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autosave (Read 1153 times)
Apr 11th, 2008, 6:39am
Hi Casey, Ben, et al.,

I just wanted to throw my two cents in the bucket and say that an "autosave" would be really nice in Processing.  As a designer learning to code for the first time, I like to experiment, and need to be able to feel that doing so is safe.  Too often I hit play, only to realize that I've done something that my computer just can't handle, leaving Processing frozen, forcing me to force quit the application and losing all my work. This happened particularly often when I was trying to learn recursion (a pursuit I've since put off because I was crashing things too often).  Maybe in conjunction with an autosave, there could be a "your code is syntactically  correct but runs a good chance of slowing everything to a crawl" warning.

Thanks for considering the coding nooBs.
Re: autosave
Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2008, 4:07pm
On windows the processing IDE and the application it launches are separate programs. One named javax.exe I think and the app is called java.exe. If the java.exe crashes then you can kill that process without having to kill the IDE and lose your work.

I don't know the situation on the Mac though. Perhaps someone could confirm.
Re: autosave
Reply #2 - Apr 11th, 2008, 7:08pm
I'm using a mac.  When I hit the run button (and my code is working) a separate application launches, but for some reason the IDE is what freezes, generally before the core applet can launch.  I guess it has something to do with the compiling...?
Re: autosave
Reply #3 - May 15th, 2008, 4:46pm
I am a bit split on this proposal. On one hand, it is nice to be able to write some lines then run them without having to specify a filename. Idem for quick experiments that can break the code.
On the other hand, having the current source saved, perhaps under another name (if editing foo.pde, as foo.pde.$$$ or similar, perhaps) could be nice.
Note that if you change in the preferences.txt the line
to true, you can find the generated source file, which contains your code (perhaps a bit altered).

On the warning: it is hard to predict infinite loops or such. The capability to break a running program, like we can do in Eclipse, could be nice. Not necessarily easy to do...
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