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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › abstract music sequencer...
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abstract music sequencer... (Read 1077 times)
abstract music sequencer...
Mar 2nd, 2007, 4:40pm
I would like to develop a music sequencer that allows
you to create abstract represntations of music. This would
consist of a GUI that lets me place objects on a timeline
and display relationships between them. These objects
could be notes, spectral changes, composite tambers, etc.
The GUI would be done with Processing and would use OSC
to convey information to Max/MSP. I was wondering if anyone
out there has worked on a similar project or knows of an
existing product. Any advice would be helpful as well.


Re: abstract music sequencer...
Reply #1 - Sep 9th, 2007, 3:09pm
have a look at reactable
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