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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › servlet integration
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servlet integration? (Read 627 times)
servlet integration?
Jun 3rd, 2008, 8:43am
Sorry if I'm not picking up on this correctly...

I have an existing servlet web app.  MySQL backend, java for the controller, and a string template library for the view.  The application is a data dashboard, containing various types of data sets.

I'm currently exploring processing as a solution to build a more robust graphing and visualization library to enhance the dashboard.

I'm not clear on the appropriate way to integrate Processing into a server-side application?  Is it purely applet based?  I have no experience in enabling communication between a client-side applet and a dynamic data application which is controlled server-side?  

Am I correct in my understanding, and if so, are there any tutorials or documents which explain this paradigm in further detail?


Re: servlet integration?
Reply #1 - Jun 3rd, 2008, 10:44am
Should I need to do that, I would look in the Libraries page. The Network one, standard, is promising... I haven't tried it yet, but it might allow Ajax-style coding. You can also just use the XML Import library which can get XML data across the Net.
Otherwise, you can look at the rich Data / Protocols section.
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