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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › proMIDI crash "Exception in thread-6"
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proMIDI crash "Exception in thread-6" (Read 503 times)
proMIDI crash "Exception in thread-6"
Sep 15th, 2007, 4:49am
Hi, I'm working on a project interpreting a live camera feed, with each image rendered off of the camera (30fps) I am sending 4 midi notes.

Sometimes it can run for 10 minutes or so, but eventually it will generate the following error:

Exception in thread "Thread-6" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 40
at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(AbstractCollection.java:126)
at promidi.MidiOut$NoteBuffer.run(MidiOut.java:293)

I used to get a similar error but instead of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, it used to be a NullPointerException. In both scenarios it was Exception in thread "Thread-6" and at promidi.MidiOut$NoteBuffer.run(MidiOut.java:293)

Here is the code for the sound executed each draw():

void generateSound() {

int[] brightnessAverages = getAverageBrightnessOfQuads();

int[] MIDIAverages = new int[4];
for(int i=0;i<brightnessAverages.length;i++)
MIDIAverages[i] = brightnessAverages[i] /2;

activeSum1 /= 19;
activeSum2 /= 19;
activeSum3 /= 19;
activeSum4 /= 19;

if(activeSum1 > 127) activeSum1 = 127;
if(activeSum2 > 127) activeSum2 = 127;
if(activeSum3 > 127) activeSum3 = 127;
if(activeSum4 > 127) activeSum4 = 127;



Here is the code sending the note in my MIDIOut class:

public void playNote(int pitch, int velocity, int order) {
Note note = new Note(pitch, velocity, order);

Some times it causes SimpleSynth to hang on a note and then it needs to re-started... Im not sure if that is a cause or effect.

Any ideas whats causing the crash?

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