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supercollider library (Read 4779 times)
supercollider library
Nov 2nd, 2007, 6:44pm
hello there,

building on andreas schlegel's excellent oscP5 library, i've created a series of objects to easily interface processing with supercollider. they're directly analogous to those in supercollider's client-side language: Server, Synth, Bus, Buffer, etc. using this interface, it's trivial to create and manipulate complex synthesis graphs.

an early release version of the library can be downloaded (with source) at:

more examples coming soon. it's also currently lacking some functions that are available in sc's own client language, notably asynchronous commands and those which perform an action upon completion (synth.get(), for example).

this is the first library that i've released to the public, so please do let me know if you experience any problems.

i've used this code for several live performances, so much of it should be reasonably stable. below is an applied example of the library; the visuals are generated purely by processing, and the sound by supercollider.

have fun!

Re: supercollider library
Reply #1 - Nov 3rd, 2007, 4:52pm
very cool, thanks for making this available.
Re: supercollider library
Reply #2 - Nov 4th, 2007, 5:16pm
my pleasure - i was quite surprised to find that nobody had already released an sc library, as it's a stunningly effective partnership.

i've now introduced support for asynchronous commands such as Buffer.read, which invoke a callback upon their completion. example code is available in the Buffer documentation:

Re: supercollider library
Reply #3 - Nov 15th, 2007, 9:35pm
Hi Daniel,

This looks very cool. I am just looking at it now, does this effectively mean that you will eventually implement all the supercollider client side stuff so processing becomes a front end to the SC server?

Thanks for sharing this...

Re: supercollider library
Reply #4 - Dec 18th, 2007, 6:12pm

i've mostly focused on implementing the objects relating to the core server commands, to enable processing to interact with the server in as many ways as the native sc client can.

what other elements are you referring to the ones that have struck me as potentially useful and viable are streams/patterns and some of supercollider's scheduling structures. however, both of these are arguably outside the scope of this library.

perhaps more useful and relevant would be the ability to create synthdefs from processing, but this is sadly not really feasible.

did you have specific tasks/components in mind
Re: supercollider library
Reply #5 - Dec 18th, 2007, 10:53pm
hi dan,

thanks for your reply !

I use pbinds, streams and patterns a lot with stored instruments so I do sort of client side granulation and other bits and pieces... I'm just now beginning to use processing but my intention is to combine with SC so I have browsed through your examples and hope to have a closer look in the next few days.

thanks and all the best !
Re: supercollider library
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2007, 12:51pm
my work is mostly based around triggering synth objects from dynamical systems and other events within the processing environment, which i guess is quite a separate paradigm to the linear sequencing of streams and patterns - but both are equally valid and would be useful sets of classes. i'll give some thought to developing some structures along the lines of patterns.

as the p5_sc library using bundle timestamps for accurate event scheduling, it should be possible to do sufficiently fine-grained operations such as the client-side granulation you mention. i'm not sure what the best way would be of handling these tasks alongside processing's native frame timing..

let me know if you run into any issues, as i'd be glad to help.

Re: supercollider library
Reply #7 - Dec 19th, 2007, 1:11pm
Thank you Dan,

I think I will try sending OSC from my patterns in SC, I need to deepen my understanding of how to match it all up with processing !

Re: supercollider library
Reply #8 - Mar 20th, 2008, 12:50pm
Hi Dan,

Thank you very much for making this available. It saves me a lot of time!

I tried the tutorial that reads a sound file, but I couldn't get SuperCollider to play it (http://www.erase.net/projects/p5_sc/examples/buffer_read), while the tutorial "Buffer.fill" worked fine.

I changed the code of the SynthDef so that it would print something when it's called (see below), but it doesn't print anything in the SC console.

I suppose the function create() calls the function SynthDef.new() ? When it's called in Processing, it should play the sound, isn't it? This is where it does not work for me.

I've listen to the port 57110 using dumpOSC and this is what is sent from Processing:

/b_allocRead 0 "/Users/jbt/sounds/mysound.AIF" 0 0 [Unrecognized type tag b]

Would you have any idea, I'd really appreciate your help.



SC code

SynthDef(\playbuf_2, { |bufnum = 0, outbus = 0, amp = 0.5, loop = 0, rate = 1.0|

var data;

data = PlayBuf.ar(2, bufnum, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum) * rate, 0, 0, loop);


Out.ar(outbus, data * amp); postln("toto");

dan wrote on Dec 19th, 2007, 12:51pm:

let me know if you run into any issues, as i'd be glad to help.


Re: supercollider library
Reply #9 - Apr 4th, 2008, 8:06pm
hi there,

apologies, i hadn't checked this forum in a while and wasn't receiving email notifications - now rectified.

it looks like the b_allocRead message is being rejected as badly-formed, though i can see no obvious reason why.
what platform and software versions are you running? i've tested on SC 3.0 and 3.2 on OS X, both of which run this example fine:

[ "/b_allocRead", 0, "/Users/daniel/audio/samples/acoustic/piano-chord.aif", 0, 0, DATA[20] ]
[ "#bundle", -3773756867017950888,
   [ "/s_new", "playbuf_2", 2000, 0, 1 ],
   [ "/n_set", 2000, "bufnum", 0 ]
Re: supercollider library
Reply #10 - Nov 29th, 2008, 8:39pm
I just tried running this example on Processing 1.0, OSX10.5.5

import oscP5.*;

import supercollider.*;

Synth synth;

void setup ()
   size(800, 200);

   // uses default sc server at    
   // does NOT create synth!
   synth = new Synth("sine");
   // set initial arguments
   synth.set("amp", 0.5);
   synth.set("freq", 80);
   // create synth

void draw ()
   line(mouseX, 0, pmouseX, height);

void mouseMoved ()
   synth.set("freq", 40 + (mouseX * 3));

void stop ()

I get the following output:

### [2008/11/29 14:37:50] PROCESS @ OscP5 stopped.
### [2008/11/29 14:37:50] PROCESS @ UdpClient.openSocket udp socket initialized.
### [2008/11/29 14:37:51] PROCESS @ UdpServer.start() new Unicast DatagramSocket created @ port 57150
### [2008/11/29 14:37:51] PROCESS @ UdpServer.run() UdpServer is running @ 57150
### [2008/11/29 14:37:51] INFO @ OscP5 is running. you ( are listening @ port 57150

I have SC 3.2 (Revision 7362) installed and can run basic stuff on that, so I'm thinking the problem isn't with SC itself. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks,
Re: supercollider library
Reply #11 - Nov 30th, 2008, 5:33am
Hello joshua,

What is the problem, you are experiencing? IIRC That output in console is normal.

Re: supercollider library
Reply #12 - Nov 30th, 2008, 7:38pm
Sorry, completely forgot to mention the problem Smiley (too many things going while I was writing the post). There's no sound. From reading the documentation there doesn't seem to be anything else that I need to do to get the synth playing, am I missing something in there?
Re: supercollider library
Reply #13 - Dec 1st, 2008, 12:35am
Well the code only "orders" the server to run the synth called "sine" which should be defined and sent to SuperCollider server beforehand. There may be a "sine" synth defined by default in SC, I don't really know, I tried running "Synth.new("sine", ["freq", 80, "amp", 0.5])" in SC and it loaded up a synth but there was no sound for me either. That synth might be one of my older synths, I don't know.

Anyways, try running this first in sc:

SynthDef("sine", { arg freq, amp; Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, amp)); }).send(s);

This code defines a synth called "sine" with arguments "freq" and "amp", and outputs a sine tone at left speaker output. The sc code should be able to start this, after you run this code.

Hope that helps.
Re: supercollider library
Reply #14 - Dec 1st, 2008, 1:18am
Ok, cool. That works, but I had hoped there would be a way to actually create the synth in the Processing code and not have to write any code on the SC side. Is that not the intended functionality?
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