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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › No Launcher avaible
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No Launcher avaible (Read 545 times)
No Launcher avaible
Oct 9th, 2008, 9:40pm
hello folks! I'm new on processing by I use other kind of programming languages for music (PureData and Csound).
I'm using processing 0148beta on Linux Ubuntustudio 7.10. I'm using sun-java6 by ubuntu software repositories but I've a problem:
when I need to export an application I obtain this error message:

No Launcher Avaible:
Unspecified platform, no launcher avaible. To enable opening URLs or folders, add a "launcher=/path/to/app" line to preferences.txt.

please help me... Is it a Java Problem??


Fabio [mbutuUbuntu] Buda
Re: No Launcher avaible
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2008, 3:05pm
it's just complaining because it doesn't know how to open a folder on your desktop, see the linux reference:
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