, 0);
 frameRate( 5 );
 //docGroup = new RGroup();
 //int grads=1;
 float radius = 60;
 double distFromHex;
 int level=6;
 //for (int h = 0; h<grads ; h++){
 RGroup flowerGroup = new RGroup();
 distFromHex = radius*Math.sin((0.5-1.0/6)*2*Math.PI)/Math.sin(1.0/12*2*Math.PI);
 for (int i = 0; i<level-1;i++){
   Vector hexagonFrame = new Vector();
   RGroup layerGroup = new RGroup();    
   for (int j = 0; j<6;j++){
    hexagonFrame.add(polarPoint(i*radius, float(j)/6+1.0/12)) ;
    //each line of the invisible hexagon is equally divided into n points where n is the layer number
    //hexagons are plotted on these points
   for (int j=0; j<6;j++){
       Vector sidePoints = pointsAlongLine( ((RPoint)(hexagonFrame.get(j))), ((RPoint)(hexagonFrame.get((j+1)%6))), i+1);
       for (int k=0 ;k< sidePoints.size()-1;k++){
           RPoint thisPoint = ((RPoint)(sidePoints.get(k)));
           layerGroup.addElement(RShape.createCircle(thisPoint.x,thisPoint.y, 2*radius));
//    docGroup.addGroup(flowerGroup);
//    radius = radius/2;
//    level = level*2;
//  }

 // Clean frame
 // Set the origin to draw in the middle of the sketch

Re: Preserving nested groups for SVG export
Reply #1 - Feb 13th, 2010, 7:28am
Ok, so I figured out how to get the color preserved by just drawing before each color change, but still no group preservation ...
Re: Preserving nested groups for SVG export
Reply #2 - Feb 20th, 2010, 1:13am
In geomerative you must call:
myElement.setStroke() / myElement.setNoStroke() / myElement.setFill() / myElement.setNoFill() / myElement.setStrokeWeight()
to change the styles.

These hopefully act as in SVG with the inheritance of the styles etc...

Let me know if it doesn't work for you.

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