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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › loading audio files using Sonia
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loading audio files using Sonia (Read 518 times)
loading audio files using Sonia
Jun 24th, 2007, 11:56pm


I'm getting this error:

 com.softsynth.jsyn.SynthException: JSyn error: Parameter out of range. - ,0x0=0, 0x0=0

while trying to load a .wav file for fft analysis. First I thought that this might be because of the bitdepth and/or samplerate of the audio file, so I reduced these to regular 16/44.1 but I still can't open any .wav file. I also thought that these .wav files I'm trying to open may be too long (or too big) but I can't even open a simple hit sound.

What may be the cause for this error? Is there a limitation for the audio files to be opened?

any help would be great.



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