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MaxLink crashes MAX (Read 702 times)
MaxLink crashes MAX
Sep 13th, 2007, 4:19pm
I have been trying to get max and processing to talk via maxlink as this seems much more straight forward than using the oscp5 library if both will be running on a single machine.

However MAX crashes when i run a MAXLINK example patch.  Just straight out.  

I am just learning MAX now and am pretty weak on it.  Has anyone encountered this?  I have reinstalled everything several times over and MAX crashes only when i run a MAX LINK .pat file
Re: MaxLink crashes MAX
Reply #1 - Sep 13th, 2007, 6:03pm

Actually I found that using OSC is quite straightforward and perhaps a little more flexible than maxlink. On the max side, you only need "udpsend" and "udpreceive" (don't forget the CNMAT addition) and the OSC-route and OpenSoundControl objects from CNMAT:


While your at it, you may want to check all CNMAT objects and tutorials, amongst the best ones for MaxMSP.

On the Processing side things can get a bit less easy, but the oscP5 examples are really easy to follow and implement.

If you are on osX, it's really easy to make a standalone application, with P5 launching a hidden Max/MSP engine, thus making an embedded single app for both, with P5 serving as an UI for Max.

You may want to check the Max forum about this:



Good luck!

Best regards,

Re: MaxLink crashes MAX
Reply #2 - Sep 14th, 2007, 3:01am
thanks for this, i will check this out.
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