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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › packages and directories (opengl)
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packages and directories (opengl) (Read 430 times)
packages and directories (opengl)
Jun 6th, 2008, 4:01pm

I think my approach has been 'different' with side-effects.

I'm using a custom environment and MacOS.

The processing.core jar files were not accessible when I tried to compile, so I extracted the processing class files to compile them. This worked.

i.e. the sketch is saved to a root directory containing processing/core/*.class


The sketch has the line import processing.core.*;

The trouble is that I now require the opengl renderer and again the jar files aren't working. Maybe I don't know how to use them, or maybe its a classpath issue.

The sketch should include import processing.opengl.*;

However, the class files are not found. Could someone please instruct me in which .jars to extract and where to put them, or simply how to use them as they are?

Thanks very much!!
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