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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › Serialized drupal node objects to processing
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Serialized drupal node objects to processing (Read 424 times)
Serialized drupal node objects to processing
Oct 10th, 2008, 11:37am
While attempting to synchronise my Processing.org sketch data with a views listing on a remote Drupal website, I came across a fantastic bit of Java for converting serialized PHP objects to Java objects, and visa versa. Written by Kris Dover, the functions can convert to and from the following:

* _PHP Type_ <---------> _Java Type_
* array java.util.HashMap
* int java.lang.Integer
* double java.lang.Double
* boolean java.lang.Boolean
* string java.lang.String

As I'm only passing the data one way (PHP -> Java), I've resorted to XML for now as XML is well supported in Processing. It's good to know, however, that when I write my next Drupal/Processing.org mashup, I'll have the tools I need to use serialized data. Thanks Kris (and cheers for emailing the code).

As these forums allow for limited text entry per post, I've published the code in the Drupal forums here: http://drupal.org/node/319482
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