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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › ArrayList + String
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ArrayList + String (Read 1506 times)
ArrayList + String
Jun 2nd, 2008, 5:37pm
Hi, I can't find what is wrong in what I do and I don't know enough java. Here is my problem:

I can't get a String to be equal to a element of a ArrayList.
here is shorten version of my code:

ArrayList[] questions = new ArrayList[1];

void setup(){
//Load my txt file
 String Lines[] = loadStrings("questions.txt");

 //Expand my ArrayList according to the txt file
 questions = (ArrayList[]) expand(questions, (Lines.length/3));

//Store my lines in the arrays of the ArrayList
 for (int i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
   questions[i] = new ArrayList();
   for ( int q=0; q<3; q++){
   questions[i].add (new String(Lines[(i*3)+q]));
/* I first tried questions[i].add (Lines[(i*3)+q]) */

void draw(){
/* I just put where is the problem */
String myQuestion = questions[0].get(1);
text( myQuestion, width/2, height-20);


ArrayList seems really usefull and I hope somone will hep or that I will figure it out by myself.
Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #1 - Jun 2nd, 2008, 8:39pm
You have to cast the content of your ArrayList back to String cause JAVA didnt know the type of the Elements in an ArrayList:


String myQuestion = (String)questions[0].get(1);

Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #2 - Jun 2nd, 2008, 8:59pm
Oh Brilliant!!!
So beautifully simple. I try that at work tomorrow.

I though by looking at the doc on ArrayLists that I could declare the type of ArrayLists at the beginning but I must have miss interpreted it ( collections seems to be something else).

Thanks for this quick and clear answer.
Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #3 - Jun 3rd, 2008, 12:55am
You can specify the type of the objects in an ArrayList... in Java 1.5 only! And Processing doesn't support this syntax yet.
Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #4 - Jun 3rd, 2008, 11:49am
haa, ok. I think processing is moving to 1.5 with version 0138.
Thanks again, it works nicely ( of course ).
Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #5 - Jun 3rd, 2008, 1:54pm
Processing is moving to 1.5, but it still doesn't support the Generics syntax, which would allow you to make specific versions of ArrayLists.
Re: ArrayList + String
Reply #6 - Jun 3rd, 2008, 2:18pm
TM wrote on Jun 3rd, 2008, 11:49am:
haa, ok. I think processing is moving to 1.5 with version 0138.

from revisions.txt:

+ Switching to Java 1.5
 We are moving to Java 1.5 as a minimum requirement for running
 Processing, as well as sketches created with it. This is an
 attempt at self-preservation as we try to limit the number of
 platforms that we support. Note, however that we *still do not*
 support Java 1.5 language extensions (enum, enhanced for loop,
 generics, etc.) More info about that can be found here:

 If you find places in the code or reference that refer to Java
 1.4 support, please let us know via dev.processing.org/bugs.
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