Thanks Florian!
Hmm... As said above, I'm with you about using the american spelling. However, I'm really against using any unnecessary prefixes to classes since they distract and don't add anything in terms of semantics & especially not if they're only a workaround for something more fundamental which should be addressed instead. My point was more about the shortcomings of the preprocessor and I've filed a bug to address them properly.
The main cause for such issues (this is not the first time I encounter this) are the wildcard imports automatically added by the preprocessor, which then clutter the class name space for the sketch and can cause naming conflicts. I also guess this could occur increasingly often now that there's a growing number of 3rd party libraries and more people are regularly venturing outside the normal Processing syntax and constructs.
For example, I know that both of these import statements are added automatically:
Code:import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
That means even a simple standard thing like this is ambigous, because there's a List type in the AWT package and another one (the one we really want in 90% of the case) in java.util:
Code:List list=new ArrayList();
In most programming literature it's considered bad practice to import entire packages, but even Sun does so at times. However, apart from convenience there doesn't seem to be any plausible reason Processing has to do it this way. IMHO it's just one of those legacy things in the app code which haven't been touched in years, but are actually quite simple to resolve (without sacrificing convenience for the vast majority of users).
As mentioned, I've filed a bug & possible solution for this over here:
Would be great to hear others' thoughts on this...