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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Slight delay in changing pitch in Minim
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Slight delay in changing pitch in Minim (Read 1238 times)
Slight delay in changing pitch in Minim
Jul 10th, 2007, 5:30pm
I was making a musical toy using ddf's Minim library, that basically generated a tone based on mouse position, etc.

I've noticed that with the portamento on any value greater than ~40 there is a noticeable delay whilst changing pitch (and gain), and anything under than (or with no portamento on) the sound seems jerky.

Is there any way to get around this? Do other audio libraries have this program? Am I just being plain stupid?

Thanks in advance.
Re: Slight delay in changing pitch in Minim
Reply #1 - Jul 29th, 2007, 3:39am
Dunno, even with a portamento value of 200 the pitch change seems pretty short to me. I mean, the whole point of portamento is to smoothly change from one pitch to the next, so of course if you use large numbers it is not going to get there right away.

Can you post a link to an online version of your sketch?
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