Hi Dan,
Thank you very much for making this available. It saves me a lot of time!
I tried the tutorial that reads a sound file, but I couldn't get SuperCollider to play it (http://www.erase.net/projects/p5_sc/examples/buffer_read), while the tutorial "Buffer.fill" worked fine.
I changed the code of the SynthDef so that it would print something when it's called (see below), but it doesn't print anything in the SC console.
I suppose the function create() calls the function SynthDef.new() ? When it's called in Processing, it should play the sound, isn't it? This is where it does not work for me.
I've listen to the port 57110 using dumpOSC and this is what is sent from Processing:
/b_allocRead 0 "/Users/jbt/sounds/mysound.AIF" 0 0 [Unrecognized type tag b]
Would you have any idea, I'd really appreciate your help.
SC code
SynthDef(\playbuf_2, { |bufnum = 0, outbus = 0, amp = 0.5, loop = 0, rate = 1.0|
var data;
data = PlayBuf.ar(2, bufnum, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum) * rate, 0, 0, loop);
Out.ar(outbus, data * amp); postln("toto");
dan wrote on Dec 19th, 2007, 12:51pm:...
let me know if you run into any issues, as i'd be glad to help.