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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › Super slow on Leopard
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Super slow on Leopard (Read 2711 times)
Super slow on Leopard
Apr 21st, 2008, 6:59pm
I just installed OS Leopard on my MacBook Pro, and now Processing is running very slow and not properly anti-aliasing (I'm getting rough edges even though I'm running smooth() ).  Has anyone else had similar problems?  Anyone know what might be going on?

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #1 - Apr 22nd, 2008, 4:51pm
I've also had rough edges even with smooth().  I think I was using OpenGL as the renderer.  Try changing the renderer in your sketch to something else -- either OpenGL, P3D, or just unspecified.  Then report back.
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #2 - Apr 22nd, 2008, 5:08pm
Thanks for the advice.  OpenGL speeds it up to normal speed.  A friend was helping me look into it and found the following article, which appears to be the source of the problem:


My friends was able to force Processing to use the old Quartz Pipeline via the command line, and then things worked fine (but that's obviously not much of a fix).

Another problem I've discovered is that sounds aren't working properly.  I tested with both Minim and Ess, both have the same issue: sounds play back with a terrible buzzing/flanging noise.  I double checked the .wav sample file, and it's fine played through Quicktime.  Any thoughts on this issue?  Again, everything worked fine until I installed Leopard...

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #3 - Apr 22nd, 2008, 5:31pm
Thanks, Paul.  That's really helpful.

I don't know about the sound issue -- let us know here what you figure out.  I imagine it's related to either the Java update or something else in the OS.  (Maybe you can test your sketch on another machine with the latest Java, but OS 10.4?)
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2008, 3:21pm

i have a similar experience with my new mac running 10.5.2, here is some image to see the differences: the left image is from the new system, the right one from the old system 10.4.11


both run exactly the same code...

any ideas how to fix this inside the code ?

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #5 - May 7th, 2008, 3:46pm
Yes, that's very similar to some of my problems.  the only solution I've found is to run things with the OpenGL renderer, which still doesn't seem to anti-alias quite as well as on Tiger, sadly.  You can also force Applets to run using the quartz render pipeline from the command line, which makes them run like they did on Tiger.
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #6 - May 7th, 2008, 4:02pm

thanks for your answer, however, i tried using the openGL renderer, but it looks even worse... also using the hint() for smoothing 4 times and stuff...

+ i read your post about this command-line:

---> where would you include this in the processing code to make sure that everyone would see the same thing ? (forcing peoples computers who watch an applet online to use this renderer, hm, possible ?¿)

all the best

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #7 - May 7th, 2008, 4:13pm
Sadly, as far as I know, there's no way to force it for your audience.  The flip-side is that most of your viewers online will probably get a better render than you do. Have you tested on any other machines?
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #8 - May 7th, 2008, 5:52pm
i didn't test it on other machines yet... but i assume that intel macs then will just not show things nicely as they were before...

(the windows version looks the same like the intel version, running on windowsXP inside parallels on the same mac - after asking for the platform and correcting some transparencies and lineWeight parameters...)

+ thanks for your answers!

all the best


Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #9 - May 9th, 2008, 12:21am
Thanks for bringing this up.
Today I was just about to finally order Leopard. Now I just can't do it. I will not sacrifice Processing.

Again thanks.

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #10 - May 9th, 2008, 1:27am
Well, It should be noted that it doesn't appear to be a problem for everyone.  I spoke to at least one person who said that things were working fine for them on Leopard.

Also, I realized that I forgot to mention - I figured out the sound problem.  Turned out to be a bit-rate discrepancy between my samples and the rate set in the audio-midi setup, so neither Processing nor Apple were to blame there.
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #11 - May 15th, 2008, 7:30am
I've been running leopard since October and have had no issues with Processing. I desperately need a new graphics card for the mac pro though.

I have :
Macbook Pro C2D 2.33G 3GB x1600 256mb
Mac Pro 8-Core 2.8G 10GB HD2600XT 256mb

Let me rephrase, I have many small issues (little crashes, tabs, etc.) but never a problem with apps running slow. Anytime things are slow or freezing I usually look at my code carefully before blaming the IDE. I'm usually the one to blame Sad.

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #12 - May 15th, 2008, 2:47pm
To fix the graphics problems under Leopard, you need to modify Processing.app/Contents/Info.plist. Look for the section that reads:


and add the lines:


so that it reads:

Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #13 - May 15th, 2008, 2:50pm
It's possible, however that this won't fix for lots of Processing apps (any of those that get their own dock icon when running). If that's the case, 0136 will have more fixes for Apple's thinking different.

I'm not running Leopard for testing/development, but will start doing so soon so that we can straighten this stuff out.
Re: Super slow on Leopard
Reply #14 - May 22nd, 2008, 7:36pm
hi fry,

thanks for the info - however, i added this two lines, but it didn't really change anything on the look of my application on the intel mac...

all the best

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