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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › how to map sound samples to screen grid
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how to map sound samples to screen grid? (Read 884 times)
how to map sound samples to screen grid?
Jul 26th, 2007, 11:39am
hello, everyone. Did anyone know how to map a list of sound
samples to a screen grid, so that i drag my mouse in different
screen position to play different sound sample?
I am having trouble to do this. Can help me out with this?
plz help.......
Re: how to map sound samples to screen grid?
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2007, 1:29pm
oh your grid declaration, you can add a sample id.
then by checking if your mouse position intersects a certain cell of the grid, it will play that sample associated to it..
should be too hard
Re: how to map sound samples to screen grid?
Reply #2 - Jul 26th, 2007, 2:00pm
Cheesy,thanks for the reply, that's what i mean.My english is not too bad...

Ok, i have some question on this. I use array to store the grid top left corner position, then i am trying to detect if the mouse has enter the grid. Am i going to use some loop functions( such as for...)? Would that be slow? Or if there are some other types of method or algorithm that i can use?

I am new  to programming, so...Can someone give me some code sample on this? if there are any..


Re: how to map sound samples to screen grid?
Reply #3 - Jul 26th, 2007, 2:52pm
If your grid is regular (i.e. every cell is the same size, and there's no gaps between cells) then you can very easily get the cell number with the following code (I think):


int cx=mouseX/cellWidth;
int cy=mouseY/cellHeight;

//the mouse in in the cell 'cx' across, and 'cy' down.

Re: how to map sound samples to screen grid?
Reply #4 - Jul 27th, 2007, 2:57am
Thanks John, I think it would work. Let me test it . Smiley
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