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JMCVideo 1.2 (Read 24544 times)
JMCVideo 1.2
Aug 3rd, 2009, 2:37pm
Hi, I've released a new version of the jmcvideo library that takes advantage of all the JMC updates in JavaFX 1.2.

Downloads, demos, and installation instructions are available at

Here are some of the changes made since the last update.

     - The dispose method works properly.
     - Streaming video is improved.
     - CPU usage is minimized.
     - The Processing pixel format and the openGL texture format are available.
     - The "repeat" and "bounce" functionality work correctly.
     - The seek resolution is better (before it was limited to 1 second intervals, now you can specify time at arbitrary resolution to jump to individual frames).
     - Ability to set up start and stop markers to control looping or bouncing at specified points.
     - Simpler demos to illustrate jmcvideo functionality.
     - Ability to grab download progress.
Thanks to everyone who emailed me suggestions or pointed out issues on the Processing forums!

Please post any bugs or suggestions or links to projects that use jmcvideo in this thread.

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #1 - Aug 3rd, 2009, 11:09pm
so sweet,thank you so much for the update. finally the "repeat" working again Smiley
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #2 - Aug 4th, 2009, 9:28am
Broken link on page for VideoBounceGL demo.

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #3 - Aug 4th, 2009, 10:22am

Thanks, I've fixed the link to VideoBounceGL. -A
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #4 - Aug 8th, 2009, 12:48am
sorry,it seems something wrong,after i replaced the jmc1.2,it only shows the aduio but without any video images, the .mov,.avi.3gp non of them working. i already install the klcodec package.


Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #5 - Aug 8th, 2009, 3:17pm
Did you install javafx1.2 and then copy over all the jmc related dlls and jars to libraries/jmcvideo/library? It was working for me when I tested last week. Is anyone else having issues with jmcvideo on windows? I'll be in front of a windows machine next week and can take a look again then. -Angus
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #6 - Aug 8th, 2009, 11:34pm
yes,i installed the NetBeans IDE 6.7.1 with JavaFX1.2.and then copy all the necessary dlls and jars to jmcvideo/library. but still only the audio plays,the rendering widnow stays black.

when i swith back to the jmc1.0.1,everything working fine, i can play .flv.mov.avi etc....

strange,i don't know what's causing this.
thank you in advanced!
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #7 - Aug 12th, 2009, 9:13am
I'm having trouble with the JavaFX1.2.

I downloaded and copied the files to the correct places but running the sample programs gives me an Exception:

"MediaUnsupportedException: Unsupported media: " then shows the correct path to the correct sheep.mov file so I don't really know what is wrong.

I'm assuming I did things right, but being that I'm new to this, it might be some silly overlooked mistake.

please advice.
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #8 - Aug 15th, 2009, 4:43pm

 I am also having trouble.  I have followed the directions and installed just the JavaFX 1.2 (not NetBeans) and organized my folder exactly as directed.  I have the following files in Processing/libraries/jmcvideo/library/


I am trying to run VideoSwitchGL and keep getting the exception:

the package "jmcvideo" does not exist.  You might be missing a library.  

I'm pretty sure everything is set up right; however, I'm fairly new to processing.  

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #9 - Aug 16th, 2009, 11:55am

  I was able to figure out the problem.  I had the Xcode installed on my computer.  At first, I coudn't find the needed files at: /Library/Frameworks/JavaFX.framework/Versions/1.2/lib/desktop/.
I used an alias to Frameworks in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Library.   Since this was the path I had taken to obtain the files, I received the exception above.  I tested this out with another computer that didn't have Xcode installed and everything worked according to instructions on the web.

My next question is about performance with JMCVideo.  Is there anyway at all to lower the CPU usage for what I am trying to do : based on  specs from a collaborator, I am using a Sketch based off VideoSwitchGL example in JMCVideo to create a base for a 2 dual monitor fullscreen videos playing simultaneously.  One is 1024x768 the other is 800x600.  We are using a photojpg codec.  Both videos have to be full screen and cover the monitors.  I am using the fullscreen library for this.  With just switching between 2 videos on the 1024x768 monitor and playing the 800x600 on the other monitor: the CP usage for my new macbook tower is already at 60-70%.  The catch is: there will also be a connection to serial to receive basic resistance measurement from an Arduino.  Ideally, at a certain point the larger res videos will also crossfade.  What is the beast way to ensure the sketch runs as smoothly as possible??


Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #10 - Sep 13th, 2009, 8:31am
Sorry to dig up the thread,any news for windows? Smiley
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #11 - Sep 22nd, 2009, 1:35am
Any fix for Windows?
JMCVideo 1.2 and RTSP
Reply #12 - Sep 27th, 2009, 10:20am
I can't seem to get rtsp streams working with JMCVideo.

I get the following exception:
"java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: rtsp"

Seems that the URL class does not support rtsp. Does this mean that there is no way to connect to rtsp streams from JMCVideo?.. or is there a workaround?
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #13 - Sep 30th, 2009, 11:24am
Hi all,

I created a very cool application in Processing to teach children about cultural diversity. It uses JMCVideo for playing short movie clips.

But somehow it doesn't work after being exported. Can someone help me on that? I tried making sure that the movie files are in the correct path.
Using OS X 10.4

Many thanks,
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #14 - Oct 4th, 2009, 8:59pm
how can I get it to work on windows vista?
I have downloaded the:

but hav not found the mentioned dll and jar file mentioned on the featured site of mat ucsb edu....jmc video/ index.html

Please help  Cool
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