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Controlling Gain (Read 912 times)
Controlling Gain
Jun 26th, 2007, 10:12pm
Hi there everyone.

I have a problem with gain control with the Minim library.

The situation is the follow:
I have an array of AudioPlayer, that is the sound effects that i will use for my application. Those sounds play when the order is given
My problem is that i have no kind of general control over the sound volume (gain). I tryed to use the Minim.getLineOut(); and use the controller functions, but it always turns without controls.

Something is tricky on this. Even with the problem that the library LineOut has with samples, i would at least be able to have the controls over it.

So what i am asking is, if anyone knows how to properly implement a Controller with Minim, so i can control the gain over the sound i hear. Or some other kind of option would be cool aswell.

Thanks everyone.
Re: Controlling Gain
Reply #1 - Jun 27th, 2007, 12:09am
So it sounds like what you are looking for is a sort of master gain that will affect the volume of all the AudioPlayers you have? That control doesn't exist.

Each player that you load uses its own output line and each of those has its own gain. If you want to change the gain of all the lines, you will need to set the gain on all of them individually. Another thing you could do is make your own master control that you give all of the gain controls for the players to. Then you'd tell that master control to change the gain and it would iterate through all the gain controls it has and change them accordingly.
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