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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike
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Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike? (Read 4326 times)
Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Apr 4th, 2009, 1:30pm
Ah, that guiltiest of nerd pleasures: the Roguelike.
For the uninitiated:

This one features retro 3D+2D graphics, animation, and music.  It has officially reached its infancy after two months of work.  Enjoy!

Comments and suggestions can reach me long after this thread fades, at http://benhem.com/guestbook.

Link to the game:


There is a "wiki" page for more information:

Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #1 - Apr 5th, 2009, 1:52am
Wow, I have no time to test it right now, but I like the look of the screenshot! I used to play a bit with the Ascii version of Rogue, it is fun, if you are not too blasé/spoiled by modern 3D FPS games...
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #2 - Apr 6th, 2009, 9:29am
Frickin' awesome.  And that's all I have to say about that.  :)
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #3 - Apr 6th, 2009, 9:30am
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #4 - Apr 6th, 2009, 1:52pm
Ok, almost all.

* map mode tends to show hidden doors that I haven't actually discovered yet.
* I can't figure out how to equip a weapon in my other hand.
* The color-coded health display is nice, but it would also be nice to have some kind of numerical data associated with it (even if only "total hit points") so that I could better judge whether to fight or flee.
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #5 - Apr 6th, 2009, 4:05pm
very nice. Cheesy
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #6 - Apr 7th, 2009, 1:40am
Hey, PhiLho, ps, cloister, Xitherun: thanks!

> map mode tends to show hidden doors that I haven't actually discovered yet.

That bug got fixed after I posted the application.  So the web version should be fine.  I will re-export the application soon...

> I can't figure out how to equip a weapon in my other hand.

I think that should be a skill, like knowing how to peel an orange in one piece.  Not sure if it'll be limited to "off-hand weapons" like daggers, or if I will go the "fantasy = holding two giant axes with blades at both ends" route.

> The color-coded health display is nice, but it would also be nice to have some kind of numerical data associated with it (even if only "total hit points") so that I could better judge whether to fight or flee.

Maybe a "status report" key?  The numbers would appear in the message box.  It is worth mentioning that total hit points don't matter -- you can lose all your limbs and still wriggle around picking things up with your teeth, but if you lose your torso or head, you're finished.  That tidbit will definitely be on the Help screen from now on.

Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #7 - Apr 7th, 2009, 10:05am
Yeah, some kind of status report key would do the job.

Also, it would be especially nice if the map remembered which fountains had been tested as healing fountains and which had been tested as poison.  The map remembers everything else for you, so it seems like an omission for it not to track that, too.  Color the healing fountains green (to match the health display) and the poison ones icky yellow or something.

Yesterday I managed to get a character down to level 3 before dying, and what I found was that the monster density (even on shallower levels) seemed considerably higher when I returned versus when I first descended.  Maybe just my imagination, but man, I'd return to a level and get absolutely innundated with monsters straight away.  Felt like some kind of bug where maybe monsters get double-created or something upon subsequent visits to a level.  Who knows.

Regardless, it's an impressive accomplishment, what you've built.  Very nostalgic.
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #8 - Apr 7th, 2009, 2:26pm
great suggestions, implemented 'em:
* Map shows fountain types
* S gives you a Status report
* Lowered difficulty curve as you descend
* Raised chances of finding powerful out-of-level items
* Number of Npcs remaining saved on level exit
(I think you were just unlucky...or maybe the monsters learned that stairs emit heroes)

Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #9 - Apr 7th, 2009, 4:04pm
Wow, this is some real work. Nice job!
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #10 - Apr 8th, 2009, 9:35am
Wow, BenHam, that was fast!  Do you ever sleep?

I'll play a few more games today and see if the play experience feels better.
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #11 - Apr 8th, 2009, 9:58am
this thread brings back memories when i was suffering heavy nethack addiction to the point of playing it while working on new tracks in jeskola buzz. at the time i had the bright idea of hacking the sourcecode of nethack somehow to send midi values whenever certain events occured and make compositions based on that: playing nethack. where each dungeon level would alter the base sound somewhat and every monster occurance and item pick/use would create the progression. then i ended up realizing i was just doing soundtrack and sfx for the game, not actually composing anything and dropped the idea. but it's still an interesting concept to explore both sonically and visually for dj/vj acts (now made more accessible through your p5 lib) Wink
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #12 - Apr 8th, 2009, 4:21pm
Bug reports:

I'm not sure what the "incredibly deadly slithergadee" bug was, but I still regularly encounter slith's that take 75 or more rounds to kill using a 21-damage longsword.

Leaving and re-entering a level causes that level's teleport traps to change.  I don't know if they all vanish, move, or what, but I was in a room with stairs and 2 teleport traps.  I went down the stairs, immediately back up, and the traps were gone.  Really gone; I stepped on those spots to check, and nothing.
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #13 - Apr 8th, 2009, 4:23pm
P.S.  Sorry-- forgot to mention this in my last post.  Items also vanish when you leave and re-enter a level.  I had one where I was fighting right next to some stairs.  A monster dropped some bitchin' looking armor, but sadly, right under another monster I was also fighting.  I got weakened, so I went up to drink at a fountain I knew was nearby, and when I came back, the armor was gone!

This is also easy to repro on the town level: just go down then back up before picking up all your stuff.
Re: Wayfarer: first Processing roguelike?
Reply #14 - Apr 8th, 2009, 5:00pm
Also:  (can you tell I've been playing too much today, instead of working?)

Scrolls of town portal interact badly with monsters.  I was in a stretch of hallway arranged as follows:

monster, empty space, me, monster.

I was hurting, so I cast town portal (only escape scroll I had).  It put the portal in the empty space, but the left-hand monster immediately stepped onto that spot.  Result: the monster was still there, but invisible, as was the portal.  I could literally see nothing on that hallway square except for blood spatters as I battled the invisible monster and hit it.

Sadly, I died before finding out whether the portal would have still been there after killing the monster on it.

IMHO, if a monster steps on a portal, it ought to get transported away.  Ditto for teleport traps, too, if it makes a difference.
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