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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › no line in input in new MacBook Pro
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no line in input in new MacBook Pro? (Read 1262 times)
no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Jun 17th, 2007, 11:51pm
Hi all,
I just got a new MBP and even though is much quicker than before, I found an annoying problem: even when the audio input is switched to the "line in" in the preference panel, the audio I get using ESS's audioInput() is coming from the microphone... Any help would be really appreciated, as I have to use the computer for a performance soon! Thanks,.
Re: no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Reply #1 - Jun 18th, 2007, 12:25am
Sadly, Apple's version of JavaSound ignores control panel settings for the preferred audio device. There's no real way of solving the problem at present unfortunately.
Re: no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2007, 2:12am
and there is no way around? like forcing ESS to get the sound from the line in, for example? you say that javasound does not update automatically the preferences, that's a problem, but as long as i can go to the line in i would be alright. can anybody help with this? i need to get some solution, processing will not be of much use for me if i can't get sound in...
Re: no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Reply #3 - Jul 3rd, 2007, 2:54am
coworker pointed this out to me:


"Install it, choose soundflower 2ch as the out, soundflower 2ch as the in under system prefs/sounds. and the visuals perfectly sync. But no sound! never fear, download LineIn from http://rogueamoeba.com/freebies/ and choose "Default System In" and the output device of your choice (headphones for instance). And you get the sounds."

Its a bit of a nuisance, but it works.  
Re: no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Reply #4 - Jul 3rd, 2007, 3:25am
Thanks a lot for the help, but that still does not trick processing in choose that line (the one created by soundflower) as the input, so i am still getting the audio from the microphone even after doing all that. Really annoying! Any other idea about how can you modify (even a little) the libraries that use javasound to force them to get the line in? I think that the best would be to have a slight modificatino of LiveInput or similar that only gets the line in from JavaSound...
Re: no line in input in new MacBook Pro?
Reply #5 - Jul 3rd, 2007, 2:07pm
actually, sunflower might help because the mixer it creates is 32-bit as opposed to anything else in my system. so if i could select the 32-bit input, i should be ready to rock.. but i don't know if i can ask for 32-bit input when constructing the AudioInput object. any idea? thanks
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