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ProMidi and ticks() (Read 994 times)
ProMidi and ticks()
Nov 2nd, 2006, 9:16am
From  http://texone.org/promidi/sequencer_class_sequencer.htm :
"The proMIDI sequencer has a rate of 512 ticks per bar."

Can we change this ticks setting e.g. to 360 ticks per bar?
(That would allow us to get the position of the note within the bar as an angle/theta position, when used later as modulo 360 *without any extra calculation* directly from it's tick value.)

Also how can we get the TickPosition, (getTickPosition ( ) ) of external feeded midi data? I would suggest to define the start time of the first event or alternatively of the first note as tickPosition = 0 and then later a ms to ticks conversion. I'm asking this question as I would want to use the timing/starting time of each incoming external note and don't know how to get it without using the internal sequencer of ProMidi.
Re: ProMidi and ticks()
Reply #1 - Nov 11th, 2006, 3:24am
The problem with 360 ticks per bar would be that 1/16th notes can't be represented exactly (360/16=22.5). But I think 512 is quite problematic too as it's not divisible by 3 and thus doesn't allow exact representation of any triplet notes. For this the number 480 would be much better, or in the context of Processing maybe 720 (=360*2).
Re: ProMidi and ticks()
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2007, 4:58am
Excuse me for reviving a old thread, but I also need info on using proMIDI to receive clock from another application.

I would like to respond to midi messages for notes and cc's, but also to know what is the current position of the song/pattern. Does anyone have a simple example of this?
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