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JMCVideo 1.2 (Read 24542 times)
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #15 - Oct 15th, 2009, 8:11pm

Did you find the files? I too installed JavaFX and I can't find the following files:


Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #16 - Oct 25th, 2009, 8:27am
In Windows Xp, I've installed Java FX and put the files (jmc.dll and jmc.jar ) inside library folder, but I run the VideoSwitchGL Example, and i Found an error in

JMCMovieGL movieFromDataPath(String filename)
 return new JMCMovieGL(this, filename, RGB);

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.media.jmcimpl.plugins.directshow.DShowEngine.ndsInit()Z

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #17 - Oct 28th, 2009, 5:35am
In theory it's like this:

After installing JavaFX 1.2.1 SDK you can find the jmc.dll and jmc.jar in [wherever you installed JavaFX]/lib/desktop.

Contributed libraries for Processing v 1.0+ should be installed in the "Sketchbook". You can set what that is from the Processing IDE (File > Preferences, the "Sketchbook" setting is the first thing.) By default, on Windows XP, this is "My Documents\Processing". So to do it by the book you should end up with

My Documents\Processing\libraries\jmcvideo\library\jmcvideo.jar
My Documents\Processing\libraries\jmcvideo\library\jmc.jar
My Documents\Processing\libraries\jmcvideo\library\jmc.dll

The examples could be installed anywhere, but my hunch right now is that if you install them along with the processing built-in examples (i.e. to c:\program files\Processing\Examples\libraries\jmcvideo\VideoLoop etc) you won't see any exceptions - can somebody confirm that this is how it works?

So much for theory - in practice jmcvideo does not run at all, all I get is a black window and an com.sun.media.jmc.MediaUnsupportedException when I try to run the example (with the a station.mov file shipped with the examples, this is a 160x120 .mov with "Sorenson" video codec (according to quicktime player) and no audio).

Is anybody getting jmcvideo to run?  

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #18 - Oct 29th, 2009, 12:45pm

I've used jmcvideo with no problems in the past, but the current version is giving a blank screen. I hear the sound, but see no image. I tried taking myImage.loop(); out and using myImage.read(); in the draw loop to see if the image was available, and I'm getting a null pointer error. Perhaps the image isn't being loaded from the video file?


Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #19 - Oct 30th, 2009, 2:13am
I pulled the jmcvideo source from the git to have a closer look. Now doing it in Eclipse with a proper debugger 'n stuff.

It turns out the NullPointerException comes when you call read() manually, this is because the bufferedImage is not set up yet - this is done with a lazy init in paintBufferedImage.

It seems the real problem is that JMCMovie.videoFrameUpdated does not get called. This could still be a codec-related problem I assume. I'm on Windows XP, tried it with both CCCP and K-Lite codec packs. (One at a time).

I couldn't find any JMC api documentation anywhere. Is Sun trying to pull back on JMC and only talk about JavaFX, or what's going on? Are there licensing issues with using JMC like this?

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #20 - Nov 3rd, 2009, 2:19pm
This is a pretty long topic I hope my reply gets noticed.

Hi spiraljetty, thanks for your update! I am looking for a video library that can split a video file into still image frames. I have used virtualdub but I want to integrate this ability into my program. I tried a few processing libraries but they always want me to specify a time instead of the frame number since the first frame. I don't suppose I will work on stream video but instead old-school frame-by-frame avi video. Is there an easy way to get those frames? Thanks again. The goal is to analyze speed of objects being videotaped.
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #21 - Nov 21st, 2009, 12:27pm
Hi, I have been messing around for the last hour to get this to work ... read all the topics concerning tje JMC library but I'm still getting errors while trying to launch examples.

I used the jmc.jar file from javaFX at first but no succes ... got the Unsupported Media error. After that I decided to use the jmc1-0-1.jar from github but after doing that I got a different error:

The type com.sun.media.jmc.event.BufferDownloadListener cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.

I'm totally clueless about what to do now. I was looking forward to trying out this library as it is supposed to be better than the default video library, but I can't really work with it if examples give me errors already.

I hope there's a solution to this!

EDIT: Might be worth mentioning that I'm using Win7 Ultimate x64. I haven't tried on my Macbook yet so that might save some time for me

EDIT2: Just tested it on my Macbook ... works like a charm! It's just too bad that it doesn't do well on Windows ... my desktop is windows and that's the system I work on the most
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #22 - Dec 8th, 2009, 7:37pm

I am quite new to the part where java code is embedded into processing code. I need some help.. I am trying to capture(MPEG4)video from a Axis video webserver that is on a LAN. is this something achievable with this library? is it possible at all in processing?

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #23 - Dec 8th, 2009, 7:46pm

I am quite new to the part where java code is embedded into processing code. I need some help.. I am trying to capture(MPEG4)video from a Axis video webserver that is on a LAN. is this something achievable with this library? is it possible at all in processing?

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #24 - Dec 8th, 2009, 7:47pm

I am quite new to the part where java code is embedded into processing code. I need some help.. I am trying to capture(MPEG4)video from a Axis video webserver that is on a LAN. is this something achievable with this library? is it possible at all in processing?

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #25 - Dec 8th, 2009, 7:56pm

I am quite new to the part where java code is embedded into processing code. I need some help.. I am trying to capture(MPEG4)video from a Axis video webserver that is on a LAN. is this something achievable with this library? is it possible at all in processing?

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #26 - Dec 9th, 2009, 1:33pm
Hi all, sorry about the Windows bug that I haven't had a chance to fix. I just completed my Masters, so I will have time to work on it soon. I read that there are rumors that JMC will be officially included with Java 7 sometime next year, which would make it much easier to develop/troubleshoot. And also JavaFX 1.3 is due to ship sometime soon (a preview was shown at Devoxx apparently) so hopefully that includes some fixes for JMC. In the meantime it is still true that jmcvideo is broken on Windows  Undecided  I'll post here when the issue is resolved. Thanks, Angus

Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #27 - Dec 29th, 2009, 6:24pm

I couldn't find those in the JavaFX 1.2 bundle. But: if you download the NetBeans IDE, install it and right click NetBeans, you can find what you need in there.
Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #28 - Dec 30th, 2009, 11:26am

Is there a way to get the end of one video to trigger the start of another? In the standard video library I'd use movie.time and movie.duration to do this, is there anything equivalent in jmc?


Re: JMCVideo 1.2
Reply #29 - Jan 7th, 2010, 1:33am
In Windows Xp, I've installed Java FX and put the files (jmc.dll and jmc.jar ) inside library folder, but I run the VideoURL Example, and i Found an error in,
"  return new JMCMovie(this, url, RGB);"
I get the following exception:unsupported media
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