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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Infinite Score! Not so good...
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Infinite Score! Not so good... (Read 786 times)
Infinite Score! Not so good...
Dec 4th, 2009, 4:50pm
I'm trying to get the score variable to increase by 2 every time an enemy is 'killed'. I've tried inserting code within the second if statement below.


for (int i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++) {

if (i == bubbles.length) {
i = 0;

//Checks through all enemies and detects collisions, subsequently 'bursting'
//the bubble and 'killing' the enemy

for (int j = 0; j < enemies.length; j++) {
if (bubbles[i].hit(enemies[j])) {

I've also tried inserting it in the burst() function in the Bubble class. In both cases, whenever an enemy is 'killed', the score proceeds to increase rapidly continually; it must be something to with the fact that the increase is included in a for loop. Here is the whole code:


Bubble[] bubbles = new Bubble[100];
Enemy[] enemies = new Enemy[1000];

Otter otter;

int bubCount;
int totalEnemies;
int startTime;
float enemyAttack = random(1000,3000);
int score;
PFont scoreFont;
PImage otterPic;
PImage bubblePic;
PImage fishPic;
PImage octopusPic;
PImage sharkPic;
PImage bgPic;

void setup() {

startTime = millis();
otterPic = loadImage("Otter.png");
bubblePic = loadImage("Bubble.png");
fishPic = loadImage("Fish.png");
octopusPic = loadImage("Octopus.png");
sharkPic = loadImage("Shark.png");
bgPic = loadImage("Background.png");
scoreFont = loadFont("AppleCasual-24.vlw");
textFont(scoreFont, 24);

//Initialise all objects (otter, bubbles, and enemies)

otter = new Otter();

for (int i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++) {
bubbles[i] = new Bubble();

for (int i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
enemies[i] = new Enemy();


void draw() {

text("Score: " + score, 15, 30);

//Display the otter at the mouse location


//Spawn the first enemy 1-3s after the game starts, then every
//1-2s after that

if ((millis() - startTime) > enemyAttack) {
enemies[totalEnemies].alive = true;

if (totalEnemies >= enemies.length) {
totalEnemies = 0;

startTime = 0;
enemyAttack = enemyAttack + (random(500,1500));

//Display bubbles (only if alive/after mouse click)

for (int i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++) {

if (i == bubbles.length) {
i = 0;

//Checks through all enemies and detects collisions, subsequently 'bursting'
//the bubble and 'killing' the enemy

for (int j = 0; j < enemies.length; j++) {
if (bubbles[i].hit(enemies[j])) {

//Display enemies (only if alive/after elapsed time)

for (int i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {

if (i == enemies.length) {
i = 0;

//Kill enemies if they reach the left side of the screen

if (enemies[i].reachedEnd()) {


//Create bubbles upon mouse click with the same x and y position
//as the otter

void mouseClicked() {
bubbles[bubCount].alive = true;

bubbles[bubCount].x = otter.x;
bubbles[bubCount].y = otter.y;

if (bubCount >= bubbles.length - 1) {
bubCount = 0;


class Bubble {

int r;
int speedX;
int x;
int y;
boolean alive;

Bubble() {
r = 10;
x = otter.x;
y = otter.y;
speedX = 10;
alive = false;

void display() {
if (alive) { //Only display if alive (after mouse click)
image(bubblePic, x+30, y, r, r);

void move() {
if (alive) { //Only move if alive (after mouse click)
x = x + speedX;

void burst() {
alive = false;
x = 1000;
y = -2000;
speedX = 0;

boolean hit(Enemy a){
float distance = dist(x,y,a.x,a.y);
if (distance < r + a.r) {
return true;
} else {
return false;


class Enemy {

float x,y;
float speed;
int r;
boolean alive;
float rand;

Enemy() {
r = 20;
x = height + r*2;
y = random(height);
speed = random(5,15);
alive = false;
rand = random(1,10);

void move() {
if (alive) { //Only move if alive (after elapsed time)
x -= speed; //Move left

//Determines whether the enemies have reached the left side of the

boolean reachedEnd() {
if (x < 0 - r*2) {
x = 1000;
y = -2000;
return true;
else {
return false;

void display() {
if (alive) { //Display only if alive (after elapsed time)
if (rand <= 8) {
image(fishPic, x, y, r, r);
else if (rand >= 9.5) {
image(octopusPic, x, y, 5*r, 5*r);
else {
image(sharkPic, x, y, 3*r, 3*r);

void kill() {
alive = false;
x = 1000;
y = -2000;
speed = 0;


class Otter {

int x;
int y;

Otter() {

void display() {
image(otterPic, x, y, 80, 21);

void setLocation(int tempX, int tempY) {
x = tempX;
y = tempY;
Re: Infinite Score! Not so good...
Reply #1 - Dec 5th, 2009, 1:32am
if (i == bubbles.length) {
     i = 0;
Test is useless because i never reaches bubbles.length inside the loop. And because I don't see why you do it.

You should check alive status in hit() too.
Re: Infinite Score! Not so good...
Reply #2 - Dec 6th, 2009, 3:16pm
Testing if alive in the hit() function did the job nicely Smiley Cheers!
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